
You Are So Cold

My Sister, Sakura Miko is a VTuber. Only one of her friends and I knew that she is a VTuber. And When her friend came over to visit my house, i tried to tease her but she completely rejected me. My name is Yukihana Lamy. I accidentally recognized my friend when i watched a VTuber on MeTube. But when i want to visit her house, suddenly her brother seduce me. And... HE LOOKS SO COOL... Nb: This is only a fanfic, Yukihana Lamy and Sakura Miko are VTubers from Hololive (Cover Corp)! Not my original character! Source pict: https://twitter.com/Mofu07519/status/1504616071147401237/photo/1

CiLLL_Writing · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Feeling Bad

Hmmm. Lamy-chan and Onii-chan didn't even meet now in the house. Actually, I want to gather them in one room and ask them what happened, but I bet Onii-chan would not like that idea and even rejected it.

This is so hard and frustrating. They used to be lovey-dovey but now they look like they don't even know each other.

After a while, Lamy-chan entered my room once again and her eyes were teary a little bit while looking at me, I became worried about her.

"What happened, Lamy-chan?"

"M- Mikocchi," She was about to bawl.

"W- Wait, why are you crying Lamy-chan?"


"W- What happened? Did he do something to you? What is he thinking? I will nag h-"

"N- No, I think... This is because of me. Onii-san is so cold toward me. He didn't even look at me, and I think he hates me now"

Sigh, I knew that something happened between those two. Looking at Lamy-chan who always trying to keep the secret by herself like this... I knew sooner or later this would happen.

I then hugged her and patted her. I think this is the best time to ask her what happened between those two.

"So, Lamy-chan... Tell me what happened between you two. Both of you were acting weird since last week."

"I- It is,"

Lamy-chan then told me that back then when Onii-chan bought non-alcoholic sake and she thought it was the usual sake. And she was thinking that she would be drunk so soon, that is why she was trying to be closer to Onii-chan.

"Summary, you thought that you were drunk?"

"Y- Yes,"

"But it turns out you are still sober and flirted with Onii-chan."

Lamy-chan was blushing, "W- Well..."


"T- That is what I told you okay! Y- you don't have to say that one more time!"

What with this strange love from her? If she messed up like that, it would be easier for them to date each other right? "I just want to clarify, alright? And then... Why don't you date? Don't tell me you said something like, "Please forget about it" or anything like that."

She then avoided my eye contact "I- I don't know to be honest."

It looks like a lie but on the other side, it looks like she was telling the truth. "Are you for real?"

"I was so embarrassed that I don't know what I just said! And if he hates me, that means that I said something horrible to him, right?"

"Well, I can't disagree with that," Well. I slowly understood what happened to Onii-chan. I bet he was thinking that Lamy-chan rejected him. And, he must be so traumatic about it since he has a dark past with his ex-crush.

Lamy-chan's face looked so sad and I think she was feeling bad now. I have to help her now and clear the misunderstanding.

"Should I tell Onii-chan about it?"

"W- Wait, B- But what if Onii-san hates me even more?"

"It is alright, Onii-chan is not that kind of person."

I pulled Lamy-chan's hand and then went in front of Onii-chan's room. "Are you ready?" I whispered to Lamy-chan and she nodded.

I knocked on Onii-chan's door "Onii-chan~"

"Yeah, Mikocchi?"

Hm? Why did he not open the door and only shouted from the inside? "Come here, I need you"

"W- What happened? I am busy, Mikocchi..."

Ugh... I know you are not busy at all. You must already know that I brought Lamy-chan here and you tried to avoid her right?

"COME HERE!!! Or i will cry!"

"H- Hey, I am busy okay... Y- You can come here later."

"U- UWAAAAAAA, I hate you Onii-chan..." I didn't cry, alright. It is just an act to lure Onii-chan. Onii-chan was so protective toward me, that is why he would be worried about me if I started crying.

There was a sound from the doorknob and he suddenly came out of his room, "W- Wait, don't cry alright. I am sorry, I am sorry. What happened?"

"Nothing." I stopped crying. I then pulled Lamy-chan and put her in front of him. Onii-chan smiled at her,

"What happened?" he said.

"Ah, i- it is..." Lamy-chan was hesitating as she speaks. She can't look at his eyes and fidget her body. This is bad. If she keeps this attitude, Onii-chan would misunderstand her once again.

"Lamy-chan wanted to talk with you, say it Lamy-chan."

"A-Ah, I- It is... H- How are you?"

Onii-chan still keeps his fake smile on his face, "I am good." and then silence... Nobody talked again after that. What is this, Onii-chan was never behaving like this around Lamy-chan. Is it that bad?

But suddenly the silence got broke down,

"Kaito-kuuunn!!! Why did you leave mee?"

"A-Ah, wait a minute okay? My Little Sister is here"

There was a female voice coming out from his laptop. And I think, Lamy-chan looked at his laptop because of me too. He was on a webcam with her,

"Ah, I am sorry to bother you Onii-san. You can continue what you are doing," after that Lamy-chan was leaving him. I then looked at him annoyed,

"Onii-chan. I hate you now. You are not cool at all like you used to be!"

He is not the Onii-chan i knew. I never thought that he would suddenly have a girlfriend just because he was rejected by Lamy-chan. Onii-chan i knew was so cool, he never gave up and was determined at everything...



"Kaito-kun. I never knew you have two sisters" said, the person on the webcam.

"The pink-haired one is Mikocchi, my little sister. And the blue-haired one is Lamy-chan, she is Mikocchi's friend."

"Lamy-chan? Is she the one you always talking about? The one you got crazy over her?"

"Well yeah, i used to. But she rejected me, though. Well, who wanted to date someone as creepy as me? She must be annoyed and feel creeped out because I was too hasty."

"Hahaha, that Kaito... Got broken-hearted? That was so rare. That Kaito can get any girl he wanted but got rejected by the girl he has feelings for."

"Hahaha, that was ironic right, Kubo."

"Well, indeed it is..."

"And you? Why the hell are you cosplaying as a girl now? Do you have to find a new hobby or something?"

"Well, my girlfriend said that she wanted to try a role play for me as the woman and she will be the man"

"What the hell is that? You are the weirdest couple ever,"

"Ah, Kaito-san!!! Long time no see!" suddenly a girl with short hair and dressed like a man appeared on the webcam

"Ah, Long time no see Tama-chan."

"Ehm, by the way... Kaito-kun" Kubo called Kaito, "They wouldn't misunderstand that you have a girlfriend because they look at me with a wig, right?"

"Hm... I don't know it... But i think if i do have a girlfriend too, they wouldn't care about me, though."

"Eh? Really? Then should I introduce you to Tama-chan's friend or something? They always wanted to be close to you, though."

Kaito then smiled at them, "Nope thank you. It is just I think I don't want to fall in love with anyone soon, or maybe for a long time. It is just, that I don't believe in love at all for now. It just hurts that you thought that you were falling in love with each other, but... it's all just a misunderstanding, well... You know, every time I fell in love, I always act like a little child, and also... every time I fall in love,"

"I became an idiot"