
B7's trials

Zack concentrated on his opponent as he managed to barely suppress Sephiroth.

"Let's do this!" Zack yelled out as he charged in.

"Hmph!" the lieutenant merely smirked at him while charging as well.

*Swoooosh* *Bam!*

They clash at the center while all around them are like a war.

Greenish-blue Grimms at one side while the other White Fang members desperately are trying to overcome them. Eventually, they all slowly lost hope as they all noticed that whenever they managed to damage one, it instantly reforms soon after, and worst of all that weird looking Ursa alpha-size Grimm, they can't stop it no matter what they do, all of their weapons that managed to hit it was just shrugged off and didn't do anything, it didn't even slow it down as it charged through.

Fortunately for them, the Grimms were instructed to take them alive, or else, a lot of them wouldn't still be breathing. They all know at this point it was just a matter of time before they all should just retreat but they didn't want to disobey their lieutenant as well.

At the paladin's side.

Only 3 more paladins are still standing, one more paladin was taken out earlier as they were all currently working together in raining missiles and rounds on Fang but the sad part is that it was moving too fast for them to see so they all fired all over the place without a care for their allies.

*Swish* *BAM*

They continued raining shots after shots but the 2 paladins suddenly heard a sound behind them, they both turned around and what they saw was the other paladin stopped while facing them, its arms were missing with its head disfigured.

As it fell down, what they saw was Fang standing behind it with both of the paladin's missing arms within its claws, looking in their direction with a savage grin on its face.


Both of the remaining paladins paled at this site as they suddenly turned and were intending to run away but before they could go beyond 10 meters, they both fell out of balance.

*Thud!* *Thud!*

They looked down and they saw that one of both of their legs was missing.


They suddenly heard a sound right in front of them. They looked and saw Fang standing there with their paladin's two missing feet at its side.

One paladin couldn't take it anymore as it emptied all of its ammunition around it, hoping to hit Fang at least but as soon as he started, both of its arms and artillery at its back were destroyed. The White Fang member couldn't believe this as when he looked in Fang's direction, it wasn't there anymore but right on top of his paladin.

"H-H-HOW COULD THIS ONE GRIMM DO ALL THIS!!?" The guy inside yelled out in frustration.


/I WAS WONDERING WHAT WOULD BREAK FIRST… YOUR SPIRIT…OR YOUR WEAPON/ Fang spoke out while looking down at the shivering guy inside.

Before the guy inside could even say anything, Fang savagely destroyed all of the limbs of his paladin. He tried to come out and surrender but as a result of its beatings, the hatch wouldn't open. He grew pale at this and just prayed he could live after this.

It seems that his wish came through as Fang stopped its attacks then he peeked through one of the openings Fang made that it was now heading to the last paladin as it tried to crawl away.

Fang jumped and stomped one of its arms, then holding out its other arm with its claws as Fang took one massive bite at the arm, ripping it clean off its torso.

Fang then stopped as it looked down at the trembling guy inside the paladin.

/YOUR LUCKY… IF MY LIEGE DESIRED YOUR DEATHS, I WILL HUNT ALL OF DOWN/ Fang spoke out as it dragged the broken paladin towards the other broken paladins.

"Y-your s-still a-a G-grimm! O-one d-d-day! Y-you'll just b-be another smoking mess!!" The guy inside yelled out but it didn't expect Fang to just chuckle at him.

/HAHAHA, HUMAN, YOUR NAIVETY IS FUNNY… I, NO, WE ARE NO LONGER GRIMMS THAT YOU KNOW OF/ Fang stopped walking and smiled widely at the guy inside.

"W-w-w-what?" the guys inside grew more scared as he asked this talking Grimm.


At Zack,

Zack was having a good old fashioned sword fight with the Lieutenant but as time passed, he noticed that he was starting to hear Sephiroth in his head again.

'~C'mon Zack, use my power and end this miserable insect in front of you~' Sephiroth voiced out.

'I don't need it! I can take this guy and besides, we need him alive!' Zack countered as he leaned to his right to dodge a swing from his opponent then came close and spartan kicked him, making the guy fly towards some crates.

*Bam!* *Crash*

'~Heh, we will see~' Sephiroth replied as Zack's silver hair receded until it was only on the tips.

'Heh, then let me show you!' Zack responded eagerly as he felt Sephiroth stopped fighting him and now he can concentrate on beating this guy black and blue.

"Get up! I know you can still fight buddy!" Zack yelled out as he readied his sword.

"HAHAHA, don't get cocky brat, that was only a lucky shot!" the Lieutenant answered back as he charged in then jumped towards Zack with a simple overhead swing.

