
Chapter 59

His Jason was about to have apoplexy. He took Jason’s face in between both of his hands. “No coupons, baby. We’re only going to do this once, so we might as well do it right. You don’t mind a big wedding do you?”

“No,” Jason sighed, “but it’s a lot of money. Don’t you think it could be better spent elsewhere?”

“We have already paid for everything we need and want in the house. We have an offer for the Asbury house that is much more than I expected. I have substantial savings so we can buy new furniture, drapes, and everything else with cash.”

“What if one of us is out of work? You can deplete your savings pretty quickly.”

“You never looked at the financial statements I gave you when we went for the mortgage did you?

“No, I didn’t have the time, and then Kitty got sick. How much is substantial savings?”

“Most of it is in my investment portfolio but I’m worth approximately seven million dollars not counting the businesses.”