
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch - 15 New Skills!!

Other skills I bought were ..

---------Water Armour (worth 1 class point) Lvl-1-------

• Create a light weight armour that protects your body is way lighter than earth Armour.

• Durability -800 hp

• Cast time - 1 sec

• Cool down - 10 sec

• Mana - 100

---------Explosion (worth 2 class point) Lvl-1---------

• Create a very small explosion where the fireball hits .

• Can be used with any throwing magic even with water ball.

• Cannot be used alone.

• Damage - 2 to 200 hp (If opponent is as strong as you . Damage also depends on the person fire resistance)

• Cast time - 3 sec

• Cool down - 1sec

• Mana - 10

---------------Mana Manipulation (worth 5 class point) Lvl-1---------

• You can Manipulate mana from surrounding and use the mana from the surrounding to perform magic but the cast time of magic will be thrice the normal .

• Also increase the mana recovery rate by 1percent.

• You can also control the usage of mana in a spell or any attack that uses mana and increase or decrease the power or durability of the spell .

This mana manipulation skill was way to op bought this skill first without even thinking twice it's way too good for example if I am low on mana I can use the mana in surrounding to cast Water Armour it will take the thrice the normal time to cast Water Armour takes one second if I cast it from my magic pool but if I take the surrounding mana it will take 3 sec but I will save 100 mana so it's way to good for now and 3rd function is the best it allows my to increase the or durability for example let's take explosion it takes 10 mana to use it but what if I increase the mana input to 1000 instead of ten then my explosion will be 100 times stronger than the normal one . This Skill also increases my recovery rate of my mana by one percent . This skill is way too op and cost efficient if I have to say. Right now my mana recovery rate is 10.1 mana per second.

The last skill that brought was ..

---------------Earth Spear (worth 1 class point) Lvl-1---------

Create and Shots a spear made of earth .

• Damage - 400 hp (If opponent is as strong as you . Damage also depends on the person physical resistance)

• Cast time - 0.5 sec

• Cool down - non

• Mana - 20

These were the Five skill that I bought from Basic Elementalist skill tree . I was really satisfied with these skills after reading and checking all these skills 1 time I now understand why water armour was using more mana then air dome and have low durability compared to air dome that's because air dome is fixed while I can move while wearing water Armour and there's also no time limit for Water Armour and Air dome they both will be there no matter how much time passes they will only be destroyed whenever I think of removing them or when there thier durability is 0 . There's no time limit because they uses mana from surrounding to replenish itself. How do I know this ? Because after unlocking Mana Manipulation I can see the flow of mana in surrounding.

After I was satisfied with the new skill I started checking the skill from the Swordmanship skill tree because I still have 15 class point.There to were many skill in the Swordmanship skill tree just like in Elementalist.

The skill I unlocked were ..

----------Parry (passive)(worth 1 class point) Lvl-1---------

• Have 20 percent chance parry any type of attack .

• Its a passive skill.

----------Concentrated Strike (worth 2 class point) Lvl-1---------

• Your next attack will be twice your strength stat .

• Can be used twice a day .

----------Dodge (passive)(worth 2 class point) Lvl-1---------

•Theres 25 percent chance to dodge any magic attack.

•Its a passive skill.

It took me a lot of time select these three skill and the hardest choice were between dodge and critical slice . Critical slice was a skill that increase the chance of critical slice and increase the power of the sword slice strength by 1.5 times .Dodge and parry both skill may sound similar but both of them have different machanics .parry also me to stop an attack while dodge allow me to dodge a magic attack specially for example if I parry a fireball with my sword and an explosion happen I will just die from the explosion even if I don't die I will seriously be injured so dodge is better when it comes to magic attack and this was also the suggestion that A-16 gave that's why I bought dodge .

After I was satisfied with the new sword skill I started checking the skill tree of phantom magic Swordman . I still have 10 skill points .

[skill points and class point are the same thing ]

The skill I bought from the magic Swordman skill tree were ....

Thank you Jesus_bible for your support (•‿•). I will post 2 ch today and also please comment too .

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Your one and only Zenos

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