
When you know it

Vicky gazed at the cake, the candles already lit, and the room filled with cheers, urging him to make a wish and blow out the candles. 🕯️ With eyes closed, he embraced the joy of the moment and whispered a heartfelt wish known only to him for those fleeting 30 seconds. ✨ Then, he blew out the candles, the room erupting in a chorus of birthday songs and applause. 🎶👏

He cut the first piece and offered it to his mother, who insisted he share it with Meera. Turning to Meera, he extended the piece to her, but she playfully directed him to give it to his parents instead. 😄

In mock annoyance, he exclaimed, "Someone take it from me, or I'll devour it myself!" Laughter filled the room as his mother volunteered to take a bite and then lovingly fed it back to him. The next two pieces went to his father and his brother. 🍽️👪

Next, he turned to Meera, handing her a piece while wrapping an arm around her and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. His friends and mother playfully teased him, asking if he had hugged anyone else at the party. 😘🤣

With a grin, he replied, "It's not like that, Mama. She put so much effort into making all of this happen. And besides, I'm not a mama's boy anymore." He winked at his mother, who laughed and playfully hit him, saying she had another "lion cub" who would never ignore her.

She turned to Vicky's younger brother, Sam, who was in the 7th standard, and asked if he was still her baby. Sam replied with a mischievous smile, "Mom, I've had a girlfriend since 5th grade." The room erupted in laughter. 🤣

Then, one of Vicky's friends turned on the projector, and a video played, featuring a young Vicky at three years old playing with a small brown dog while half-naked. Vicky playfully feigned anger, demanding to know how they had obtained those videos.

His friend simply pointed to Vicky's mother, who explained with a laugh, "Why, dear? Because you were wearing trousers!" Everyone joined in the laughter. 😄

After the video, a collection of photos showcased Vicky's school and college memories. Many of these photos were ones he didn't even have, and he smiled mildly as he gazed at them. The video ended, and Vicky expressed his gratitude to everyone, hugging his mother and thanking her. 💕

With gifts presented one by one and some guests heading upstairs to enjoy the buffet, Vicky asked his parents to go ahead. One by one, everyone began to leave the hall, leaving behind a room adorned with gifts and birthday decorations. 🎁🎈

Meera finally descended the hall after showing the buffet place to all the guests. Vicky looked at her, and she asked if they should go eat. He replied with enthusiasm, "Yeah!"

He then beckoned her closer and gestured towards the gifts. "Before we go eat, give me your gift. Everyone else handed over their gifts, and you're the only one left."

Meera hesitated, teasing him, "I'll give it to you when you find the clue. Did you find it?"

Vicky responded, his curiosity evident, "No, I didn't get the time to read it carefully. Could you tell me what it is?"

Meera shook her head, "No, you have to find it. If you can't find it, forget it."

Vicky's face lit up with surprise and intrigue. "Dii!!"

Meera encouraged him, "Try to read it. You have less than 20 minutes."

Curious, Vicky questioned, "Why only 20 minutes?"

Meera replied with a playful smile, "Because everyone will come down here."

Vicky pressed further, "What if they come?"

Meera grinned, "Because it's not the gift to give in front of everyone."

Vicky's face became surprisingly happy at the thought. 😄

Vicky felt very excited, and in the back of his mind, he thought that the clue might lead to the long-anticipated kiss. Energetically, he read through the paper, searching for any hints.

Meera watched him with interest, her joy evident in her smile. She told him, "Try your luck. I'll be back in five minutes."

Vicky looked at her, a playful tone in his voice. "Hey! Where are you going? I won't let you leave. You have to give me the gift first," he said, pretending to be a little angry.

Meera laughed and replied, "Dei! I'm just going to the washroom. Do you want to follow me?"

Embarrassed, Vicky looked at her as she left the room.

In his mind, a voice urged him on, "Hey buddy Vicky, I think she's going to get ready for the kiss. All you have to do is find the clue, find it man, faster." He motivated himself.

He had longed for this moment for the past eight months. Their relationship had been challenging because they lived in different cities, and their meetings were often brief due to the distance. Most of their romance happened through phone calls and chats. This time, he wanted to take things to the next level.

He went to his room, sat on the bed, and tried to concentrate on deciphering the clue. After three minutes, his facial expression shifted from confusion to understanding.