
You Will Call Me Sir

If you were given a chance to obtain Power or Happiness, which one would you choose? Kate once had it all. Clothes, food, a place to stay, and a loving family. However, it all ended when her parents were murdered by a mysterious organization. Stella, her split personality, was the reason she barely made it out with her life. A few years passed as she lived everyday in desperation. Tired, hungry, bitter, and on the verge of collapse, she was saved by a young boy when things took a turn for the worse. His name was Ciel Summers, her future dearest one. Things were going smoothly until she managed to pass the entrance exam to the prestigious Saint Claire Academy. Hidden schemes played behind the scenes as a serum capable of awakening the latent powers of anyone below the age of 15 was developed. They set their eyes on the elite students of the academy, and kidnapped Ciel, who became an unwilling test subject. It was the beginning of a series of events, which led Kate to discover the name of the organization that killed her parents and the secrets that were buried deep within her body. ----- If you get tired of the Kiddy Arc and want to read their adult lives then feel free to jump chapter 327, but I doubt you'll understand anything at that point xD! [Disclaimer: I will be changing POV's from time to time. This is how I wanted this story to be written. So please, bear with me. Thank you.] Updates: 1 chapter a day. Feel free to donate in my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/YourSir Chat with me on discord!: https://discord.gg/haeYN7N ---------- Feel free to check out my other story! "Go! Go! Summons: Summoning the Perfect Boyfriend" [Fantasy Romance, Female Lead, Comedy, Slice of Life.] https://www.webnovel.com/book/17411890805745005/Go!-Go!-Summons! Special thanks to RedPandaChick for helping me edit my novel. Thank you very much! P.S Cover Photo is not mine. All credit goes to their respective owners.

Elyon · Fantasie
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350 Chs

Until The Shield Breaks

Ethan didn't know what to do as his eyes wandered all over the place. When he saw Ciel from the distance, he made an excuse to Kate that he needed to consult Ciel about the requirements for Saint Claire Academy.

Kate didn't find anything wrong in his words, so she decided to return to the pool and invite Claire to a swimming contest. Ethan secretly glanced at her one more time before heading in Ciel's direction.

"I didn't think you would come for a visit. You should have notified us yesterday, Ethan," Ciel greeted the young man with a smile. He was a smart person. How could he possibly not know the reason why Ethan came for a visit? He glanced at the oblivious girl that was happily swimming in the other pool.

"Sorry, Ciel. Today's visit was unplanned," Ethan replied while scratching his cheek. He couldn't possibly tell him that the reason for his visit was because he wasn't able to sleep last night. Kate's image kept on appearing in his mind every time he closed his eyes.

"Do you want to take a swim?"

"I didn't know that you guys would be at the pool today. I didn't prepare anything."

Ciel observed the boy in front of him. Ethan was a head taller than Ciel and his brown hair fluttered softly in the wind. His awkward smile was similar to Kate's. She had the same awkward smile whenever he caught her stealing cookies from the pantry.

Ciel's heart started to itch. A part of him wanted to tease the older boy, while the other part wanted to get to know him better.

"My mother bought me some swimming trunks a few days ago. She made a mistake about the size. While I'm not a hundred percent sure, I think it would fit you. Do you want to try it?"

"Can I? If it's not a bother, I would take you up on your offer."

"Alright." Ciel nodded his head and went out of the pool while holding Chloe's hand. He was planning to go to his room to fetch the spare swimming trunks when Heinz appeared holding a package in his hand.

"Young master, I thought that our guest would like to try the pool as well, so I went ahead to pick up the spares you have in your room," Heinz said as he presented the package to his young master.

"Thank you, Heinz, good job," Ciel replied and handed the package to Ethan. "Feel free to use any of them. Heinz, please bring Ethan to a place where he can change his clothes."

"As you wish, young master."

"Thank you, Ciel."



Ethan didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky. The swimming trunks did fit him, but it was a perfect fit. He was afraid that if he got too excited, something in his body might become too obvious.

If that were to happen, he might bury himself in a hole out of embarrassment. However, he was a man. He decided to throw caution to the wind and went to the pool with unhurried steps.

"It will be fine, right?" He muttered to himself. He was trying to reassure himself that everything would be alright. "Yes, it will be fine. I can do this!"


Ten minutes later...

"...Why are you here?" Ciel asked the man that joined him in the kiddy pool in confusion. "Don't tell me you can't swim as well?"

Ethan was half submerged in the water while looking in Kate's direction. He turned his head when he heard Ciel's question. He thought for a while before answering his question. "I know how to swim."

Indeed, he knew how to swim, but a certain part of him was standing proud at the moment. The little guy wouldn't settle down no matter what he did. That was why he decided to take a tactical retreat. Acting shy was way better than embarassing himself in front of the girl he liked.

