
Chapter 4 The Battle at the Master Level

The rotten heart.

It was an organ that could only be obtained by a few zombies.

If the zombie ate a lot of flesh and blood and got a certain amount of energy, it would produce a kind of meat behind its head.

Like the second heart, the contaminated fluorescent substance would gather together and then continuously accumulate energy, waiting for the next stage of mutation.

Photosynthesis and eating flesh and blood.

There were some more special ways to accelerate the mutation.

When they accumulated enough energy, they would be able to transform into more powerful, dangerous and destructive zombies.

In the future, people would call him the Mutant!

Of course.

The rotten heart was also useful to Jeno.

In Jeno's memory, there was a detailed description and use of the rotten heart.

The rotten heart could not only make zombies mutate, but also allow humans to evolve.


Humans could mutate like zombies if they used the rotten hearts properly. Besides, they could also maintain their original consciousness.

After the evolution, human beings could be immune to toxins, and they could also acquire all kinds of abilities to become the main force to resist the zombie attack later.

They were called the new humans.

What Jeno needed to do was very simple.

He wanted to be the first group of new humans, and also the most powerful one.

Therefore, he needed to hunt and kill the zombies.

Jeno collected the rotten heart and walked to the scrapped car on the roadside.

A female zombie, tied to the seat belt, roared in a scrapped car.

Her internal organs were hollowed out, and her intestines fell out from the blood hole on her belly. It seemed that she had been infected by her husband and become a zombie.

Jeno's dagger flashed coldly.

The zombie's temples were pierced through, and the white brains mixed with blood flowed out. It was a fatal blow.

He cut open the part of her neck that connected to the back of her head with thick blood flowing out, but he did not find the rotten heart.

What a pity.

Jeno knew that one couldn't be too greedy.

The chances of a rotten heart appearing were very small. Usually, one would need to kill more than 10 zombies to obtain a rotten heart.

He was lucky to get one just now.


After putting away his equipment, he was ready to move on.

There were very few people living in the suburb of the town, so there wouldn't be a large number of zombies. Therefore it would be easier to hunt.

Not long after, a small villa appeared in front of him. It was a three-story building with a beautiful yard, and the carefully trimmed lawn was covered with blood.

Three male zombies wandered, and one of them was holding a shovel in his hand. The nearby barbecue stove was overturned, and the charcoal fire was still faintly smoked.


They were holding a barbecue party, but was interrupted by an unexpected disaster.

There were 3 men.

In this kind of family gathering, there should be their wives in the room. They must be killed silently and carefully.



He adjusted his breath, relaxed his body and burst out his strength at any time.

He got close to the wall and pulled out an arrow. Then he aimed at the head of the zombie, and loosened the bowstring with his fingers.


A faint sound of air breaking was heard. The penetrating steel arrow directly pierced through the head of the zombie, and blood exploded from the other end of the arrow along with the brains.

Jeno didn't choose to shoot again, because it would be slower.

The moment he loosened the bowstring, he took out a sharp dagger and threw it out, spinning and stabbing the forehead of another zombie.

The two zombies were almost killed at the same time and fell down on the ground.

The last zombie finally sensed it. It turned around and faced Jeno, with its mouth wide open, wanting to roar angrily.

Jeno sped up!!

While throwing the dagger, he rushed forward like an athlete.

Before the two zombies fell to the ground, he held the dagger that pierced through the middle of a zombie's forehead and slashed horizontally at top speed, cutting the throat of the third zombie.

The dirty blood sprayed crazily.

The zombie's throat was cut off, and its roar was stopped.

The deadly dagger cut through the throat and turned an angle. It poked from the bottom to the chin and head, killing the third zombie.

All killed!

The three zombies were killed one by one. The interval was less than one second. They almost fell to the ground at the same time.

He did this smoothly, like an assassination master.

Jeno was excited.

Every cell was trembling, and the blood all over his body became hot and boiling.

Jeno was very rational.

Although his body was in a state of restlessness, his mental state was still stable.

What had just happened looked very simple, but in fact, there could not be any mistake. No matter which part was not done well, it could lead to fatal consequences.

Especially the last zombie. Its roar would attract other zombies. It would be troublesome to attack at the same time.

In the end, Jeno finished all of this. His body was completely activated. At the same time, he maintained absolute sanity, as if he was a combination of contradictions.

"It's time to deal with the zombies in the room."

Jeno wiped the dagger and looked into the room through the window.

Blood could be seen everywhere. Dishes and vases were scattered on the ground. Several women were eating on the ground. Their sharp teeth tore half of a person's face, and their claws held a heart and swallowed it.

He observed the surroundings carefully.

The number of zombies on the street of the community was not large. Besides, they were far from the house. Even if there was some noise, it would not be a problem.

He turned the doorknob.

Jeno moved slowly, gently and steadily.

He walked quietly into the living room like a cat and hid behind the sofa.

Those zombies didn't notice that a human had sneaked into the house.

Jeno took out some nails from his backpack.

They were some willow nails with a length of 10 centimeters. There was a simple support at the bottom that could stand on the floor.

Create a trap!

This was a simple trap.

Ordinary people would never step on the ground when they saw such a long willow standing on the ground. Nevertheless, the zombieswere different.

More than twenty willow nails covered the ground behind the sofa.

Jeno took a few steps back and pulled out the arrow from the bow bag on his shoulder.



It pierced through a zombie head.

Its head was pierced. Then its body fell heavily, immediately disturbing the zombies around.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The zombie roared angrily.

The rotten and twisted zombies waved their sharp claws and ran towards Jeno, trying to tear the person in front of them into pieces.


Half squatting, Jeno pulled out another arrow and pulled up the bowstring as fast as he could.


The second zombie fell to the ground. However, the other zombies also crossed the sofa and were about to rush to Jeno.

The willow nails worked.

The sound of sharp objects piercing into flesh and blood could be heard continuously.

The more than 10 centimeter long willow nails pierced through the soles of their feet, immediately causing the running zombies to lose their center of gravity and fall to the ground.

Jeno stepped on the neck of a zombie with his foot. With a fierce force, he broke the neck. At the same time, the remaining willow nails stabbed into the zombie's head.

Another zombie pounced on him from the ground and wanted to bite his thigh.

Jeno's reaction was faster. He slammed his knee against its chin, making its mouth full of blood close.

He held the raised head with both hands and twisted it hard. The sound of bones breaking rang out and the zombie's life ended.

I was too bold.

It was too risky.

Especially the last round of close combat, which was completely regardless of the consequences, made him shocked.

He shook the blood on his hand.

Jeno went upstairs and opened every room carefully.

In the last room, the doorknob was stained with blood. There should be an infected person inside.

He took out the dagger and gently pushed the door open.

All of a sudden, a black shadow flashed and the stick shaped object smashed hard at his head.

Jeno was highly concentrated. In a flash, he rolled over and dodged the blow. At the same time, his hand slashed at the attacker's neck.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

With a shrill scream, a wisp of golden hair slowly fell down along the blade.

Jeno's dagger stopped in the air and clung to her fair and slender neck which just like a swan.

It was not a zombie, but a person.

A girl.