
Wrap Up ~ MHA Crossover

Daki and her brother Gyutaro died after Tanjiro decapitate Gyutaro whiles Zenitsu and Inosuke decapitate her simultaneously. In pure anger, she and her brother starts to fight, however soon she felt her whole body disappeared into nothingness. The last thing she felt was the warm hand from the reddish haired kamado before she took one last glance at her brother silently apologizing at him. Ya all wondering what happened after Daki died in entertainment arc, well this happened. She woke up, outside with nothing but bloody clothes on her. Warm like a human... Blood running through her veins... Daki screamed at the top of her lungs.

CHRYSAKURA_Cainoy · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Recommendation X Examination

"I'm going now" Aizawa said patting her head that he had been doing ever since the phone incident.

It has been two months after Aizawa took her in. There were still distances between the two, but they were more comfortable to each other as time goes by. Ume actually began to call him by his first name, Shiota.

There was a lot of things she learned by the time she knew it. She learned about the advances technology of this world. Like her world was only a pasted time era. But she did not hear any demon incidents at all.

It is safer to say that there are no demons in this place. But there are people who were violent and obsess in using their quirk for their own benefit. They are called as villains.

She honestly did not understand why people separated the good and bad when in their world, no one can be called as good... There was no such world that was not corrupted. So she really doesn't understand what's going on with those guys.

People who protects and help the citizens were called as heroes, like Aizawa. And as for this so called heroes, they were given a chance to make their own name. Like Eraser Head, Recovery Girl, and Present Mic.

She also search for popular heroes and one who ranks the first was this man named All Might...

Ume once asked about the man and Aizawa only brush it off, saying that the said man and him aren't close.

Ume's pretty sure, that only Hizashi could be call as a close friend of that grumpy guy. So she wasn't that surprise...

A little bit of history there and then. Then there was her first time seeing Hizashi sitting in Aizawa's couch. Turns out, Hizashi always enters his apartment without his confirmation.

Time goes by, and Ume got used to it. Hizashi began to teach her some english languages, and she's actually good at it. As an Ouran back in her world, when she was still a demon, she was told to learn different languages for in case of foreign costumers.

She loved those days and yet, there were times that she hates it. Hizashi's nagging personality isn't Ume's type of people at all. But she let them be. She was left homeschooled.

Then there's the part when she visits the hospital for checkups. Occasionally, Tsukauchi also joins them to ask some questions. Ume tried to think for a good excuse.

No news of her brother at all. And no news about what happened to her. Eventually, they began to think that she was just unlucky. But she didn't agreed with them. There were still times that she dreams about her brother. How she keeps on calling his name for him to look at her but with no response.

It got so bad, that she can call it a nightmare. She sometimes wakes up being shaken by Aizawa. She wasn't scared of her Brother at all. In fact it was the opposite!... She wanted to meet him so bad that she felt desperate and didn't wake up. Another thing for Recovery Girl to worry about.


"You recommended me?" Ume asked Aizawa. The two were sitting in the dinning room eating their breakfast. Time was 7:00.

Aizawa nodded. Nezu, the principal of UA agreed and was accepted. Ume still didn't like the idea of being around close to some human children... Discomfort and the idea is horrible for her.

However, she's determine to try spending more openly to the outside world just so she can go out her hell hole (yes, Aizawa's house) though she prefer the quietness. Ume just can't stop feeling too bored from the said place.

And yes, it's a stupid reason, but she also wanted to, in any means, befriend some people.....

The UA entrance exam next month is coming closer. To be specific, the entrance exam for first years will be held in UA and will happen three weeks from now. But since she is one who got recommended, she and the others who were recommended the same will be held only two weeks, earlier.

Ume won't admit that she's nervous for some reason... But it would take a lot more pressure to brake this former upper rank demon.

Then finally, the time has come for her to leave. She decided to wear a Grey long pants and a long sleeve jacket. A cute yellow ribbon is designed in her right chest. Beneath her jacket is a black sports bra. Then her hair is tied by a yellow tie.

She and Aizawa both left their apartment together after they lock their apartment's door. Both took a ride by Present Mic's car.

Ten minutes and finally they arrived. Ume, Aizawa and Hizashi all went to battle center where it will be held. Hizashi bid the two his goodbye before he went to where the other teachers were seated. Watching all recommended teenagers on the other side of the camera.

"Ill be going now, just follow that way, then you'll find a door. Goodluck" he said. Ume smiled at him mischievously.

"What? No patting?~"

Aizawa only gave a hm before walking away.

"What a shy dude" Ume said before her smile completely disappeared. She the heads towards the direction Aizawa taught her.

The place will be in a battle center. Which for Ume is like the mall. It took her her whole strength to move her frozen body. There were a lot of children by the time she arrives. And two children caught her attention.

It was a raven hair girl who looks so serious, and a guy with two different hair colors. She was too engrossed with staring when she didn't notice a large guy next to her.

"Ow!" The back of the guy was so hard it actually felt more like a rock to Ume. The guy was also surprise when he felt a force on his back, only to find a girl.

"Oh! Im so sorry, I didn't see you there" he said apologizing. But Ume only felt insulted.

"I was the one who didn't watch and hit you, you know? Why are you apologizing?" The guy blinks. Then smiled at her.

"Well... I was also spacing out..." The guy began to rub the back of his neck. Ume shook her head, she couldn't blame anyone. This place is too big to be true....

'How they have so much money is a mystery....'

"Im sorry, that was my fault" Ume said. "No! It was me! I was too..." there was flush of embarrassment on his chicks. My eyes travels to the guy I saw before with two different hair colors on each sides....

"Do you know that guy? You know, the one you were staring at?" Ume asked curiously.

The guy nodded, his grin did not disappeared. "His father is the famous Endeavor!"

Ume tilt her head, before she remember who that was. He is the 2nd of Japan's heroes. Next to All Might that is.

"You know!" The guy tried to explain who he was, but Ume already shook her head. "I know him" she said while the guy sigh in response.

"You're a fanboy aren't you?..." Ume asked. The guy's face flushes bright red. Ume smiled at the scene in front of her. "I!—" Just before he could finish his sentence and explain, a sound of a horn starts to ring. And Present Mic's voice can be heard across the arena.

"Okay, okay! Listen up all listeners! Today exam is obstacle course! The first to fourth people to finish will win! And only four children will be accepted to UA! Everybody! PLUS!—"


"My name's Inasa Yoarashi"


Inasa and Ume smiled at each other one last time before the two heads to the starting line.

A/n: Let's gave Inasa a hand of applause!