
You Shall Pay For Your Sins Even If You Are A God

An assassin with godly luck was killed by some aliens and his soul was sent to another world for reincarnation but something unexpected happened and reincarnation failed !! ------------- The book cover is not mine nor do I claim it mine .

ZERO_ZENOS · Fantasie
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44 Chs

Ch - 10 Stone Of Power !

"Ok then let's stop talking about that . So how can I check my status" I asked to A-16.

"Hmph where did the your highness go " A-16 said "Call me 'Mam' from now on other wise I won't save you nor will I tell you anything"

"ok mam please tell how can I check my status and allocate the state point" I said while my mouth was twitching.

"just say or think 'status open A-16' and you will get your status page."

"Status open A- 16 " I said and a blue translucent holographic screen appeared before me . My status was


Name - Arindam

Race - half demon-half elf

level - 10

HP - 500 / 500

exp - 2100/10000

mana -1200/1200

Title - non

Class 1 - non

Class 2 - non

Class 3 -non

Strength - 6+

Stamina - 12+

Agility - 7+

Dexterity - 5+

Toughness -16+

Vitality - 5+

Regeneration - 2 +

Intelligence - 30+

Wisdom - 3+

Will - 18+

Luck - Max

stat points - 60

Mage realm - Black

Cultivation realm - Body tempering ( tier 1 primary stage)

Active Skill - non

passive skill - non

Affinity - all

Body and Mind Condition - top-notch


"huh ! I was already 35 in my last life so why is my wisdom so low don't they say the older they get the wiser they so why is my wisdom only three. Huh ! cultivation realm ? " I said "Cough cough ! Mam what is cultivation realm and what is the use of cultivation when there's magic ?"

"Cultivation is little same as you have read in novel in your previous life . In this world Cultivation is a method to increase the level of the core of the body that helps in making your body stronger and and magic control better it is said when one reaches the peak of cultivation and magic they can bend the rules of the worlds (not planets) accend towards Godhood . There are many realms in cultivation and magic there's no need for you to know about them once you reach level 100 only then will your body will be compatible with cultivation . Body tempering ( tier 1 primary stage ) and magic level black is the lowest of all for now focus on allocation of status points ." A-16 said.

"Ok mam ! Mam in which staits do you think I should move the states in ." I said

"You should allocate 3 points in wisdom first because I have never seen some one with 3 wisdom and after that you should allocate left points in strength , stamina , agility and dexterity it's up to you on how much you should allocate on which one and a tip for you check the storage ring that your mother gave you it got fully unlocked after getting the taste of your blood. You should first check what are the things in there".

"ok mam" I said and started checking my storage ring .

In storage ring there were 6 fasting pill many weapons heavy and light both type of weapon magic warnds some books on the elementary and advanced sword and magic .Many gold coins (gold coins are the currency that works in all continent and countries in this world they are above silver coins) and a letter of my mother . I will read that letter latter. Hmm ! what are these potions .

"Mam what is the use of these potions ?" I asked

"These are health, mana and rejuvenating potions they will be useful later on when we try to clear the floors of Abyss" A -16 said .

"ok mam" I said and started allocating the status points . And this was the final result .


Name -Arindam

Race - half demon-half elf

level - 10

HP - 1000 / 1000

exp - 2100/10000

mana -1200/1200

Title - non

Class 1 - non

Class 2 - non

Class 3 -non

Strength - 23+

Stamina - 22+

Agility - 20+

Dexterity - 15+

Toughness -16+

Vitality - 10+

Regeneration - 4+

Intelligence - 30+

Wisdom - 6+

Will - 18+

Luck - Max

stat points - 0

Mage realm - Black

Cultivation realm - Body tempering ( tier 1 primary stage)

Active Skill - non

passive skill - non

Affinity - all

Body and Mind Condition - top-notch


hmm not bad not bad am stronger now lets try hitting this big rock I started walking toward that shining rock to try how much stronger I was . I reached near rock and punched it and after punching it I heard a cracking voice."Awwwwwwww" it wasn't from rock but from my hand aah it hurts it hurts why ! why ! didn't it broke why! don't the protagonist of all novel and Ani*e after leveling up breaks the rock with a single but why did my hand got fractured after punching . I was going to curse the rock and protagonist more when I heard a ding voice it said

"Welcome to the Trail of Power" it said

"mam what is this ?" I asked to A-16

"Its a Stone of power " said A-16 in a little excited voice.