
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Slow Progress

The Overseer returned to her office. Inside, she found some servants cleaning up. "Leave me. I need privacy," she commanded. The servants quickly gathered their supplies and exited.

The Overseer approached the adjacent room where Lin Feng was still sleeping. She entered quietly, her expression softening as she looked at his exhausted form. She ruffled his hair gently, her fingers brushing against his forehead as she inspected his Inner Sea. Her face grew serious as she saw the tiny shard floating in an empty space, with large pieces of multicolored glass resting at the bottom. Lin Feng's Inner Sea had deteriorated back to its initial state. The ritual, even though harmless, had still impacted his fragile Inner Sea.

Lin Feng stirred and woke up, quickly trying to sit up. A wave of dizziness hit him, and he nearly collapsed back onto the bed. The Overseer reached out to steady him. "Lin Feng, you need to slow down," she said softly, her voice filled with concern. "Your body and mind are fragile. Pushing yourself like this will only cause more harm."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with frustration and defiance. "Shut up," he spat through gritted teeth. "I can't slow down. My stride is only getting faster and longer. I'm building my foundations to gain more strength, more knowledge, and more understanding. I can't stop yet. I just can't."

Tears welled up in Lin Feng's eyes and began to roll down his cheeks. "You don't understand," he continued, his voice breaking. "If I stop now, if I slow down, I'll fall behind. I can't afford that. Not now, not ever."

The Overseer watched him with a mixture of sadness and concern, but she knew that arguing with him in this state was futile. Lin Feng brushed past her, his determination palpable despite his weakened state. He returned to his desk, his movements frantic as he grabbed books and papers.

The Overseer approached him once more, her voice gentle but firm. "Do you need any help?"

Lin Feng shook his head, his eyes bloodshot and desperate. "I know what I have to do," he said, almost mechanically. "I've barely scratched the surface of Spell Crafting. Modifying one spell isn't enough. It can't be considered anything great. Anyone could have done it if they thought about it for a bit. I have so many gaps in my knowledge, and I need to fill them."

He continued, his voice taking on a lecturing tone as if trying to convince himself as much as her. "Spell Crafting is divided into many different sub-studies that come together once you reach the Bronze rank: Spell Modification, Spell Creation, Spell Enhancement, Elemental Infusion, Ritual Crafting, and Artifact Imbuement. Each sub-study has its own complexities and depths."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and continued, his eyes wide with manic energy. "Spell Modification is divided into six stages. The first stage is Basic Alteration, where you change minor aspects of a spell, like its shape or size. The second stage is Function Shift, where you alter the spell's fundamental properties or effects. The third stage is Energy Efficiency, where you reduce the energy consumption of a spell without compromising its power."

"The fourth stage," he went on, "is Advanced Manipulation, where you can combine aspects of different spells into one. The fifth stage is Elemental Integration, where you infuse elemental properties into spells or enhance the ones already present, making them far more powerful and versatile. And the sixth and final stage is Conceptual Reconstruction, where you can deconstruct and rebuild spells from the ground up, proving your complete mastery over a spell."

Lin Feng's eyes were wild with intensity as he delved back into his books, trying to understand the different stages of Spell Modification and where he was currently situated. Despite his previous modification of his Wind Blade skill, he knew he was not even at the beginning. He had accomplished almost nothing in the grand scheme of Spell Crafting.

After hours of studying and reviewing what he had learned, making sure he had memorized it all, Lin Feng decided it was time to cultivate. He popped an Intermediate Qi Gathering pill and felt the potent energy surge through him. He began to gather the Qi, following the Theory of True Flow he had established. His pathways lit up like stars each time the Qi flowed through them, cycling multiple times through his body, avoiding his organs, muscles, bones, and blood.

When the Qi reached his dantian, Lin Feng stopped it right above, experiencing a moment of grace. He made the Qi drip onto his dantian, drop by drop. At first, he felt a strange sensation, a wave of both warmth and cold, heaviness and lightness washing over his entire body. As the Qi continued to drip, the sensation transformed into unimaginable pain, his dantian trembling with each drop, feeling as if it were being tortured.

After a few hours, the Qi he had gathered was completely used up. Lin Feng was drenched in sweat, his breath heavy. He felt no relief from the torture ending, only doubt that he had made any progress. But when he checked his status, he saw his Qi had jumped from 58 to 128 in a single round of cultivation, a massive increase compared to the previous gains of only 10 points per session.

He was correct. His approach was correct. Lin Feng didn't smile; he only felt like the gears were clicking together, preparing to turn the wheels of fate in his favor.

Turning to the Overseer, Lin Feng asked, "Is there a training ground inside the Guild?"

The Overseer, caught off guard, put down her book and browsed through Huo Ying's memories. "Yes, there is one. I can take you there."

