

"Vicky's birthday celebration was set to start at 8 pm, and everyone had gathered at his home. This party had been meticulously arranged by his girlfriend, Meera, who was eagerly looking forward to it because it marked their first birthday celebration together. She was determined to make it special, and to do so, she had invited friends who lived far from Vicky's apartment. She had planned every detail, even creating a video showcasing his childhood memories to buy express how much he meant to her.

Meera had taken care of Vicky's outfit, choosing his favorite color, black, which made him look incredibly intriguing. She found herself at a loss for words to express just how handsome he looked.

As the clock neared 7:30, guests started to arrive, but Meera needed a moment alone with Vicky. He was in his room, carefully combing his silky hair when she entered. She locked the door behind her, and the room was filled with his intoxicating scent, making her feel nice and comfortable around him. He turned around, greeted her with a smile, and playfully asked why she was closing the door.

She replied, "Guess."

Vicky smirked and teasingly said, "You're going to kiss me?"

Moving closer to her, he took her hands and looked at her with playful eyes. She blushed and playfully hit him.

Meera replied, "Keep daydreaming."

Soulful music played outside his room as they stood there.

Vicky then asked, "Why are you doing all of this, Meera?" with a hint of disappointment.

Meera responded, "Did I promise you a kiss on your birthday?"

Vicky admitted, "No, but if you did, it would be the most memorable gift for me."

Meera smiled and held his hand, saying, "I have another gift for you that you'll remember for a lifetime."

Surprised and confused, Vicky asked, "What is it? I can't think of a better gift than our first kiss."

Meera retorted, "So you don't want the gift I'm going to give you now?"

Vicky quickly clarified, "No, I want it, but I could really use your kiss today," moving closer to her and mockingly trying to kiss her. She playfully moved away and headed towards the cupboard to retrieve her bag.

Vicky protested, "Hey! What are you doing, Meera? It's not fair. It's been eight months since we got into this relationship."

Meera turned around and looked at him, handing him a piece of paper, saying, "Trust me, you'll like this gift, and you won't regret it."

Vicky, feeling a bit disappointed but still eager, hugged her and thanked her, saying, "Thanks, Meera. It's very thoughtful of you. Can I read it now?"

Meera smiled and replied, "Yes, go ahead," eagerly awaiting his reaction."

"He began to read the poem aloud, but Meera quickly placed her hand over his mouth, urging him not to read it too loudly.

her poem about him had already turned her cheeks red, and with his voice, her heart might explode from shyness.

She instructed him to continue reading and then join everyone in the hall, as they were all waiting for him.

Confused by her request, he decided to playfully tease her further, asking, 'Why are you leaving? Are you afraid I'm not too repelled to kiss?' He leaned in closer to her.

Meera blushed even more, feeling icy, shocking waves run down her spine as her heart fluttered rapidly. However, she managed to regain her composure and pushed him away, saying, 'This trick won't work on me, my man,' with a laugh, before leaving the room.

He smiled and continued to read the paper. The door opened once again, and it was Meera. She mentioned that there was a hidden clue behind the poem and instructed him to find it, as it was the key to his real gift. With that, she left the room without giving him a chance to respond.

Vicky read the poem again, this time with more enthusiasm, wondering what the hidden clue could be. It didn't seem like a typical poem, and he couldn't find anything obvious within it. He was intrigued and tried to decipher the verses.

As he did so, he realized that it was already time for his birthday event. His mom knocked on the door and asked if he was ready. He replied, 'Just five more minutes, Mom,' and folded the poem, putting it into his pocket.

As Vicky emerged from his room, a thunderous cheer erupted from the crowd. 🎉 Friends, family, and colleagues had gathered to celebrate his 27th birthday, and his heart swelled with happiness at the thought of spending this special day with all his loved ones. ❤️🥳

He moved towards the cake-cutting table, where a magnificent three-layer red velvet cake awaited him. 🍰 It was his favorite flavor, and the words "Thanks to Be Born" were beautifully written on it, along with "Happy 27th." 🎂

To be continued...