
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Ch -12 Mana Fruits !!

warning - Some part of this chapter was not from my original script .I just got the idea while writing . Don't read it while eating and drinking .

--- One month latter after finding the stone of power -----

Its been a month since I started learning magic from the books there were many things one have to do to create a spell but the most important thing is imagination it took me nearly ten days to read a single book well you can accept that each book have nearly 10,000 pages they are super thick and super heavy and there are damn long chants to do a simple magic it took me a little time to learn 2 simple spell the first book I read was for earth element I learnt 2 magic chants and they were for a bullet made up of stone I named it eath bullet and the other one for was a wall of earth named it earth wall. Well I am just too good when it comes to my naming sense .

huh! how did you know that these name came from novel well whatever yes I took the name from the novel I read back on Earth so what if I used the names of the other novelists they can't do anything to me in this world or do you think they will put a copyright banner on me hahahahahha!! I am gonna use all those names to name my magic attack they were to cool back on Earth but I can't just shout them on road on Earth . If I did that back on Earth people will think I am lunatic but I can all that now ..

Well let's leave this small matters. There was a very big question back on Earth whenever I thought of this question back on Earth I got confused how they did this in a place . You want to know what the question was right you want to know .Then let me tell you it's was about how did they take dump in a place like deserted island I meant to say how did they kept themselves clean and hygienic . I never got the answer for them but for it was easy I didn't took in a whole month want know how that's because I ate the mana fruit is pure energy nothing else so there was no need for me to take dump for a month a single mana fruit can give you all the nutrition and every thing you need to sustain life for 26 days so I didn't used any fasting pill in the last month.

In the last month I took one more mana fruit and my level also increased by 20 levels and now I am level 30 . After my level increased by 20 I asked A-16 of why level increased by 20 instead of 10 so she told me that every time I ate a mana fruit it's effect will be doubled but according to her after checking my constitution she told me that if I ate the 6 fruit I will die for sure she told me to not eat more than 5 fruits and after I ate fifth fruit I should eat sixth fruit after I reached 1000 level untill then I shouldn't eat any mana fruit because mana fruit is pure energy and it forcefully increases ones mana core level and increases the mana pool and I am too weak to contain all that mana in my body and if I ate the sixth fruit I will explode like a over blown balloon . She told me this with the example of balloon . she said I am balloon while air is mana and if more air is blown then that it can sustain it will explode and she also told me a special property of mana fruit that they always increase the level twice by the last level after eating fruit it doesn't matter which level the person is and how much the experience needed to increase the level so she told me to not use them as the food and I should store them and use them when my level has increased .

After I was bored of learning chants I asked system whether I can do chantless magic A-16 told me to learn a single chant magic of all 4 basic and unlock the Basic Elementalist and I will be able to do chantless magic after unlocking it. Right now I am reading and learning the last book of fire magic . according to A-16 I will get my first class after learning a chant and reading the book .

My current status is


Name -Arindam

Race - half demon-half elf

level - 30

HP - 5000 / 5000

exp - 21000/60000

mana -2000/2000

Title - non

Class 1 - non

Class 2 - non

Class 3 -non

Strength - 53+

Stamina - 42+

Agility - 40+

Dexterity - 25+

Toughness -36+

Vitality - 15+

Recovery - 10+

Intelligence - 50+

Wisdom - 10+

Will - 18+

Luck - Max

stat points - 0

Mage realm - bronze

Cultivation realm - Body tempering ( tier 1 primary stage)

Active Skill - non

passive skill - non

Affinity - All 2x (All magic power attack increased by 2 and increased magic defence by 2 )

Body and Mind Condition - top-notch


______magic core and mage realm are same .______