
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Only Pain Drives Me

Lin Feng sat in the dim light of his room, a stark contrast to the brilliance of the Inner Sea within his mind. The shadows played on the walls, mirroring the shadowy figures that materialized and dissipated with each attempt. His eyes were bloodshot, and his body ached with fatigue, but he pressed on. He had reached a critical point where each failure brought him closer to understanding, discarding flawed theories one by one. The pain was barely manageable, but he had grown accustomed to it, finding a perverse comfort in the relentless agony.

He knew he could use the System to cheat his way through this process. The Gift Shop held solutions, ready and waiting to be purchased with the right amount of points. But Lin Feng was reluctant. Deep within him, every fiber of his being resisted the temptation. The easy way out would never bring the satisfaction he craved. True understanding required enduring the pain, boredom, anger, frustration, and even depression. A gift from the System would be a shortcut, a hollow victory devoid of the depth he sought.

As these thoughts churned in his mind, an idea struck him. Pain. The answer lay in pain, not just in enduring it, but in wielding it as a tool. He needed to inflict pain, to receive it, to let it become the crucible through which his understanding would be forged.

The 218th figure materialized once more, a shadowy representation of his cultivation. He employed the pathway discovered during his First Iteration of the True Flow Theory. But this time, he stopped the Qi just above the dantian, allowing it to stagnate before dripping it onto the metaphysical receptacle. Each drop was precise, falling with the exact same speed and angle, landing dead center on the dantian.

The pain was immense, a searing agony that rippled through his body and mind. The dantian screamed, thrashing in futile attempts to escape the torment. But Lin Feng was relentless. He focused on the effects of each drop, observing the transformations within the shadowy figure. The pathways grew wider, the blood circulated faster, and the entire system became more efficient.

As the process continued, the dantian's resistance lessened. The figure's pathways expanded, the flow of Qi becoming smoother and more potent. The muscles swelled, the bones strengthened, and the Qi shimmered with a newfound brilliance. Each drop was a hammer strike, forging the figure into a stronger, more resilient form.

Then, a system notification appeared before his eyes:

System Notification: Theory of True Flow - Qi Lifespan +200%, Qi Quality +80%, Qi Speed +30%. Special Effect: The longer your Qi lasts, the easier it will pierce through both matter and non-matter.

Lin Feng didn't pause to congratulate himself. He didn't allow himself a moment of respite. Instead, he stood up immediately, his body protesting the sudden movement, but his mind was focused. He knew what he had to do next. He had to return to the Guild of Spell Crafters and continue his training with the Overseer.

Ignoring the pain, he left the inn and stepped into the cool night air. The city of Baiyun was still alive with activity. Merchants called out their wares, street artists performed their acts, and the shops remained open, their lights casting a warm glow on the cobblestone streets. But Lin Feng ignored all of it. His destination was clear, his purpose unwavering.

His steps were steady, fast, and rhythmic. He moved through the bustling crowds with single-minded determination. Perhaps it was because he was so focused on reaching the Guild that he didn't see the young man until it was too late. They collided, both of them landing hard on the cobblestones.

Lin Feng looked up to see a young man dressed in fine silk robes, his expression twisted with anger. He recognized the emblem on the man's clothing—the Cloud Top Pavilion, the ruling faction of Baiyun. The young man before him certainly was a scion of the Pavilion.

"You idiot!" the scion snarled, scrambling to his feet. "Do you know who I am?"

Lin Feng stood up slowly, his eyes narrowing. He didn't have time for this. "I don't care who you are. Move aside."

The scion's face turned red with rage. "You dare speak to me like that? I'll have you punished for this insolence!"

Lin Feng's patience was wearing thin. He didn't have time for petty squabbles. "I said, move aside," he repeated, his voice low and dangerous.

The scion's eyes flashed with malice. "You're going to regret this," he hissed, lunging at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng moved with precision. He sidestepped the scion's attack and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back and forcing him to the ground. The scion cried out in pain, but Lin Feng's grip was unrelenting.

"Listen to me," Lin Feng said coldly. "I don't have time for your games. Stay out of my way, or you'll regret it."

He released the scion and stepped back, his eyes burning with intensity. The young man scrambled to his feet, clutching his arm and glaring at Lin Feng with pure hatred.

"You'll pay for this," the scion spat, but he didn't move to attack again. He knew better than to challenge someone who was clearly his superior in combat.

Lin Feng didn't respond. He turned and continued on his way, his mind already focused on his next goal. The Guild of Spell Crafters was just ahead, its grand entrance illuminated by torchlight.

He approached the gate, where two guards stood watch. They eyed him suspiciously but didn't move to stop him. Lin Feng ignored their scrutiny and walked past them, entering the Guild's grounds.

The halls were quiet, most of the apprentices and Spell Crafters having retired for the night. But Lin Feng knew where he was going. He made his way to the Overseer's quarters, his steps echoing in the empty corridors.

