
You again? (Katsuki x reader)

noah_cloud · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Maybe this year

His cold, deathly stare would intimidate any unconfident individual, and his bad temper would be the death of him. Those red orbs and three incomplete buttons matched with a pathetically done collar. Probably ones of those jackasses who fuck around with the little one's, he sure looks like one. "I don't need your help." I spit before shoving the two out of the way. "Oh, and you can tell you dye your hair." I placed my hands behind my head relaxing as I hear the red-haired boy trying to defend himself. "EH!!?? That's so mean why would you say something like that?! Can you really tell? I was sure I got all the black spots??!!" He yells out before suddenly bringing out a mirror from what seemed like nowhere and looking at his hair.

"Shut up" Bakugou growled, shoving his rough hands into his pockets. "Jesus, did you have to do that?" Shi mumbles to me while keeping his eyes straight ahead. "They could have been potential friends of mine, now they're gonna know me for having the sister who insulted and shoved them on the first day." I roll my eyes. "Really? They don't even know we're related, not yet." I say softly, sparing him the embarrassment. "Look, until I make some friends, stay out of my way." He mumbled again, now speeding up to get further away from me. Yea I guess its a bit rough when your own brother doesn't want you near, but I'm used to it by now.

8:00 AM

"Development Studio. Class 1-B... Class 1-A." Here it is. My new class and pretty much which I will be living with for the next year. I place my hand against the wall-size sliding door and push, seeing a small purple guy talking to the yellow-headed boy from earlier. Jesus if Bakugou is in my class, I'll jump out the nearest window. With no time to spare all eyes are on me, as if I was the only new kid. Wait, was I? "Hey! You're the new girl aren't you?" one shouted. "Nice to finally meet you!" another said. Finally, a shorter girl with brown hair took my hand, guiding me to my seat. She began introducing everyone on the way to which each responded with a greeting. "That's Momo, and that's kirishima." She pointed to the red-haired boy I saw earlier.

"Great," I mumble before feeling another tug causing me to speed up. A dark figure catches me eye, a bird wearing a cape. "Is that a bird?" His expression changes quickly as a smaller vision of him appeared to laugh. I had such high hopes for this class, and a pet store is what I get a scholarship to, perfect. "So this is your seat. You sit beside Bakugou at the back." She explains. "The hedgehog? The ash-blonde one?" I asked, hoping it wasn't the angry pomeranian I met earlier. Seconds later, the door opened, and the ash-blonde walked in.

My face reached a whole new level of unimpressed. "How did you enter school at the same time but somehow one of you is about four minutes behind?" Well I mean he is a bit slow looking. I chuckle to myself. "The fuck are you laughing at, dead eye?" Bakugou growled before shoving me out of the way. "Lay your dirty fingers on me again, and I'll make sure you only have nubs left." The class went silent as he turned to look at me again, those eyes somehow glowing, and his surroundings becoming darker.

Was this his quirk? Darkness? A stare? I don't feel different or weaker if so. "You wanna keep that other eye? You shut the fuck up and walk away." He growled. "God, you need to brush your teeth, hedgy." The boy actually had minty fresh breath and a caramel scent to hi- Get yo damn mind out of the gutter y/n. "haha! Bakugou got spoken back too!" A student laughs out.

"So now we have two of Bakugou. Great." another says. "One was already so much to deal with." A small purple boy says. Soon enough, the teacher came in with a yellow bag. "Is that a body bag?" I mumbled. "Ah- well.." The brown-haired girl said. "What?" I ask before seeing the teacher crawl into it and begin sleeping on the floor. A moment of pure silence passes as I push each student out of my way. "I did not get a scholarship to the best fucking hero school in Japan to have a bird for a classmate and a teacher asleep on the floor!" I snarl before pushing the door open but was stopped in place when a lower voice spoke up.

"That's enough, Miss. Fujihara" followed by a sigh. A man with long black hair lazily tied back and large bags under his eyes spoke—the teacher.He stood tall yet casually at the front of the class, waiting for silence to fall upon the room. His chin slowly turning down and his baby hairs hair blowing from each breath. "Welcome to Class 1-A. This class is formed with the best of the best students japan has to offer. You each have your own quirk unique to the owner giving you your own particular field to work on. Now," he paused, turning to the back wall.

Small pockets began to stretch out from the wall in a futuristic manner, each having a number on each. "Each hero suit has been designed to your measurements and requirements. The list of names is pinned to the board. I'll see you in the training arena in ten minutes, don't be late." He spoke before walking out the door.

Maybe this year will be different.


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