
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teenager
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26 Chs

Unstoppable Time

Mei Ying blankly stare at why Gui Feng is standing next to her. Many thoughts rush through to her mind like crazy. It's her first time seeing him this angry in a long time. Even though he treated her badly, deep inside his heart she know he isn't a bad person at all.

"HEY! WHO ARE YOU?! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" The man shout angrily. Gui Feng walk toward him and surprise everyone by stepping on the man's chest to hold him down. How is he so brave at this moment, she thought.

The man struggle but Gui Feng only added more pressure on his chest and said, "Don't ever touch her with your filthy hands." He twist his foot around and dig deeper into his chest causing him more pain. The man groaned and begin coughing.

Everyone is still around witnessing everything happened. They kept their mouth shut like they're watching a movie.

Mei Ying quickly got off the ground and rushed to stop Gui Feng. "That's enough." Mei Ying remove his foot off the man's chest. The man was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath. He rolled over clenching onto his chest.

"Somebody quick! Call the ambulance!" A person in the crowd yelled out. Both Gui Feng and Mei Ying look at each other in shock. Gui Feng then grab onto her hand and make their way out of there. Everyone then gather around the man laying on the ground.

They kept running until Mei Ying stops. Her hands are on her knees and breathing hard. "I...I think this...is...far enough," she said breathlessly. Gui Feng didn't reply at all.

But then Gui Feng begin walking away. She look up to see him walk away and decide to follow right behind him. The whole time was quiet, none of them make a sound.

After sometime, they made it to Mei Ying's house. They stop in front of the door way. Mei Ying wanted to thank him but she don't know how to. Because of the situation between them at the moment, she feel like she can't say it.

Gui Feng had face away from the door. He didn't even look at her once or say anything. He just keep looking straight forward. They stayed silent like nothing had happened.

They stand side by side but face opposite way. Gui Feng patiently waited for her to go inside but Mei Ying haven't move an inch. Mei Ying finally let out a sigh then walk toward the door. She take out her key and undock the door. She silently enter her home and left him without a word.

"What take you so long?" Her mom asked but suddenly paused. She is shock to see Mei Ying in such a mess. But she instantly notice the sadness aura around Mei Ying.

"Here..." Mei Ying leave the items she bought on the table and then go up to her room to clean up. Her mom take a look at the cake Mei Ying bought and notice that she also bought her favorite sweets. Her eyes became teary and peaceful smile appear on her lips.

After clean up, Mei Ying came down for dinner. "What happened?" Her mom asked. Mei Ying immediately puts on a smiley face and replied, "Nothing. Everything is fine." Her mom crossed are arms, squint her eyes, and scan Mei Ying up and down trying to search for an answer.

"Uh...the food are getting cold," Mei Ying said. Her mom jump back to her normal self and replied, "I guess you're really fine." They ate and celebrated Mei Ying's birthday together. Her mom gifted Mei Ying a necklace with a small circle pendant with Mei Ying's initial on the front and her parent's initial on the back.

"Wow, this is beautiful. Thanks." Mei Ying quickly put it on and then cover it with her hands and closes her eyes to make her wishes.

"It suit you very well." Her mom quietly compliment her. A big smile appears on her lips knowing that Mei Ying like it very much. She wishes for her to be the happiest she can be.

After dinner and clean up, they spend the night watching movies and eating her mom's sweets together. They treasure every moment of the night.

After Christmas, New Year is around the corner. Everyone cleans their house to welcome the new year, give each other red envelopes, and wishes everyone good luck for the new year.

"Spending time with Jian Yu on New Years?" Mei Ying asked Li Hua through the phone.

Li Hua responded, "I wish. He told me he's spending time with his family in Beijing for a couple of days."

"That's great! Isn't it? So I can spend more time with you." Mei Ying laughs.

"Why are you laughing? I really miss him," Li Hua said.

Mei Ying chuckled; "I'm just joking. I'm quite busy today so I probably can't come see you. See you at school." Then they hang up.

Three days later and their break has come to an end.