Zack seeing this spun his sword twice as a greenish-blue glow covered his sword then readied his stance. The lieutenant seeing this just didn't know it as in his mind, his power can overcome anything.

*BAM!!* *CRUNCH* *Swoosh* *Crash*

They both clashed but this time it was stronger. The lieutenant's confidence was instantly crushed just like his chainsaw sword along with two of his ribs. The blow was so powerful, it sent him flying and crashing to other crates.

Zack seeing this relaxed his posture as he spun his sword once then placed it at his back. He then looked at the others but as he suspected all of his minions had rounded up all White Fang members with Fang sitting on a piled-up paladin's torso while overlooking everyone with Ted standing by its side.

Zack still doesn't know what happened to these two, after becoming an alpha size, all of their abilities became enhanced and their speech vocabulary improved to an impressive degree



Zack was broken out of his thoughts as his opponent stood up as he threw the handle of his broken sword.

Zack curiously looked at the guy as the lieutenant took a boxing stance and rushed towards him. He gotta respect the fighting spirit of this guy because he knows that he definitely broke at least two ribs at that last attack.

The lieutenant punched his left fist towards Zack's face.

Zack didn't react first but as the fist came toward him, he reacted instinctively as he came forward as well, leaned his head slightly to his left to dodge it then punched with his right hand towards the lieutenant's face as his fist passed by Zack. (Miyata's Jolt counter)


The punch landed on the lieutenant's face, his mask cracked as it left him stunned for a moment but that was all Zack needed as he didn't let up. He took hold of the outstretched left arm using his right arm and used his left arm to punch him in his midsection in which the lieutenant was forced to lean forward. Zack then kicked one of his legs to unbalance the lieutenant then with his right arm, he took hold of the back of the lieutenant's head then smashed his face on the ground.


A small crater was produced by that as the lieutenant's mask broke and Zack could see he was knocked cold with a broken nose.

Zack then dusted his hands as he called in on the other's situation.

"General Pancake, report," Zack called Nora as she was always the fastest to answer when calling someone.

"Sir, yes sir, Captain! We made quick work of the big robot that bowler-hat guy was piloting but we were interrupted by a mute girl with an umbrella! We didn't know how but she managed to get away with the bowler-hat guy. We are now riding towards your location Captain!" Nora excitedly exclaimed as Zack could hear the wind from the call.

"Alright, good job General Pancake, tell them to call the police as well as I'm already finished here," Zack replied as he looked at the tied-up White Fang members with his Beowolves guarding them while doing exaggerated poses in front of them.


"I will wait for you guys in here," Zack said as he approached B7, who was in the middle of teaching the Ursas how to pose as well.

"Aye aye, Captain!" Nora replied as the call ended.

"B7, what are you doing?" Zack said seriously at his minion.

B7 looked at Zack curiously.

"First, show me your improvements," Zack ordered in a serious expression on his face.

B7 narrowed its eyes as it nodded at him.

B7 first showed off its muscles like a bodybuilder after that it spun around a few times then it stopped, it's left leg is slightly raised making its toes only touching the ground while it's right elbow was raised upward with its palm opened wide beside its face. It's left elbow was raised as well while its hand was compacted together and stretched out just below its chin. (Jojo Pose: the Jazz Hand)

The White Fang members, who were still conscious and watching, grew speechless at this. The female on the group was weirded by that while the men on the group felt like they just saw the pandora's box.

The other Beowolves, who watched B7 pose, saluted it's leader while the Ursas clapped. The manticores and sabyrs quietly looked down at their appendages as it grew depressed for not being bipedal. Fang and Ted watched seriously as both narrowed their eyes in concentration.

Zack brought his right hand on his chin, he then circled around B7.

"Hmmm… you have done well padawan, but I feel as though you lack something…" Zack said as he faced B7 seriously.

B7 looked on seriously at Zack as it nodded.

"You lack… IMPACT!" Zack yelled out as B7 widened its eyes at the realization, it… it forgot to twinkle while doing the pose.

B7 was brought down on its knees at that but Zack approached it and took hold of its shoulder.

B7 looked curiously at Zack as he cheered up his minion.

"Do not worry padawan, I know that you will soon perfect this soon," Zack seriously said while giving his thumb up towards B7.

B7 nodded, it then faced its other brethren as they all clapped towards it except for manticores, and sabyrs, while Fang and Ted respectfully nodded at it as they too acknowledged its efforts.

This was the sight the rest of the group witnessed by the time they got there, all of his minions had a weird atmosphere while looking towards B7.


I have some unfortunate news,

I may not update for a while...

there's a super typhoon headed for our country...


I have something to confess to all of you...



I..... I'm.... lazy (*°ヮ° *)

so live long and prosper me amigos!!

NoirZero11creators' thoughts