
ISSUE # 35

The very next morning after Rahne departed Ian's room, although reluctantly.

" Don't forget, to stop by the danger room, after classes." Rahne told the Man as she slid on her panties.

" Do I really need tae go tae classes? I mean it feels counter-productive now ain't it?" Ian asked the woman.

" Yes, ye do! It is important for ye. Yuir already so far behind as it is, ye can't afford to miss anymore school. And besides the final exams are coming up sooner every day. Ye can't graduate if ye don'." Rahne exclaimed.

" All right, all right. I'll go." Ian replied. He knew better than to make Rahne mad, her claws could cut him. " But do ye really need tae go right now? It's only four in the morning, I doubt anyone else is up right now." Ian asked. He got out of bed and wrapped his arms around Rahne's stomach.

Rahne smiled and held onto his hands that were planted on her stomach.

" Aye, ye know we can't get caught. If we do, then...." Rahne spoke.

" Hey, don't think like that. If anything does happen, which hopefully it won't, then I'll leave this place and we can go wherever we want. Mutant town seems to be thriving quite well these days." Ian spoke.

" Ian, no. You can't give up this place for me. Ye wanted to be an X-man didn't ye? I thought that was yuir dream, to be a hero?" Rahne asked.

" Aye, it was. But I learned something. All I am, is a Man. And I want to pursue whatever makes me happy. I will fight for these people here, but I don't care how I do it. I don't need to be a hero to fight for my people. If push comes to shove, I'll gladly bear the mark of a villain to protect what's important to me." Ian explained.

That concerned Rahne quite a bit, to hear Ian talk about being a villain in any way was a scary thought for her.

" Ye shouldn't say things like that, love." Rahne told the man. " I gotta go, I need tae prepare the Paragons training session out before class starts. I'll see ye in science. Remember what I said. Yuir gonna be a great hero someday, I just know it." Rahne told the man. " Yuir already my hero." And with that Rahne gathered her things and left Ian's room.

" Man, this blows. I miss her already." Ian complained. " I'm up, I might as well get ready." Ian quickly gathered his clothing and stepped into his bathroom to clean himself up. After cleaning up and changing, Ian walked out of his room and right into Logan's chest. " OOF! Oh, hey Logan what's up?" Ian asked.

Logan looked at Ian and took a few sniffs of the air and shook his head.

" Yer playin a dangerous game kid." Logan told the young man.

" What game?" Ian asked, playing coy for any prying ears.

" Whatever. Scott told me you wanted on the team. Why are you in such a hurry to become an X-man?" Logan asked.

" So, that I can get out there with you guys. I'm tired of being held back, Logan. I have all this power and I never get tae use it. I know I shouldn't be overconfident, but how am I gonna get better if I'm not using the skills I learn?" Ian asked the man.

" I understand that runt. But you gotta know how to balance these things out. You're still young. Slow down and experience as much of life as you can. Don't be in a hurry to do what i do. You'll have plenty of time doing once you're grown. And I don't mean this eighteen-year-old adult now bullshit, kid. You've got some experience under your belt, good. But you're still green. You've got a long way to go before you're ready to stand with us. Until then, have fun with the others, enjoying life's experiences. You never know when the world will force you to grow up." Logan told the young man.

" I've already been forced to grow up, Logan. I already have." Ian told the man.

" Trust me, kid. You haven't seen just what horrors this world can do to ya. What you went through was hard, but it was only the beginning." Logan told the young man. " But hey, I can't make ya listen. I can only tell ya to make sure the world doesn't pass you by. Whether you choose to take my advice is entirely up to you." Logan finished, he wanted to help Ian as much as possible, but he to make sure he didn't inflate his ego.

Ian watched as Logan descended down the stairs and rubbed his head. Maybe he was rushing things a little too much. But nevertheless, his argument was a valid one. He wasn't gonna get stronger facing danger room simulations. Nor was he gaining any experience in controlled situations. He knew how to make spur of the moment judgements, he knew how to fight and survive, he knew teamwork, and he knew how to adapt. As far as the others were concerned, he was the closest one to joining the X-men. None of his classmates could really compare to him when it came to field experience.

Of course, Ian knew there were those in his class that just might be able to take him down. Megan could use pixie dust that tricked her opponents into seeing their worst nightmares, The stepford cuckoo's, Emma's daughters, were all strong-minded telepaths, and Kevin could kill you with a touch. Meaning there were definitely others to watch out for.

" Maybe, I should just listen to Logan and slow it down a bit. It's not like I'm dying anytime soon. And there are still some things I want to experience. But the trade-off is losing time to train and get stronger. If I'm not strong, then I lose. And when I lose people, I care about could die. What should I do?" Ian wondered. It was a conundrum. On one side he knew Logan made a very good point. But on the other side he knew that being weak is what got him where he is right now. Not that it was a bad thing, he was happy with what he had right now. But should he be content? Or should he keep striving? It was a ll very confusing, especially for him.