Lin Feng shook his head, his gaze intense. "Leave me alone for now. I want to do this alone."

The Overseer hesitated. "Why?"

Lin Feng snarled, "It feels right, that's all you need to know."

The Overseer watched him for a moment longer, then sighed and nodded. "Very well, Lin Feng. But remember, you don't have to do everything alone."

Lin Feng ignored her and left the room, his mind already focused on his next steps. He made his way through the halls of the guild, his movements purposeful. When he reached the training ground, he pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside.

The training ground was a vast, open space with high ceilings and reinforced walls. There were several areas sectioned off for different types of training: spellcasting, physical combat, meditation, and more. The floor was covered in intricate spell circles and runes, evidence of countless experiments and practices.

Around the training ground, various Spell Crafters were engaged in their own activities. Some were deep in meditation, their bodies surrounded by faint auras of energy. Others were casting spells at targets, the air filled with flashes of light and bursts of elemental power. A few were engaged in heated discussions, poring over ancient texts and scrolls.

As Lin Feng entered, the Spell Crafters glanced up from their activities. Their gazes lingered on him, filled with curiosity and skepticism. They recognized him as the servant who had been causing a stir within the guild. His tattered robes and the grime that still clung to him contrasted sharply with their own pristine appearances.

Ignoring their stares, Lin Feng moved to an empty corner of the training ground. He began a series of exercises, pushing his body to its limits. He practiced basic calisthenics, each movement precise and deliberate. Sweat poured down his face as he continued, his muscles straining with the effort.

The Spell Crafters watched him with a mix of bemusement and disdain. They were researchers, scholars who valued knowledge and intellect over brute strength. Lin Feng's intense physical training seemed out of place in their world of spellcraft and arcane studies.

One of the senior Spell Crafters, a Silver-ranked Spell Crafter named Shen Yi, approached the Overseer, who had followed Lin Feng at a distance. "What is that servant doing here?" he asked, his tone dripping with disdain. "This is a place for serious study, not for someone to play at being a warrior."

The Overseer glanced at Lin Feng, her expression unreadable. "Lin Feng has his own path to follow," she said calmly. "He is more determined than most to improve himself, even if his methods seem unconventional."

Shen Yi scoffed. "Determination alone won't make him a Spell Crafter. He lacks the talent and the discipline."

"Perhaps," the Overseer replied. "But sometimes, it's the ones who defy our expectations who achieve the most remarkable things."

Lin Feng continued his training, unaware of the conversation happening behind him. He pushed himself harder, each movement fueled by his desire to grow stronger. His body ached, and his breath came in ragged gasps, but he refused to stop.

After completing his physical exercises, Lin Feng moved on to spell practice. He summoned the Wind Blade spell, the greenish-blue blade of wind forming in front of him. He concentrated, compressing and shaping it with his hands. The blade transformed into a needle, just as he had done before.

He threw the needle at a target, watching as it pierced cleanly through the center. The precision and control he had over the spell filled him with a sense of accomplishment, but he knew it was only the beginning. There was so much more to learn, so many skills to master.

The Spell Crafters continued to watch him, their expressions ranging from skepticism to curiosity. Lin Feng's relentless drive and determination were impossible to ignore. Despite their doubts about his potential, they couldn't help but be intrigued by him.

Lin Feng kept working on his Wind Blade skill, trying to recall what he had learned about Spell Modification. Performing a spell meant having his own Qi follow a certain path inside his body while maintaining a mental image of the desired outcome. Modifying a spell, however, required viewing the Qi's path and altering its course, speed, and maybe even having it cycle. The mental image had to be both malleable and concrete. Just getting one of those aspects wrong could cause the spell to fail and potentially create a backlash that might injure him.

As Lin Feng tried modifying the Wind Blade from the needle form he had created, he found it both extremely easy and extremely hard. He could change the skill's shape and size effortlessly, but the spell hadn't truly been modified. Its power, speed, and flexibility remained the same.

He concentrated, his mind a whirlwind of theories and ideas. He visualized the Qi's path, attempting to adjust it mid-flow, making subtle changes to its trajectory and speed. He tried to hold the mental image of the Wind Blade as a dynamic, ever-changing form, but it was like trying to grasp water with his bare hands.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, frustration mounting. "Why won't this work?"

As he continued to practice, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion, a sharp pain suddenly exploded at the back of his head. He stumbled forward, turning around to see Shen Yi standing behind him, his expression one of disdain.

"What the hell?" Lin Feng growled, his eyes blazing with fury. "What's your problem?"

Shen Yi sneered. "You're an idiot, that's the problem. You're going about this all wrong."

Before Lin Feng could respond, Shen Yi struck him again, harder this time. "Pay attention, you moron," Shen Yi snapped. "Your Qi is all over the place. You're trying to brute-force your way through this without understanding the fundamentals."

