
Zenith Online: Rebirth of the Strongest Player

Death is sometimes not the end, and the zenith is empty. Legends rise and fall. Myths are born. Faced with death after a dismal fall from grace where glory, renown, and prominence were once found, Kieran's second chance is fueled by vengeance. It burns like a ruinous flame and drives Kieran's quest for power within and without. Though not an ingrate, he remains curious about why he returned to the past instead of dying. He has nothing but questions, but his death puts the beginning of his story into perspective, showing him that Zenith Online... is the beginning of the end — the end of the current Age. The zenith is empty and calls for someone to claim its throne, but to answer that call means to bear the consequences. Everything — especially choice — has a cost. Challenges lay in wait. The road to supremacy is wound in suffering, and to know the truth is to know madness. And so, the Maddened awakens...

ApexPen · Spiele
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633 Chs

Bottomless Stairway


"Bottomless Stairway?" Bastion muttered in apparent confusion. He looked around at the others while tilting his head. "What type of staircase is named this way if it only leads to a floor below?"

"A bottomless one," Nemean interjected with a smug smile.

Bastion growled at the comment and narrowed his eyes with an intent to pounce on Nemean. However, Kieran snapped his fingers to gain the attention of everyone in the party.

"This is a Secret Dungeon, meaning something makes it different from normal dungeons. You all need to remain vigilant and recognize any unusual changes that may escape the attention of other party members. If I somehow overlook something, bring it to my attention immediately," Kieran said with a stern expression.