
You Are So Cold

My Sister, Sakura Miko is a VTuber. Only one of her friends and I knew that she is a VTuber. And When her friend came over to visit my house, i tried to tease her but she completely rejected me. My name is Yukihana Lamy. I accidentally recognized my friend when i watched a VTuber on MeTube. But when i want to visit her house, suddenly her brother seduce me. And... HE LOOKS SO COOL... Nb: This is only a fanfic, Yukihana Lamy and Sakura Miko are VTubers from Hololive (Cover Corp)! Not my original character! Source pict: https://twitter.com/Mofu07519/status/1504616071147401237/photo/1

CiLLL_Writing · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Streaming

I was coming out of Lamy-chan's room after I forgot my smartphone there. But, my heart was beating so fast. D- Did she just say "don't leave me, Onii-san"? N- No, I must be hearing things. This is bad, if I misunderstand it again she would hate me even more and it would be awkward to only meet her in the future.

Yeah, once again... I misunderstood someone's intention. It is just like back then.

---"Huh? Like you? Are you kidding me? You are not even my type. I only wanted to be close to you because you are friends with Tomo-kun"---

Ugh, the memories kept coming back and haunted me more and more. I am glad I can figure it out faster, if not... I would be bothering her every time. Yeah, maybe it was also the same as back then. Lamy-chan only wanted to be with me because she is Mikocchi's friend.

Though it has been a while since I fall in love with someone. And history repeats itself. Haha.

Well, I will be just loving her from afar, maybe it needs time to move on from Lamy-chan. Still, I want to support her because she always has been nice to me. I want to repay it, without bothering her anymore. I wonder how uncomfortable Lamy-chan was when I kept flirting with her.

I am the worst.

I then went home and as soon as I sat on my chair, I looked that Lamy-chan would be streaming in an hour.

"Good luck, Lamy-chan."

While waiting for her, I will just eat first and maybe played a game a little. But, suddenly there was a phone call from Mikocchi.

"What is this now?"

I picked up the phone and suddenly Mikocchi was shouting at me, "ONII-CHANNN IDIOT! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT, IDIOOOTT!"

Wow that was literally the loudest shout I have ever heard from Mikocchi. "I- I am sorry, Mikocchi. I thought you are going to play with Lamy-chan"

"Ugh, you are annoying Onii-chan. Do you think I don't know that you are avoiding Lamy-chan?"

Eh? W- What did she say? I- Is it really visible? "W-What do you mean, Mikocchi? I don't understand it at all." Well, let's keep playing dumb.

"That was not cool of you. It is not like you. You are always clinging and flirting with Lamy-chan, and suddenly you changed as if nothing happened. Do you ever think what Lamy-chan would feel?"

What Lamy-chan feels, huh? I bet she felt nothing. Why would she think of me? She just rejected me a while ago, so there is no way she would think of me.

"I am sorry, I am sorry. I won't do that again~ And It is just I don't want to bother Lamy-chan so much, because she must be busy being a VTuber, right?"

"Why did you always lie, Idiot Onii-chan. You always like that. Just like back then when you got rejected by your crush, you said you don't care about it at all but you always ignored me for a couple of days. Do you think I am too stupid for that? You are my brother for almost 25 years and how could I not recognize that!"

"M- Mikocchi, you misunderstand i-"

"Onii-chan. You are the one who misunderstands everything."


She hung up the phone call. I wondered what did Mikocchi mean that I misunderstand everything?

Ah, Lamy-chan's stream was on the air. I then prepared my snack so I can be comfortable watching Lamy-chan's stream. "I hope everything will be alright."


She looked cheerful as ever. Look at the chat, everyone was simping over her, haha just like me.

"Ah, what should we talk about today?"

~Chat 1: Horror stories!~

I then laughed my ass off when I looked at the chat, It is a coincidence since Lamy-chan likes horror right?

"A-Ah, no Horror stories! I'm not good with horror stories! Even though I am okay if it was a movie, but a horror story is a no-no!"

"Eh? I didn't know that Lamy-chan is not good with ghost stories. I thought since she was alright with a horror movie, she would be alright too about the stories."

"But, I have a funny and unique story. There was one time I was watching a horror movie with someone. But instead of getting scared, I was feeling comfortable that I can watch in the theater for the first time."

E- Eh, t- this story sounds familiar. I- Isn't that our stories? We used to watch the movie together and ended up, looking at each other. Ugh, No! No! It is not, maybe there was something on my face that made her look at me.

"But, my relationship with him was not on the good term right now."

W- What... Did she really... talk about me? Well, if you think about it our relationship was also not on the good term. We grew further and further away. But it is because I don't want to bother her anymore.

~Chat 2: Him? Is it your boyfriend?~

Oh, snap! That is bad. She shouldn't say that! If they misunderstand it, everyone would go crazy.

"Boyfriend? No. I think. But, I think he is someone special to me. He helped me a lot before and to be honest, I can become VTuber it is also thanks to him"



"Love talk? Well, I am not good at that because actually, I am a shy person. I am not good with other people. Not just boys, but also girls. Sometimes people misunderstand my intention to them, because of my rudeness."

~Chat 4: Do you fight with him?~

"A fight? I don't know. It is like he was avoiding me for the past few days. And I don't even know why. Maybe I said something so rude to him that made him hate me or something. Ah, wait everyone! Is it really alright for me to talk about something like this?"

~Chat 5: It is your private life, it would be alright. No need to worry!~

"I see."

~Chat 6: Did you already apologize to him?~

"Apologize? Not yet. Because I don't know why is he even mad at me. And other things, if I apologize without knowing the reasons, there was a possible chance that he would avoid me again. And... And... I don't want that"

Lamy-chan? I felt her voice trembling. Suddenly I remembered what Mikocchi said, that I misunderstand everything. I- Is this, what you meant, Mikocchi?

~Superchat 100$: Go try to talk with him and asked him if you did something wrong because sometimes, in your relationship communication is the key.~

I looked at someone who gave Lamy-chan's super chat and they were right. That reminds me, we never had a proper talk after she rejected me. Because for me, after getting rejected like that and she even saying that I have to forget it as nothing happened was too much.

It is like, she didn't want me to kn- Wait... I always thought about my perspective. I thought that she told me to forget everything that means, forget about my feelings because she wasn't interested in dating and she said that she didn't mean what she said. W- Wait, what if... What Lamy-chan meant was, to forget about what she said... What she said before...

---"Onii-san, you know... I want to be with you, forever."---

And if I was right... Lamy-chan was also sober and wasn't drunk. Did she say that because she was embarrassed? W- what if, Lamy-chan said that because she thinks she would be drunk after that...

"Ah, Thank you for the red super-chat! Relationship, huh? Well, I don't have anything special with him. But thinking about my relationship with him... Maybe... Yeah, maybe..."

Lamy-chan? What the hell did you just say in the stream? There were a lot of people watching your streams!

"Because I think..."

"I have feelings for him"