Lin Feng's anger flared, but he forced himself to listen. Shen Yi's words stung, but there was truth in them. "Then show me," Lin Feng said through gritted teeth, his voice trembling with suppressed rage. "Show me what I'm doing wrong."

Shen Yi scoffed but stepped forward, his hands moving to adjust Lin Feng's stance. "First, your foundation is weak. Stand like this." He roughly repositioned Lin Feng's feet and hands, ignoring the younger man's glare. "Your Qi needs a stable base to flow properly."

Lin Feng tried to mimic Shen Yi's adjustments, his body tense with anger. "You're just making this up as you go along," he muttered.

Shen Yi slapped the back of Lin Feng's head again. "Shut up and focus. Feel the flow of your Qi. It's not just about changing the shape of the spell; it's about altering the very essence of it. Your Qi needs to be in harmony with the spell's form and function."

Lin Feng growled in frustration but did as he was told. He concentrated on the flow of his Qi, trying to sense its rhythm and pattern. Shen Yi's insults continued, each one a sharp prod that forced Lin Feng to push harder, to focus more intensely.

"You're too rigid," Shen Yi barked, striking Lin Feng's shoulder to force him to loosen up. "Magic isn't just about control. It's about flexibility, adaptability. You need to let your Qi breathe, let it flow naturally."

Lin Feng's anger surged, but he couldn't deny that Shen Yi's harsh methods were making a difference. He felt the Wind Blade spell shifting, not just in form but in power and speed. It was becoming more responsive, more attuned to his will.

"This still feels like crap," Lin Feng muttered, but there was a hint of begrudging respect in his voice.

Shen Yi smirked. "That's because you're crap. But even crap can become fertilizer with enough effort."

Lin Feng shot him a dark look but continued to follow his instructions. The Wind Blade grew more refined, its edges sharper, its movements swifter. He could feel the spell evolving, becoming something more than just a basic attack.

"See?" Shen Yi said, his tone almost mocking. "You're not a complete lost cause."

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed. "Thanks for the vote of confidence," he said sarcastically. "Now, can you get out of my way? I need to work."

Shen Yi stepped back, his expression one of grudging respect. "Just remember, you're not doing this alone. Use the resources around you. Learn from those who know more than you."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth. "I don't need your help. I can do this on my own."

Shen Yi laughed, a harsh, mirthless sound. "You really are an idiot. No one achieves greatness alone. Not even you."

Lin Feng ignored him and turned back to his practice. Despite his anger, he couldn't deny the progress he had made. The Wind Blade spell was changing, becoming more powerful, more versatile. He had a long way to go, but he could see the path ahead more clearly now.

The other Spell Crafters in the training ground watched the exchange with a mixture of amusement and interest. Lin Feng's relentless drive and Shen Yi's harsh mentorship were a spectacle in themselves. But they couldn't deny the results. Lin Feng was improving, slowly but surely.

Lin Feng continued to practice, pushing himself harder with each repetition. The spell grew more responsive, the Qi flowing more smoothly through the altered pathways. His body ached, his mind felt stretched to its limits, but he refused to stop.

Finally, as the last of his Qi depleted, Lin Feng collapsed to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He lay there, staring up at the ceiling, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Shen Yi walked over and looked down at him, his expression unreadable. "You've made progress," he said finally. "But don't let it go to your head. There's still a long way to go. And honestly, with your meager amount of strength, I wonder how you even thought about becoming a Spell Crafter."

Lin Feng threw him a glare, wishing he could just strangle the man, but he knew it would be useless. With a huff, he dragged himself outside the training grounds and back to the Overseer's office, not saying one word of thanks to Shen Yi.

The Overseer, who had been watching from a distance, approached Shen Yi. "Thank you for your guidance," she said, her voice sincere.

Shen Yi scoffed and waved her off. "Give up on the brat and focus on your own research. His attitude isn't fit for any kind of teaching, and his talent is below subpar. His only redeeming quality is that he's hardworking, but so are a lot of apprentices. He'll never amount to anything significant."

The Overseer watched Lin Feng's retreating form with a mix of concern and determination. She didn't share Shen Yi's pessimism. She saw something in Lin Feng, a spark that refused to be extinguished. She was determined to help him kindle that spark into a flame, no matter how long it took.

Back in his room, Lin Feng collapsed onto his bed, his body aching from the exertion. His anger, however, had not subsided. With a frustrated growl, he repeatedly hit the wall beside his bed, the dull thuds echoing in the small room. His rage at being manhandled by someone stronger burned fiercely, fueling his frustration.

I won't be weak forever, he thought, his fists bruising against the wall. Exhaustion tugged at him, almost pulling him into sleep, but he resisted. He couldn't afford to waste time sleeping. He needed to keep pushing forward, to keep improving.

