

Eventually, all of them got inside within the recruitment though Sun is still laughing once in a while and Blake would occasionally wipe her nose like she has a cold while looking at Zack.

'I-I never thought there was such a thing, portable moving cat-ears, and added with his cat-like eyes, when I look at him with that thing, I can instantly see myself and Zack being married with two kids with cat-ears, then in our anniversary we would- Stop! Blake get a hold of yourself!... for now!' Blake thought as she tried to concentrate on the task at hand first.

Zack, Blake, and Sun were all wearing White Fang masks as they were being escorted inside. The guards did become cautious of Zack because he has a huge sword at his back but since they all have guns, they all felt they could take him, and nowadays everyone has a weapon with them so they all let them in.

They were escorted towards a spacious room with the rest of the White Fang members, they grouped themselves with the new recruits. They stood by and looked towards the White Fang member that was standing on a platform in front of them.

"Thank you all for coming! For those of you who are joining us for the first time, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for, for so long!" The White Fang member yelled out as the guys he was referring to came out and stood beside him.

"Thank you, Thank you!" Roman sarcastically said to the booing crowd in front of him.

"You might be wondering what am I doing here, simple answer to that is that we all have a common enemy. The ones in control, the one pulling all the strings, these people are running our kingdoms. Governments, the military, and even the schools, they are all to blame for your lot in life. They are like pests but luckily, I'm the best exterminator around," Roman said then he snapped his fingers as the cover at the front with the White Fang logo fell off and showed them a giant robot, Atlesian Paladin-290.

"Meet the Atlases newest line of defense against all scary things in the world and thanks to my employer, we managed to snag a few. If you decide to fight, this is one of the things I can provide you all, any questions?" Roman said as he faced them while putting his cigarette in his mouth.



Everyone suddenly started to cheer for Roman except for them as they realized they should get out of there.

"Alright, fall in line fresh new recruits!" a White Fang member yelled out as they were forced to come as well due to the others behind them pushing.

As they were being pushed up front, Roman coincidentally looked in their direction. He suddenly widened his eyes when he saw Zack as his memory from that time was still vivid from then.

Roman quickly signaled his partner in crime, Neopolitan or Neo, a short woman with short hair which is typically half pink and half brown in color the same color as her eyes.

Neo seeing this nodded at him as she readied her semblance, Overactive Imagination which is Physical illusions, and waited for Roman's signal.

Zack and the rest saw Roman's reaction as they knew their cover had been blown, Blake suddenly used her Gambol Shroud to shoot the lights as both Sun and Blake escaped.

Zack didn't follow them as he could see there was more than one Atlesian Paladin-290, there were five others still at the back from what he could see. He was planning to take these things out and at least take one high position member to gain more intel, he was so preoccupied with his thoughts that Roman, inside one Atlesian Paladin-290, was able to get out and chase Blake and Sun.

He was about to follow but the one who spoke earlier at the podium was standing on his way with a chainsaw at hand. He was preparing to go through that guy but suddenly, he dodged to his right when a series of missiles came from behind him.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

"Hehehe do you really think you can come and go just like that," the White Fang member who was a Lieutenant said arrogantly at Zack.

Zack didn't say anything and just took his fusion sword(Core blade+ Hollow blade) in one hand while on the other his scroll as he contacted the gang.

"Come in everyone, this is the Captain speaking, Ninja lover and Mr.Banana are being chased by Roman on a giant robot, they need some assistance," Zack said while he was keeping his vigilance as he noticed he was being surrounded by the White Fang members all around and five Atlesian Paladin-290 coming towards him.

"Aye aye, Captain, we're already on the way!" Nora's voice came through immediately.

"W-wait, where are you?! We only saw Ninja lover and Mr.Banana got out!" Pyrrha's voice followed through.

This got everyone's attention.

"Nevermind that, Roman is after them right now, this is our chance in catching that sneaky Torchwick. Ninja lover and Mr.Banana, lead him towards tight spaces!" Zack replied as the White Fang Lieutenant came forward to him while bringing his chainsaw to his shoulder.

"B-but-" Ruby's voice came through.

"Trust on your Captain team... as soon as you guys catch Roman, then you can come and help me kick some asses in here, besides I have my minions remember," Zack cut off Ruby as reassured the team.

"Za-Captain, you better get your ass back alive or else…" Yang's voice followed.

"Ha! See you guys later, better hurry before I finish all of these guys myself," Zack light-heartedly joked.

"Alright… Be careful," Ren's voice was heard.

"Will do, catch you guys later," Zack replied as he hid his scroll away.

"Nice of you guys letting me finish that call," Zack commented as he saw almost all in the room were already armed and was aimed at him.

"Heh, take it as our final act of mercy or you can take it as a sign of respect… respect for the dead that is Hahahaha!" the Lieutenant said as he mocked Zack.

"Thanks, I guess but no thanks instead what if I give all of you a chance… drop all of your weapons and walk away right now, all I need is this guy in front of me," Zack smiled innocently at all of them.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" All of the White Fang members laughed at that as they looked at the intruder with pity. They all thought that the guy actually lost it in front of their might and due to that they became more confident.

