
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Ch - 14 Second and Third Class Unlocked !

"Ok so it's been 6 days since I started learning basics of sword and today I got this notification .




"Congratulations to host for unlocking second class Basic Swordmanship "

"Host has earned 5 Class points"

"Host can now access the skill tree of Basic Swordmanship"

"Host would you like to merge the Basic Elementalist and basic Swordmanship to obtain a new class "

Yes / No"

"huh!" A voice escaped my mouth

"Mam what is this merge !? and if I press yess will I lost the both classes to obtain a new single one ." I asked to A-16

"Hmmm merge is a very good function in the system . It will help you increase the number of classes and will also increase the tier of the class and you won't lose both of the classes and you will get a new skill tree for the new class that came out after merging . Merging of classes can only be done when the both classes are compatible with each other."

"Tier ???" I said in confusion .

"There are tier and level to everything in this world . Um let me tell you the name of the tier in increasing order. Common , Uncommon , Rare, Epic ,Mythical , Legendary , semi-Divine and Divine there are only these 8 teir in this world . Right now both classes that you have are common teir and when you merge them you will get an uncommon to increase a tier of a class your class should be of hundred level but because of the system you don't have worry about merging and if I am not wrong then there is 99.99 percent chance that you will get an "advanced Magic Swordmanship" class while common class give you 5 class points an uncommon class gives you 10 class points . All the classes which have basic before them are common while advanced means uncommon teir " A-16 told me everything in one breath so it took at least 2 minutes to understand that there was this big of dfference .

After listening to A-16 I didn't even thinked the matter twice and pressed 'yes' and after a minute a sound reached my ears.


"Congratulations to host the Basic Elementalist and basic Swordmanship had merged successfully . New class that host Unlocked is "Phantom Magic Swordmanship"."

"Host has obtained 15 class points."

After listening to system I got little confused didn't A-16 said I will get an advanced Magic Swordmanship which will be of uncommon teir why did the advance changed to Phantom did I got common class ? No ! that's not possible after all I got 15 class point instead 5 or 10 so is it possible that I got a higher teir class .. Hmm I should confirm it with A-16.

"Umm mam what is Phantom is it higher teir that advanced?"

"Cough* Cough* Yes ! Phantom is a teir higher than uncommon it is a rare teir class above Phantom is prince. Well let's not talk about that but your luck still godly there's only 0.01 % chance to obtain a rare class now I understand what Max luck means . Rare tier is higher than uncommon and after every level up you will earn 3 class points " A-16 said in a little shocked voice ...

"You should start unlocking some skill and practice them to increase their profency in this safe area mana density is to much so I don't think your mana will ever run out so you should be able to increase their profency .You have 25 class points right now use them wisely after all you have already allocated 7 state point's in your wisdom so I don't think you are still a fool." A-16 said

"-"I was like at that time .

Whatever I should not take A-16 word's to heart I shouldn't think of it I shouldn't think of this .Yes !! let's first check skill tree of Elementalist .

There were many skill in the Elementalist skill tree some were worth 1 skill points while some were worth 5 and while some were of 10 all the way to thausands. I only read the ones which were in my budget right now so I only read about those that were worth 1 or 2 class points the one I bought were...

-------AirDome(worth 1 class point) Lvl-1--------

• Create a dome of air that protects from attack

• You can attack from inside the dome while attacks from cannot come in.

• Durability -1000 hp

• Mana usage - 50

• Cool down- 10 sec

There was also a skill named earthdome but it doesn't allow my own attack to pass so I bought AirDome.

Other skills that I bought were ....

----Imp notice----

If you want an extra ch tomorrow then please comment about how the story is faring till now .

Thank you

Your one and only Zenos

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