Struggling to stay awake, Lin Feng decided to browse through the Gift Shop. As he viewed his status, he noticed that his Wind Blade skill had risen to Level 5. Instead of feeling satisfaction, he felt a surge of rage. It was only because Shen Yi had guided him that he had managed to improve, and that infuriated him. He bit his tongue to abate his anger and focused on finding a solution to his current predicament.

He needed something to keep him awake and alert. Searching through the Gift Shop, he found exactly what he was looking for:

Gift Shop Item: Spirit Awakening Elixir

Price: 30 Gift Points

Effect: Instantly removes all feelings of fatigue and drowsiness. Restores mental clarity and physical alertness for 24 hours. Does not replenish Qi or heal injuries.

Description: A potent elixir brewed from rare herbs and infused with spiritual energy. Favored by cultivators who need to push beyond their limits, this elixir keeps the mind sharp and the body alert. Perfect for long study sessions or intense training periods.

Lin Feng's eyes gleamed with determination as he purchased the Spirit Awakening Elixir. He used 30 of his remaining Gift Points, leaving him with 154. Without hesitation, he uncorked the vial and drank the contents. A cool sensation spread through his body, and within moments, he felt the fatigue and drowsiness melt away. His mind cleared, and his body felt rejuvenated, although his Qi was still depleted.

He knew that cultivating in his current state would not help him reach the next stage. It would only replenish his Qi, which would happen naturally over time. He decided to use this newfound clarity to study more. He needed to fill the gaps in his knowledge, to understand the intricacies of Spell Crafting.

Lin Feng sat at his desk, surrounded by books and scrolls. He picked up a tome on Spell Modification and delved into its contents, his eyes scanning the dense text with renewed vigor. He absorbed the principles of Basic Alteration, the first stage of Spell Modification, where minor aspects of a spell could be changed. He reviewed the steps he had taken to alter his Wind Blade, noting where he had succeeded and where he had failed.

Despite his best efforts, Lin Feng struggled to grasp the complexities of Basic Alteration. He felt as if he were missing a crucial piece of the puzzle, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find it.

Frustrated, Lin Feng decided to switch his focus. He picked up another book, this one detailing the 33 stages of Qi Condensation. Each stage was a milestone in a cultivator's journey, with its own major hurdles and challenges. He read about the different phases, the breakthroughs required to advance, and the common pitfalls that many cultivators faced.

As he studied, Lin Feng came across the major hurdles that defined significant breakthroughs in Qi Condensation:

10th to 11th Stage: This is the first major hurdle because it involves stabilizing the foundation of one's Qi. The cultivator must refine and purify their Qi to a much higher degree, ensuring that it flows smoothly and powerfully through their meridians. Any impurities can cause blockages, which might lead to Qi deviation.

20th to 21st Stage: This transition requires the cultivator to harmonize their Qi with their spirit. The mental discipline and spiritual clarity needed at this stage are immense. Many cultivators struggle here because it demands a deep connection between the mind and the body, often requiring intense meditation and self-reflection.

30th to 31st Stage: This stage involves a fundamental transformation of the cultivator's Qi. The Qi begins to take on more refined and potent properties, resembling the qualities of true energy found in higher realms of cultivation. This transformation is taxing and can cause significant strain on the body if not handled properly.

31st to 32nd Stage: At this point, the cultivator's Qi must become self-sustaining. It requires the ability to circulate Qi continuously without conscious effort, akin to a perpetual motion machine within the body. Achieving this level of control and efficiency is incredibly challenging.

32nd to 33rd Stage: The final hurdle of Qi Condensation, this stage demands the cultivator to merge their Qi with the natural energies of the world. This creates a seamless flow between the individual and their environment, marking the pinnacle of the Qi Condensation stage. It requires an almost symbiotic relationship with the natural world and perfect harmony within oneself.

As Lin Feng pondered these major hurdles, he couldn't help but reflect on how he had been able to train his Wind Blade skill so much better under Shen Yi's guidance. He couldn't grasp what had been so different. Despite trying his hardest to recall what had occurred and how he had successfully modified his spell, he simply couldn't grasp it.

His frustration grew, but he refused to give up. Instead, he decided to multitask, hoping that by approaching his studies from different angles, he might find a breakthrough. He went back to studying Spell Modification, his mind flitting between the details of the 33 stages of Qi Condensation and the intricacies of altering spells.

As he did this, he found that his progress, while still slow, became more consistent. He began to see connections between the flow of Qi and the way spells could be modified. He realized that his failure to understand the changes Shen Yi had made was due to a lack of experience and foundational knowledge.

Lin Feng continued to study, filling pages with notes and diagrams. He practiced visualizing the flow of his Qi, imagining it as a river that he could direct and shape. He experimented with altering its course, speed, and intensity, trying to apply these changes to his Wind Blade spell.

Slowly, but surely, Lin Feng began to make progress.