
Chapter 32

Keith snickered. “You’re not going to be telling me anything I don’t already know.”

“What?” Zach asked his friend.

“One—see Zach and Jason holding hands. Two—see Zach turn down every proposition made since he met Jason. Three—watch Jason not even notice all the guys lined up at his station brandishing their phone numbers. Four—Jason never gives out his own phone number. Furthermore, Zach’s little black book sits languishing in his office. Five—every time I look for Zach when he’s off, he’s with Jason. Six—Zach is spending so much time with Caroline that even Alan noticed. Conclusion—Zach and Jason are in love. Am I correct?

“Were we really that glaringly obvious?”

“Yes,” a chorus of voices chimed into the conversation. Jason and Zach turned around and the other bartender and the two waiters standing behind them. Then someone started to clap. The whole bar, including the last few staggering customers burst out in applause.