
Chapter 11

While Jason was ruminating, Zach was still talking about Caroline coming to play. “I’ll give you my sister’s number so you can arrange a playdate.” He’s being so nice. Can I believe him? Is this the same guy who came up to me last night and said, “Want to fuck?”

“Thanks. I really mean that. Your niece’s success makes me feel better about Kitty’s chances at school and it would be nice for her to have a new friend.” Even one with an uncle who’s so hot that I get heart palpations just looking at him. I got to get over this. I start work on Friday.

Maybe I can get Zach to give me the name of the therapist. I could take her after work. The insurance will pay the freight and Kitty would get more help than she would with the school therapist who has too many kids to deal with to do the job right.

“Does Caroline go to the therapist at school or privately? If it costs too much, I’m afraid Kitty will have to wait until school starts.” And the other kids will make fun of her.