
Zodiac: A Generation of Heroes

The Greek gods set a ritual in place where 12 individuals are selected to become servants and rid the world from dark forces. They are called zodiacs which have been serving for generations; as loners and protectors. When Leonidas, a young orphan is chosen what starts off as an amazing opportunity turns into a life filled with uncertainty and mystery. When Leonidas discovers his master, it leads to pain, sorrow, and revenge. Leonidas embarks on a journey to learn about zodiac history his goal learn to maximize his power and reconstruct a corrupted tradition that was created by the Olympian king.

Regginite · sci-fi
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21 Chs

I Feel Therefore I Am

A young woman is heading to the hospital as she's going through contractions. Fearful that she might not make it she stops by the beach to give birth. 

(Woman goes into labor)

Woman: OH DEAR GOD!!!

Woman: I pray to the gods that this can go as quickly and painless as possible

(Woman breathes heavily)

Woman: SOMEBODY!!! ANYBODY!!! HELP!!!!!!!

The moon goddess, Selene was riding her chariot through the night as she heard a woman crying out. Selene went to investigate and she saw the woman, crying out to the heavens going into labor. 

Selene: Don't worry child, I am here with you

Woman: Who are you?

Selene: I am the moon goddess, Selene. From woman to woman, I can feel your pain and I will stand beside you. What is your name?

Woman: My name is Fiona

Selene: You have a beautiful name. Do you have a name for the baby?

Fiona: Honestly no

Selene and Fiona talked through the night. Fiona's contractions became a lot more bearable while chatting with the moon goddess. Suddenly she entered the final stage and the baby was approaching.

Selene: Oh my goodness, its a boy!!!!

Selene: He's adorable

Fiona: Really? I'm so happy

(Fiona's heart stops pumping)

Selene: Fiona what's wrong?

Selene: Fiona? Fiona?

Fiona: Moon goddess... Take care of him for me...

Fiona passes leaving her child in the hands of Selene. Selene decides to name the child Julian; the name of an honorable man. From that day forward, Selene became Julian's mother. Julian grows up with the moon goddess knowing the truth about his real mother. Children at school bully Julian for being motherless while he visits his mothers grave every day.

Julian: One day I'll get to meet you, mom

Bully: Your mom is long gone Julian, why don't save your self the time and just go ahead and join her

(Julian starts crying)

Julian: I bet you'd like that wouldn't you Peter

Peter: At least we wouldn't have to see your tear-jerker face anymore

Julian: Leave me alone okay

Peter: You're not worth the energy

Peter and the rest of his entourage leave. Selene joins Julian to aid him.

Selene: Are you ok Julian?

Julian: Unhand me, I'm fine

Selene: You seem upset

Julian: I'm not

Selen: Did those boys bother you again?

Julian: And this matters to you why? (Catching an attitude)

Selene: Because I'm your moth...

Julian: STEP-MOTHER!!! My real mother is dead

Selene: Julian that was incredibly mean

Julian: Your not my real mother, a matter of fact you couldn't even save her when she was on her death bed


The sun had finished setting and the moon began to rise. It was a crescent moon, which made Julian feel at ease. 

Julian: I'm getting hungry, I'm heading back to the hut

Selene: Very well then

The moon was Julian's sign of relief, gazing at it provided tranquility. Every night Julian would look up at the moon in hopes things will make sense for him, Selene would join him at times and hope her teachings would stick with him. The next day Julian woke up early to visit his mothers grave before going to school, where he saw the hecklers standing by his mothers grave.

Heckler 1: Hurry up Peter before someone sees us

Peter: Just one last thing

(Peter spits on Fiona's grave)

Julian: What are you guys doing?

Hecklers 1 & 2: It's Julian!!!

Peter: Oh, how nice of you to join us. And now you'll get to see first hand what we left here for your mother

(Julian grows angry)

Julian: Get away from her

(The hecklers grab Julian and hold him down to the floor)

Julian: Get off of me!!!!

Peter: I think I'm forgetting something... I know

(Peter urinates on Fiona's grave, everyone is stunned)

Heckler 1: Hey Peter, that's not cool man

Heckler 2: You could go to hell for that

Peter: Oh whatever, besides what's gonna happen? (Peter chuckles)

(Julian's surrounding begin to grow silent to the point he can hear his own heartbeat)

Julian: I feel, therefore I am

Peter: Huh?

Julian unleashes a barrage of hits at Peter that connects and leave him unconscious. The hecklers look at Julian and see hands turning into claws drenched in blood.

Julian: You guys defiled my mothers grave, now you pay

Julian grabs both hecklers by their necks choking them out. Heckler 1 grabs a nearby branch and tries to stab Julian in order to escape but the branch shatters on impact.

Selene: Julian STOP!!!!

Selene: I know you're upset but you have to listen to me. Killing them will make you criminal it's not what I want for you. It's not what your mother would want for you

Julian ends his assault and frees the hecklers. The hecklers run away and Julian becomes ashamed of himself.

(Julian cries)

Julian: I'm sorry... So sorry!!!

Selene: I know you are (Selene hugs him)

It's nighttime and Julian stares at the moon thinking of the events that occurred. 

Julian: Where did that come from? Have I always had this anger hidden within me? No... I wasn't just angry... It was adrenaline... A surge of energy that was... exhilarating

Selene: So? How do you feel?

Julian: Well I feel calm, therefore my heart is at a standstill

Selene: I wouldn't dwell on it, we all do crazy things when we're pushed to our limits

Julian: But Selene, at that moment when they pinned me down, and I watched them defile her grave... I felt a surge of power I never felt before.

Selene: It is because you're a zodiac

Julain: WHAT!!! You mean I've been chosen as one of the twelve legendary heroes?

Selene: That's right, You were born on the fourth week of June

Julian: So that means...

Selene: You're the sign of the crab; Cancer. The sign of emotion and intuition

Julian: Wow!! That's amazing

Selene: And though it is a great honor to be chosen I cannot allow it

Julian: Huh?

Selene: Julian, you are my responsibility and I cannot let you become a zodiac; there are many trials that no ordinary person can fathom

Julian: I can't believe it

Selene: I know it's a lot to take in

Julian: I mean that I can't believe that you're hindering my growth

Selene: Julian, I am only protecting you

Julian: Are you protecting me or empowering yourself? I mean you are the moon goddess and from it looks like I gain power from the moon. Are you doing this cuz you don't want me to steal your power?

Selene: Julian you take back those words

Julian: No, you have no power over me

Selene: How dare you talk to your mother that way?



Selene: Well if that's what you think, then my job as a mother has been served

Julian: Than I'm leaving

Julian packs his things ready to leave the clutches of his stepmother. Without saying goodbye Julian heads toward the city to visit the church for more info on zodiacs. Selene says nothing but grows heartbroken, a faint voice echoes.

Fiona: You let him go?

Selene: What could I do? What could I say? He was going to leave anyway

Fiona: You are his only guide in this world. Do not let him walk mindlessly

Selene: If that is what you wish Fiona

Selene than contacts the hunting goddess Artemis to aid her in finding Julian. Artemis agrees to locate him and to bring him back home.