When he reached the door, he paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Then he knocked, the sound sharp and clear in the stillness.

"Enter," came the Overseer's voice, now fully adapted to Huo Ying's body.

Lin Feng pushed the door open and stepped inside. The Overseer was seated at her desk, surrounded by books and scrolls. She looked up as he entered, her expression calm and composed.

"Lin Feng," she said, her voice a blend of Huo Ying's and the Overseer's authority. "I see you've made progress."

Lin Feng didn't acknowledge her words. Without a word, he walked over to the shelves lining the walls and began pulling down books. He didn't spare a glance at the Overseer, his focus solely on the knowledge contained within the volumes.

The Overseer watched him with a mixture of amusement and understanding. "You could at least show some respect," she said, her tone gentle.

Lin Feng didn't bother to respond. He carried an armful of books to a nearby table and began to study, flipping through pages with a rapidity that spoke of his desperation for knowledge.

The Overseer stood and approached him, her expression softening. "I understand your urgency, Lin Feng," she said quietly. "But you must pace yourself."

Lin Feng glanced up briefly, his eyes cold. "I don't have time to waste," he said curtly, then returned to his books.

The Overseer sighed but didn't press the issue. She returned to her desk, continuing her own studies while keeping a watchful eye on Lin Feng. She knew that his drive for knowledge was intense, but she also understood the importance of balance.

Hours passed, the silence broken only by the rustle of pages and the occasional muttered curse from Lin Feng. He absorbed the knowledge like a sponge, his mind working at a feverish pace. The concepts of Spell Crafting, the intricate rituals, and the delicate balance of Qi—he devoured it all, integrating it into his understanding.

Despite Lin Feng's harsh demeanor, the Overseer remained patient and kind. Her sole purpose was to guide him, to help him reach his full potential. She admired his determination, even if his attitude was less than respectful.

As dawn approached, Lin Feng finally paused, his eyes bloodshot but his mind sharp. He had consumed a vast amount of information, but he knew there was still more to learn. He stood up, stretching his weary muscles, and walked back to the shelves to gather more books.

The Overseer watched him with concern. "Lin Feng, you need to rest. Even the strongest cultivators require sleep."

"Rest is for the weak," Lin Feng snapped, pulling down another stack of books. "I need answers, not sleep."

The Overseer sighed softly. "I understand your drive, but pushing yourself too hard can be detrimental. Balance is key."

Lin Feng ignored her, returning to his table and resuming his studies. The Overseer shook her head but didn't argue. She knew that Lin Feng's journey was his own, and her role was to support him, even if it meant allowing him to learn from his own mistakes.

As the sun rose, Lin Feng continued his relentless study, the pain and exhaustion mere background noise to his unyielding drive for understanding. He knew that the journey ahead was fraught with challenges, but he was ready to face them all. Finally, after hours of ceaseless reading, Lin Feng closed all of the books sprawled out in front of him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to abate the ever-growing headache that had taken residence in his skull.

The Overseer, ever patient and watchful, approached him. The scent and perfume of Huo Ying's body wafted over him, assaulting his olfactory senses. Before she could speak, Lin Feng cut her off brusquely.

"Move, you're a nuisance."

The Overseer, unperturbed by his harshness, stepped back quietly. Lin Feng stood and walked over to a wooden dummy stationed in the corner of the room. Every office of a Bronze Spell Crafter had one for practice and demonstration purposes. Lin Feng focused on the dummy, preparing to execute his Wind Blade skill.

He muttered to himself, his thoughts taking shape in the form of words. "I'm using Qi to guide Wind Elemental Particles to gather, then I use Qi to push this gathering of particles in a specific direction. The shape is caused by the ambient air pushing against the Wind Elemental Particles that are now foreign since they've been fused with my Qi. So instead of multiple gatherings of Wind Elemental Particles, I could..."

Lin Feng trailed off, focusing intensely. He couldn't sense the Elemental Particles, but that mattered little to him. He trusted his mind. He activated the Wind Blade skill, channeling his Qi. A greenish-blue blade of wind appeared in front of him, moving extremely slowly through the air. Lin Feng used both his hands to shape the blade, compressing it, stretching it, and twirling it. The blade of wind became malleable under his touch.

Finally, he shaped it into a tiny needle, a minuscule yet deadly form. With a flick of his wrist, he launched the needle at the wooden dummy. There was no grandiose show, no explosion. The needle simply passed cleanly through the dummy's head, faster than Lin Feng could see. It only stopped upon reaching the wall, actually denting the stone material it was made of.

"Cool," Lin Feng muttered to himself, a rare moment of satisfaction flickering in his eyes.

System Notification: Wind Communion has advanced from Medium - Stage 1 to High - Stage 1.

