

You went home and completed your homework.

After that you surfed the internet for a while. You saw a tweet on the official page of BTS saying they are doing a lucky draw.

'lucky draw??'

Winner will be interviewed for temporary assistant for the group to manage their schedule.

You found it strange when you saw their were no requirements or qualifications needed.

You knew their will be millions of people applying for this dream job. And you have 99.9999% chance of getting rejected, still you applied for that 0.00001%. you were always unlucky in your life.

' how much worse can it get' you thought.

Your father was a doctor. He left a huge amount of wealth and property under your name before he died. But as you were not an adult and As your legal guardian, your aunt was managing the money. Of course she can't use them for herself. Your aunt is cunning and she hates you. She wanted to sell your house in secret but you somehow figured it out and ran away from your aunt's house to yours to live by yourself so that you can stop her from selling it.

You can't depend on them. So you decided to help yourself. You decided to have a part-time job. So you applied for this assistant position. Even though you know you don't have any chance with this.

Next day,

"Y/N, are you okay?

Omo... You have that cut on your face.. did they hurt you? Let's go to the homeroom teacher and report them" Jun was worried about you.

"no, Jun ah... I just fell from the stairs yesterday, that's it..

we just talked and nothing else." you said making excuses which were of no use, as Jun knew what was going on.

"Well I applied for that lucky draw." You said, changing the topic.

"Lucky draw? BTS's one.. I applied too. Results will be out by the weekend... waahhh, I know I don't stand a chance.. but I'm curious, who will be that lucky girl.." Jun said.

'its not me for sure' you thought awkwardly smiling at her.

"I'm thinking of having a part-time job. I know I'm never gonna get this one.


I have to search for one soon." you sighed.

The school ended. You went straight to the place where the kittens were. You were excited to see them. You bought your extra amcookies with you.

You sat next to them, taking your book out of your bag and started doing your homework while watching them eat. You really enjoyed their company. After eating the kittens joined you by sitting close to you. They were comfortable around you too. It was like having little friends.

Jun was the only girl who talks to you at the school. She is a good friend but you are afraid of putting her in the danger. You don't want rayul to bully her too. And hence you always kept yourself distanced.

You finished your homework. And packed your things to leave. You picked up the kittens and put them on the cardboard box lying there.

a sudden feeling of being watched started bugging you. You turned around to look at the opening but There was no one.

You came back next day, to spend the time with them. You felt that way again as if someone was watching you.

On the next day, you were a bit late. When you reached there you got a bit hid behind the boxes lying there after seeing a man petting the kittens. The man was dressed up in all black with a mask on his face and was wearing a black cap. You strange feeling was coming from that man.

You thought about running from their. But then you remembered the kittens, his strange outfit was giving you negative vibes.. what if that man is a psychopath, what if he kills the kitten.. what if he is a robber or.. a murderer waahh~

you just wanted to save the kittens. You started moving towards him, without making any noise. You grabbed him by his shoulder, all ready to attach.

He stood and turned around while You moved your leg, but he grabbed it blocking you.

"Do you really think you can hit me, princess?" That strange man said. you can feel him smiling behind the mask.

"You thought?" You smiled and landed your punch near his eye. That was a strong one. He sat down in the pain covering his eye while You picked up the kittens and ran away without wasting a second there.

"Is she crazy..


Why is she so strong..

oh..mom .. ah.. this hurts" that man whined.


" What am I supposed to do with you two.. it looks like you are staying here tonight.." you said looking at the kittens.

"Do you guys like milk? I don't have any cookies right now. I'll check for some snacks." You went to the kitchen. You were still thinking about that strange man.

"What if that pyschopath comes there again. I can't keep them at my house for too long."you sighed.

Next day you picked up the kittens from your house to that place.. you hide yourself there for a little time. To make sure that the pyschopath is not coming. After few hours when you got sure that they were safe, you started to leave. At that moment your phone vibrated.

It was an email.

You got selected for the interview. You were really happy and excited as you got the chance to work with your favorite group. You turned around to the cats and said "I knew you were lucky for me". You smiled and left.

On the next day,

You were super tensed about your interview. 'What am I supposed to say or do'. You really had no ideas. Hence you ended up watching lots of interview videos on YouTube.

day of the interview,

You barely slept last night. You didn't have any formal dresses hence you wore a jeans and a plain shirt. You locked your house and looked up at the sky, "mom, dad... help me please"

At the bighit corrporative building,

"You are selected" the interviewer said.