"Then, what are you doing here?"

"It's a bit embarrassing to join them."

Ethan was saying the truth. Aside from Kate, and Claire, Elizabeth was also in the pool. Ethan lost his composure when he saw the older woman in her swimsuit. Her body was like one of those models he saw on T.V. He couldn't believe that a mother of two would have such a gorgeous body.

Elizabeth was in her early thirties and she made sure to keep her body in good shape. Whenever she had time, she would attend her yoga classes so she was very fit. Ethan was a healthy young man. He has no resistance against beautiful girls, even if it was coming from an older woman.

He then compared his mother to Ciel and Chloe's mother. The difference was like heaven and earth. Andrea and Elizabeth looked like super models, while her mother looked like someone who was left in the kitchen!

A rare smirk appeared on Ciel's face as he came to an understanding. Unlike Ethan, he had a higher resistance when it comes to beautiful girls. After all, the one who raised him was a beauty. If you were to see a beautiful woman everyday, wouldn't your perception of beauty also change?

Ciel was planning to console Ethan, but he couldn't find the right words to say. In the end, he said nothing. Ethan wanted to talk to Kate, but he was feeling anxious. He didn't have any topic to talk about, and he was afraid that he might get in the way of her fun.

While Ethan was having these thoughts, Chloe leaned her head on Ciel's shoulder.

"Big Brother, do you think I should learn how to swim?"

Ciel seriously weighed his words before answering her question. He was always careful to answer Chloe's questions when it comes to things that would affect her well being. This showed how much Ciel cared for her.

"I think that swimming is a good skill to acquire. Even I want to learn how to swim," Ciel said after much contemplation. "I don't see any demerits and only advantages. If possible, I'd like you to learn how to swim."

"Un! I'll ask mommy to let me join swimming lessons."

"That's the spirit!"

Ethan overheard their conversation and was surprised when he learned that Ciel didn't know how to swim. He thought that the reason he was here in the children's pool was because he was only accompanying Chloe.

Whenever his Grandfather talked about Ciel, he only heard nothing but praises. It made Ethan realize that Ciel was not as perfect as he initially thought. He had flaws just like everybody else. His opinion of him didn't lessen. In fact, this discovery made Ethan feel closer to him. Nobody liked to associate with someone too perfect. It would only make them feel inferior.

Truth be told, he was already feeling inferior to Ciel. Although The Kerr Family was also a wealthy family, they still fell short compared to the Belle and Summer families. Not to mention, Ciel was really good looking. His face was enough to make any girl fall in love with him.

'Do I even have a chance?' Ethan clenched his submerged fists. He glanced at Kate and the determination in his heart grew stronger. In order to erase all the negativity in his head, he decided to do breathing exercises.

Soon, the sound of deep breathing reached Ciel and Chloe's ears. They could see the young man breathing deeply with his eyes closed. With each breath that he took, Ethan felt calmer. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes. His eyes were clear and there was no more hesitation in them.

He turned around and faced Ciel. His calm demeanor returned and his thoughts were no longer muddled.

"Can I ask you, what is your relationship with Kate?" Ethan asked. This question was very important to him. He needed to know the answer.

Ciel made eye contact with Ethan.

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you this question."

Ethan didn't back down. He was serious and he wanted the other party to know how serious he was. The corner of Ciel's lips slowly curled up. His light-blue eyes had a penetrating glint in them that made Ethan feel that he was up against something that wasn't human. He felt a tingling sensation behind his back, but he ignored it. He couldn't take his eyes away from Ciel's.

"Right now, Kate and I are good friends," Ciel said. His voice sounded gentle, but there was a firmness in it that couldn't be denied.

Although Ciel said that they were only good friends, Ethan had a feeling that Ciel was only hiding his true feelings. Since he was being vague about their relationship it means that he still had a chance.

"I won't lose to you," Ethan declared. "I will fight you fair and square."

Chloe was holding Ciel's hand from under the water. She understood what Ethan was trying to say. He was challenging Ciel for the right to become Kate's man. Chloe didn't know what her Big Brother felt about Kate. She was afraid to know the answer, so she didn't ask.

Her hand unconsciously gripped her Big Brother's hand tighter. If possible, she didn't want to let go of this hand. Suddenly, she felt a gentle squeeze. Ciel enclosed her small hand over his own. Ethan didn't see this because his gaze was fixed on the rival he recognized.

Ciel didn't say anything and merely smiled at the older boy in front of him. He had the power of clairvoyance. He could see things in his dreams. He had already seen a part of what Kate would face in the future.

If Ethan could help her block the darkness that would descend upon her then he would gladly step aside. However, until then, he would be her strongest shield. He would continue to stand by her side. Secretly help her along the way. Protect her from the dangers of the world, and guide her until the shield and his heart… breaks.

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.”

― William Blake

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