
Youtuber in One Piece World

A man got transmigrated to the Onepiece world with a working smartphone with infinite battery and wifi that still connected to the modern world on earth. So he starts recording his journey on this world and upload it on youtube for everyone to see. .......... I wrote this story for free on my own free time just for fun on my phone. I'm not a profesional writer and not a native English speaker. I don't plan to make any money from this fanfic. If you like the story and decided to send me a gift, I will be really grateful, but if you're not then I won't mind at all. I'm happy even if only one person like to read my story, hope you enjoy to read this fanfic. Thanks.....

Harem_Squad · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Date on the sky

at Alubarna's Castle in Alabasta

After seeing the new bounty posters, I stood still while thinking for a while.


'Hahaha... Chopper still has a pet under his title, at least now his title got upgraded as Battle Pet.'

'The others also got high bounties since many witnesses seen them using rokushiki's techniques and haki'.

'I feel sorry for Duval, since he will never get his handsome face in the future because Sanji has his own picture on his bounty poster'.

'As for Luffy, he has higher bounty than mine since he was the one who defeated Crocodile, also I never showed my power in public'.

'No one ever saw me using my power as the one who saw it (The enemies) were all dead or too afraid to tell the Marines for the ones who I let them alive (Mr. 3 and the girls)'.

'As for why my first time bounty got so high, based on my deduction, because they suspected that it was me who taught my friends how to use haki and rokushiki's techniques'.

'Those elders must be confused on how to determine my bounty since I've never shown my power. So they must be decided to put mine below Luffy just by 1 Million Belly'.

'They also sent three Vice Admirals to Alabasta just to cover the incident of Crocodile's betrayal'.

'The World Government and the Marines need to save their dignity so they send those marines and Vice Admirals to put up a show to the world that the Marines can still protect the Kingdom in their territories from any pirates or danger from the outside'.

'I guess Smoker will still take credit for defeating Crocodile and save Alabasta to hide the truth from the world'.

'Poor King Cobra, he will get a lot of pressures from the World Government to cooperate with them in hiding the truth. At least they will compensate his Kingdom with a lot of money and more protection from the marines'.


After a while, I start looking at my nakamas and said

"So when are we going to leave?".

"Do you have a plan Dan?" Nami asked me hoping I could provide a plan to escape those marines and bounty hunters.

"Did the log pose already set it's next course?"

I asked Nami while looking at the log pose on her wrist.

"It did four days ago, we just can't leave the castle with so many marines and bounty hunters patrolling out side the castle" Nami said to me.

"Let's just fight them together!" Zoro said while preparing himself to fights those marines.

Luffy and Sanji seems to agree with Zoro and ready to fight while Ussop and Chopper rejected the idea immediately.

"We don't have to fight them, I can cover our presence with my skill so those Vice Admirals can't sense us with their Observation Haki while we fly using geppo" I said to my friends.

"That's a nice plan but not everyone can use geppo" Ussop said to me while looking at Robin and Chopper.

"I will take Robin with me while someone else can take Chopper on their back" I said while smiling at Robin.

Robin just smiled at me and her stare while looking at me seems a little bit different from the last time we met on the ship.

"Okay, I can carry Nami on my back too, so she doesn't need to waste her energy" Sanji said while spinning closer next to Nami.

"Fine I guess, since I hate wasting my energy too" Nami said.

"Okay, then Zoro can carry Chopper while Luffy will carry me on his back" Ussop said while walking behind luffy.

"Nope, you will fly by yourself since you can use geppo too" Luffy said while grinning and evading Ussop who tried to climb on his back.

"Sigh... Fine, I will fly on my own but you need to catch me if I fall, since I'm not that good with geppo" Ussop said while Luffy just nodding at his request.

"Vivi are you coming with us?" I asked Vivi the question.

"No, I need to help my father to govern this Kingdom" Vivi shaking her head while smiling sadly at us.

(Well Vivi still can't come with us just like in the plot of the story, her fate really had been decided in this Kingdom by the plot to be the Princess of this Kingdom.)

I then start looking at Robin who still staring at me while looking absolutely gorgeous.

"Robin are you ready?" I asked Robin.

"I am ready!" Robin said start walking towards me and climbing on my back while smiling.

'Damn it, my dick getting hard again since Robin's huge boobs is pressing on my back. I hope no one saw my boner.' I though to my self while trying to hide my boner from my friends' views.

I then start spreading my haki to cover all of my nakamas and start heading towards the window getting ready to jump and fly.

(I can use my max level Future Observation Haki in a lot of ways thanks to my high intellegence in my status)

"Bye Vivi! See you again next time." We all said our goodbye to Vivi.


We all then start to fly away from the castle using geppo while being concealed with my haki to removed our presences.

Thankfully with the cover of my haki that can concealed our presences, no one seems to noticed our escape from the castle including the Vice Admirals.


My plan to hide my boner from Robin seems to failed since she notice it straight away while we were still flying on the air.

She just smiled at me while pressing her boobs harder on my back and said

"Your friends always praising you when you are not around. They seems to trust and rely on you a lot."

"That's what best friends are for, to praise me in front of a beautiful lady like you" I said to her which got me a kiss on my cheek.

"It's quite romantic to take a girl on their first date flying in the sky" she said to me.

"Date?" I said in shock.

"Didn't you said you are my future boyfriend while we met on the ship months ago?" she teased me.

"Are you serious?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Why not, you seems fun and your friends also said you can be trusted. You also quite a looker which fit my style and being a pirate we will never know what will happen to us tomorrow, so we should enjoy our life to the fullest while we still alive" She said to me.

"Thank you for accepting me as your boyfriend! I really like you a lot since the day we first met, which mean this is our first date as a couple" I said to her while smiling happily.

"Yup, please take care of me!" She said while hugging me tight.

"I will even fight the whole world just to protect you." I said to her.

She just smiled hearing my statement and start kissing my neck aggresively while we were still flying on the air.

We then start enjoying our date on the sky while heading towards the ocean using geppo.

(As a pirates, death were a common thing that can happen to them everyday. So a lot of pirates skip many steps when involving about dating with other gender.)


After running high on the air for quite some times using geppo, we finally reach the ocean and start landing on the beach.

Robin then start getting down from my back.

"Thanks for the fun ride, It's quite an enjoyable date" She said while smiling and start kissing my cheek and mouth again and start looking down at my pants. "You need help with that?" She teased me again.

"You're welcome! I really enjoyed dating with my beautiful girlfriend while flying on the sky." I said, then I start looking down at my pants too.

"As for this, maybe later, right now we need to wait for our friends first, since they will soon arrive" I said while my face start turning colour to red feeling embarrased getting busted by Robin for having a boner while carrying her on my back. Thankfully none of the other members saw it.

Robin just smirking while giggling at my response for her question.

After calming my mind and dick for a little while, I wait for the other members to land on the beach.

I then take out Going Merry from my inventory and put it on the ocean.

Our crew then start preparing the ship and getting ready to sail.

After finished preparing everything on the ship, we all then start sailing on the ocean of the Grand Line to start our new adventure to the next island with a new member Nico Robin (as my girlfriend) on our ship.


'I'll edit the videos and upload it to the app later. Can't wait to tell the whole world that Robin is now my girlfriend. My old friends will be jealous watching me date Robin later.'

'Speaking of friend, I wonder about my old friend Agus. What is he doing right now?'

I thought to myself while helping my nakamas sailing the ship.
