
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch - 11 Stone of power (2)

"Mam what is stone of power ? " I asked to A-16 again . I wasn't able to hold my curiosity .

"Hmm? power of stone is also known as stone of trails and many other name .Its super usefull for the weakling like you . You already know in this world people gets stronger by killing the monsters , practicing magic, by cultivating and using resources but most easy and cost free and less time consuming method in the four above is by killing monster and for you it is a more useful method because your main growth type right now is by getting experience and this helps you kill the monsters it's like a gold rush or bonus levels in games but there's a catch most people don't know how to use it and end up dying you can get experience by killing monster but the monster in the trail of power stone are in hundreds of thousands and some times even many millions so when people triggers it they die easily because they are not able to select difficulty to select difficulty one should have a knowledge of world laws and should have power tinker them a little for you I can do that so do you want to take the trail ? There are 5 difficulty level I can select for you and I can't select the number of enemy nor select the type of enemy they can be flying type or any other type and the only way for you to come back is too kill the enemy and touch the stone of power their " A-16 said in a single breath without a break.

'Too bad I thought that it was a power stone from Marv*l world in previous life I was thinking I will have to collect other 5 stones and after collecting them I will become omnipotent tch! I got excited for no reason ' I thaught

"Mam what is the possibility of me clearing the easiest trail ?"I asked to A-16 I just can't jump in for sucide after knowing that people died after taking the trail .

"huh ? You know word possibility is used when there's a chance of some thing . There's no chance for you to even survive 10 minutes after entering the easiest trail ." A-16 said in an indifferent tone .

"...." I was like . You were the one who asked me to take the trail .

"You don't Even know how to wield a sword nor do you know anything about magic and still you think you can complete atleast learn magic from the books in the storage ring and learn the basics of swordmanship after that increase your level upto atleast hundred then I think you will be able to clear the easiest trail " A-16 said with tone of a given up person.

"Mam is there a easy way to learn magic I don't want to read this super thick book and as for wielding sword I will do the practice for that " I said to A-16 with a super wide smile on my face . A smile that can reach to my ears well not really but that really was a wide smile.

"Hmmm ? well there's an easy way for you to become stronger without reading the book".

"Mam what is it what is it . I knew it mam is omnipotent" I said. 'Hehehehe ones I become stronger I will never call you mam ' I thaught .

"Well you know I can read your mind -_- " said A-16.

"huh ? huh ?huhhhhhh? mam I am sorry I will never think of anything bad in the future . Mam please tell me the way to become strong"

"Hmm ? ok the easy way is to go kill the wolfs outside and eat their flash and drink their blood raw . I will handle the rest you will get one of their skills and at 2 or 3 level or you will atleast get a class". A-16 said .

"Are you serious they are too damn powerful . Mam can you tell me the levels of the wolf outside " I asked.

"Level of the wolfs outside are between 250 - 275 . I don't think you will be able to fight them . It was because of your luck that you were able to survive ." said A-16

"Ok!! I will read the books . Books are the best there's no fool who don't like reading books I love books ." I said to myself more than to A-16.

"Ok best of luck oh! yes once you learn the basics of four basic elements you will get a class "Basic Elementalist " you will be able to skills realated to basic elements .

"Ok !!!! lets do this !!" I said and started reading 4 books on basic elements.