"Hah! The human actually lost it! Just lay down on the floor and prepare your neck! It will only hurt for a moment!" Some White Fang grunt said within the crowd.

"HAHAHAHA YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!" The others cheered along with the grunt.

"Enough dilly dally, end him now, from what we've heard earlier he has more accomplices than those two earlier, we have to take them out as well," the Lieutenant ordered out as he already dismissed Zack for that remark as he started to walk away.


"Yes sir!" At that, five to ten members aimed their guns at Zack who was strangely quiet but they noticed when their boss gave out his orders, they suddenly felt a chill.

"Well if you guys aren't surrendering, can you guys answer one question?" Zack suddenly asked all of them as they looked on curiously at him.

"You guys know the path your all taking is genocide to all humans, because, at this rate based on your more aggressive approach on this racism, you all believe that all humans should just disappear right?" Zack asked as his greenish-blue cat-like eyes were now glowing and staring at all of them.

"Heh, that is exactly the objective of this organization, your point being?" the Lieutenant smirked at him.

"Because if you all still go forward with this that it causes one of the kingdoms to fall in ruin just because some humans don't like you by chance then I… will be forced… to kill all you ~pests~," Zack said in a scary calm tone with his voice changing at the end.


Everyone suddenly felt the air become tense as if they were all looking at death itself, most of them trembled slightly at the aura Zack is giving off right now. They all felt that his personality earlier just changed into something they couldn't describe and there was a kind of glitch as he was replaced by a silver long-haired guy with a long sword in his hands but they looked again and Zack was still there

"~Everyone... Arise~" Zack suddenly said as his shadow extended and from it, greenish-blue Grimms started to emerge one by one until two alpha-like sized Grimms stood beside him.

This got all of their attention especially those two bizarre Grimms. It was bizarre because those alpha-like Grimms are covered from head to toe greenish-blue bones, they all look slimmer from an ordinary alpha and their looking at them like pests.

Both Grimms suddenly brought their right arm towards their chest and slightly bowed to Zack.


Both spoke at the same time much to the shock of all watching.

"~Fang, Ted, command everyone that I want every one of them on the floor beaten but alive, and take care of those five pesky Paladins~," Zack said with Sephiroth's voice.

Zack barely managed to force himself to say those words before Sephiroth could influence him more. He naturally realized back then that Sephiroth never disappeared but he was slowly influencing him whenever he was fighting.

Last time Sephiroth actually took over his body and decimated everyone on his way, good thing Zack took back control. Since then, he has been trying to talk to Sephiroth but nothing though he confirmed once that his anger was the trigger for Sephiroth to take over then.

When he heard they were going after everyone else, he couldn't help grow angry at that but before he did anything he might regret, he forced to say those orders.


Both Grimms answered as they stood up straight and looked back to the rest. They also gave out their orders as Fang started walking towards the five Paladins while Ted started to lead its brethren to all White Fang members.

Zack approached the lieutenant slowly as he tried to shake off Sephiroth's influence on him.

"Heh, do you really think those things are a match for our five brand new weapons?" the lieutenant asked arrogantly as he firmly believes that he still has everything in control.

"Hmm… enough talking, time to take you in for interrogation but I guess you really don't have to keep both arms right," Zack grinned as the silver in his hair is slowly starting to spread and readied his sword.

"Hmph, you really believe you can take me on all by yourself? The youth today are really naive. It's really funny, let me show you our difference then," the lieutenant smugly said as he readied his chainsaw sword.

At Fang,

"Hahaha look, guys! A little alpha Grimm is going by itself hahaha" A White Fang member said while he was inside one of the Paladins.

"Hahaha, that's right! Let's roast some Grimm then!" The other pilot joined in as everyone started to aim at the Grimm walking towards them.

"Haha-*Boooom* *ToooooooooT*

This got everyone's attention when suddenly one Paladin was blasted away with a gigantic claw mark on its body and its head was ripped off savagely.

Everyone shivered at that as they all didn't see anything.


They broke out of their thoughts when they heard something dropping on the ground. They followed the sound to the still walking Grimm towards the now four Paladins and looked behind the Grimm but they were shocked as it was the missing head of the destroyed Paladin just now.

They shivered at that speed.




Fang said with a wide grin on its face while looking at them, it then spread out it's killing intent towards everyone and charged out towards the Paladins.

Yo! I read something really enlightening...

and I wish to share it with all you gentlemen...

1. You can't wash your eyes with soap.

2. You can't count your hair.

3. You can't breath through your nose, with your tongue out.

4. You just tried no.3

6. When you did no.3 you realized it's possible, only you look like a dog.

7. You're smiling right now because you were fooled.

8. You skipped no. 5

9. You just checked to see if there is a no.5

Good day/evening to all

ܓ(。◠ ꇴ ◠。 )

NoirZero11creators' thoughts
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