
Chapter 3 The First Prey

In the suburb of the town.

A private car was running unsteadily.

The windshield was full of cracks, and most of the side windows were broken.

The young couple fled the town. Their former cozy home had become a purgatory.

The man was injured. A large piece of flesh was bitten off his arm, revealing pink muscles and part of his bones.

The saliva of the zombie was highly toxic. The fluorescent material spread on the wound and quickly melted into the blood vessels. The whole arm was infected and spread to the chest.

"Honey, your arm..." the wife who was driving turned to look at her injured husband with tears on her face, full of worry and pity.

"My consciousness is getting more and more blurred."

"I'm infected. Leave me alone."

The man knew that he could not hold on for long and was likely to become another monster.

His tone became weaker and weaker. Soon his eyes were covered with a layer of blood red and everything around him turned scarlet.

He was tormented by physical pain and mental hunger. He scratched his body and felt itchy all over. At the same time, the fragrance of his wife beside him became more and more tempting.


"I won't leave you alone."

"I will take you to the best hospital. Trust me, they can cure you."

There was a sobbing tone in his wife's voice. However, those comforting words could not make her husband's condition better.

When she turned to look at her husband again, something terrible happened.

There was no love in the man's eyes, only as crazy as a beast losing its mind.

He opened his mouth, which was covered with yellow brown mucus. The corner of his mouth tore all the way to the root of his ear. Two rows of sharp teeth like sharp knives flashed with cold light, fiercely trying to rush to his former sweetheart.

"No... No..."


A tragedy happened in the car. The man tore her body, bit off her throat and organs, and swallowed with a large piece of blurred flesh and blood.


A loud sound was heard.

The car hit the railing around the road, and the head of the car instantly flat.

The man who had turned into a zombie smashed the windshield and fell to the ground.

It struggled to get up, growling in a low voice. Half of its wrist was broken, and only part of its muscles and skin were barely connected.


A faint sound came through the air.

The man's knee joints were pierced by an arrow. Then he lost his balance. Half of his body fell to the ground. He roared angrily.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!!

It looked at the other side.

It was a young man who looked only eighteen or nine years old.

He was wearing a mask and holding a compound hunting bow in his hand. It was obvious that he had shot the arrow just now.


This young man was Jeno, who had disappeared for 3 days.

He had been busy in the past 3 days. In order to fight against the apocalypse, he had made a lot of preparations in advance, including buying equipment and building a safe house.

"You are the first monster to be killed."

Jeno murmured to himself. The man who had become a zombie would be his first hunting target.


Jeno's hand holding the hunting bow was trembling slightly.

"My body is afraid."



Although Jeno already had a steel like consciousness and exquisite killing skills, his body was still instinctively scared.

The two were natural enemies.

It was as if an antelope seen a hungry wolf.

It was as if a rabbit seen an eagle.

It was as if a fox had seen a hunter.

That kind of natural enemy relationship made every human tremble at the cell level.

"I was fear."

"Every cell in my body is trembling. The blood all over my body is boiling."

Jeno took off his mask and breathed in the fresh air. The depressing feeling was breathless.

It was so exciting.

Fear made his body extremely excited.

Every cell is urging you to run away as soon as possible. Fear and pressure make your heart beat faster and faster.


"I feels good."

He bet that the thrill of life and death would be more violent than hitting a few pills.

He smiled.

The corners of Jeno's mouth kept rising. His expression looked even a little ferocious, as if he was also a monster.

He put down the arrow in his hand.

Distance would give people a sense of security.

Humans used bows and arrows to shoot zombies to avoid close combat, which could ease the fear in their hearts.

However, Jeno gave up this kind of safety. He took out a sharp and long dagger and charged straight at the zombie.

This guy was really crazy.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The zombie roared. Although one of its legs was shot through, it still maintained the speed of charge.

Holding the dagger in his hand, Jeno also came to the side of the zombie. At a close distance, he could clearly see the rotten thick sores on the monster's face and the veins protruding from his veins with an extremely disgusting stench.

The sound of flesh and blood tearing could be heard.

Jeno's dagger instantly cut off the fingers of the zombie, making it lose its sharp claws.

The dagger moved quickly and smoothly. After cutting off the finger, it cut the flesh and blood along the inertia, and cut the muscles and tendons under the arm and armpit.

The arm of the zombie could no longer be raised.

It was so fast.

He did it in less than half a second.

It can be said to be very accurate.

The sharp dagger in Jeno's hand was like a scalpel, accurately finding all the weaknesses of the zombie.

One arm of the zombie couldn't be lifted, and the other hand was broken because of the car accident and couldn't be used. It almost lost its fighting capacity.

However... He had no arms but still with sharp teeth.

The zombie was not afraid of pain. It crazily attacked with its huge mouth full of sharp teeth. Its upper jaw and lower jaw constantly collided with each other, making strange sounds.

The pace under Jeno's feet was like a butterfly.

With a slight shake of his body, the zombie was dodged and fell to the ground due to its unsteady center of gravity.

Just as the zombie was about to turn over, the soles of Jeno' feet stepped heavily, followed by a crisp sound of broken bones.

The foot stepped on the monster's neck and broke it.

He won.

The first zombie was hunted successfully.

The boiling blood of Jeno gradually cooled down. What he did just now was a little risky, but he enjoyed it very much.

Yes, it was enjoyment!!

The killing experience and dark memory had already awakened him.

Jeno had realized that if he wanted to survive in the crazy end world, he had to become crazier.

And it's very interesting, isn't it??

Life was so boring.

It was a long process from birth to death.

You learned to walk, run and step into the campus.

Go to school, then go home after school.

Boring schools, boring classmates and boring teachers surrounded you.

The dream lover who he did not dare to approach, often ended up marrying the rich guy who bullied you.

People were like flies, chasing after those dazzling people. Every ordinary person like Jeno was just a foil.

After graduation, there won't be any big change, but enter into a new environment.

Go to work, and go home after work.

Boring company, boring colleagues and boring boss surrounded you.

You still have to get married, have children, and deal with countless trivial things. Money will never be enough for you.

Repeated and repeated.

Is that really what you want??

It's boring, isn't it??

Jeno took a deep breath.

Wandering on the edge of life and death and walking on the wire rope approaching death were the real feelings of life.

A moment later.

Jeno squatted down and took out the dagger. He poked the back of the zombie's head and dug out a small piece of meat.

"I'm so lucky."

Looking at the car smoking in the distance, Jeno guessed that the man who had become a zombie must have eaten a lot of human flesh and blood.

After the zombie absorbed enough energy. It was certain that it would produce such a small piece of meat.

The small piece of meat was about the size of a fingernail, with a little temperature, and even could beat like a heart.

Jeno called them the rotten heart.