Lin Feng's eyes widened briefly at the notification. He had done it. His mastery over the Wind Element had reached a new height. The needle technique was proof of his progress, and the system's acknowledgment reinforced his belief that he was on the right path.

Feeling a surge of confidence, Lin Feng decided it was time to push himself to the next stage of his cultivation. He turned and took his first step towards the door to leave the office. But as he moved, his vision blurred, and a wave of overwhelming fatigue crashed over him. He tried to steady himself, but it was too late. Darkness enveloped him, and he fainted on the spot.

The Overseer, who had been observing him from the corner of her eye, sighed softly. Without saying a word, she moved swiftly to his side. She knelt down and gently picked him up, his weight insignificant to her enhanced strength. She carried him to an adjacent room equipped with a bed and other necessary furniture.

She laid Lin Feng down on the bed, his breathing shallow but steady. The Overseer looked at his pale face, concern etched in her features. She knew he had pushed himself too hard, far beyond the limits of his physical endurance. Without hesitation, she accessed the Gift Shop using Lin Feng's gift points and purchased a recovery pill. She placed the pill on his tongue, ensuring he swallowed it, and watched as his color began to improve almost immediately.

The Overseer stood up quietly, giving one last glance at Lin Feng to ensure he was stable. She left the adjacent room and returned to her office, ready to delve back into her studies of the Inner Sea. She knew she would have to endure Lin Feng's berating and harsh words later, but right now, the most important thing was to ensure his recovery.

Just as she settled back at her desk, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She sighed again, slightly annoyed at the constant interruptions, but she masked her irritation as she stood and walked to the door. She opened it to find Mei Lan standing there, a gentle smile on her face.

"Huo Ying," Mei Lan said, using the Overseer's guise, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for tea. We have some matters to discuss."

The Overseer nodded politely, though inwardly she was reluctant to leave Lin Feng unattended. "Of course, Mei Lan. I would be happy to join you."

Mei Lan led the way through the quiet halls of the Guild, the faint light of early morning filtering through the windows. They made their way to a small, cozy room where a tea set was already prepared. Mei Lan gestured for the Overseer to sit, and she took a seat opposite her.

As Mei Lan poured the tea, she glanced up at the Overseer. "There have been some important developments recently. I wanted to get your perspective on a few matters."

The Overseer accepted the cup of tea with a gracious smile. "Of course. What issues are we dealing with?"

Mei Lan took a sip of her tea, her expression thoughtful. "Firstly, there have been reports from the capital about a new advancement. One of our elders, Liu Zheng, has achieved the rank of Diamond Spell Crafter. It's causing quite a stir among the Guilds."

The Overseer's eyes widened in surprise. "Liu Zheng? He's been working towards this for centuries. This is monumental news. His advancement will undoubtedly impact the Guild significantly."

Mei Lan nodded. "Indeed. His new techniques and insights could revolutionize our current understanding of elemental manipulation. There's already talk of holding a grand convocation in his honor."

The Overseer smiled. "We must definitely reach out to him and see if he would be willing to share his newfound knowledge. His experience and dedication are invaluable to us."

Mei Lan agreed. "I'll draft a formal invitation to extend our congratulations and request a meeting. Another matter that requires our attention is the recent discovery of an ancient spellbook in the ruins near Silverleaf. It's said to contain lost techniques that could revolutionize our understanding of elemental manipulation."

The Overseer's interest was piqued. "An ancient spellbook, you say? That could indeed be a game-changer. Do we have any preliminary information on its contents?"

Mei Lan shook her head. "Not much, unfortunately. The team that discovered it is still deciphering the text. However, early reports suggest it contains spells and rituals long thought lost."

The Overseer nodded thoughtfully. "We should send a delegation to Silverleaf to assist with the deciphering. If those techniques are as powerful as rumored, we can't afford to miss this opportunity."

Mei Lan smiled, pleased with the suggestion. "I'll organize a team immediately. Lastly, there's the matter of the upcoming convocation in Azure City. Representatives from all major Guilds will be attending to discuss the future of spell crafting. Your presence there would be invaluable."

The Overseer sighed softly. "The convocation... Yes, it's crucial that we attend. I'll make the necessary preparations. It's important that we present a united front and share our latest findings."

They continued to discuss various issues, brainstorming solutions and strategies to address the challenges facing the Guild of Spell Crafters. The Overseer appreciated Mei Lan's insights and her commitment to finding solutions. It was clear that Mei Lan cared deeply about the Guild and its members, and her dedication was reassuring.

As the conversation drew to a close, Mei Lan stood, a look of determination on her face. "Thank you for your time, Huo Ying. Your guidance is invaluable, as always. I'll keep you updated on our progress with these issues."

The Overseer smiled warmly. "And thank you, Mei Lan, for your dedication and hard work. Together, we'll ensure that the Guild remains at the forefront of spell crafting innovation."

Mei Lan left the room, and the Overseer returned to her office.