
Wrap Up ~ MHA Crossover

Daki and her brother Gyutaro died after Tanjiro decapitate Gyutaro whiles Zenitsu and Inosuke decapitate her simultaneously. In pure anger, she and her brother starts to fight, however soon she felt her whole body disappeared into nothingness. The last thing she felt was the warm hand from the reddish haired kamado before she took one last glance at her brother silently apologizing at him. Ya all wondering what happened after Daki died in entertainment arc, well this happened. She woke up, outside with nothing but bloody clothes on her. Warm like a human... Blood running through her veins... Daki screamed at the top of her lungs.

CHRYSAKURA_Cainoy · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


One day long ago in Qing Qing City, China, a luminescent baby was born with a unique power. Then, as time passed, the similar phenomena happened all over the world, and soon the majority of the population had obtained superhuman powers known as "Quirks". Due to that, people were able to pursue heroism as a profession.

[ FILE ]

°Name: Ume (No last name)

°Age: 15

°Birthday: Unknown

°Blood type: O

°Guardian: Aizawa Shiota

°Quirk: Ribbons = She is able to manipulate ribbons she conjures from her back. Able to manipulate her body to be like a ribbon than could power up her strength and change her weight to lightness. (Her drawback of her quirk makes her feel nauseous sometimes or dizzy, other than that, she had never give in to her limit).

°Height: 5'3"

°Hair color: White with a lime green ombre at the bottom.

°Eye color: Yellow

°Background: She's an orphan at the age of 13 until Aizawa Shiota took her in. Parents (Unknown), sibling (deceased). She have been diagnosed with PTSD towards crowds of people and fire. Life before the incident (Unknown).


The exam is finished, and Ume got the second place. It was very interesting. She was almost rank third in the test. Unfortunately, her speed is very dangerous for the others, especially when she uses her quirk.

However, Inasa beat her when in comes of flying. Ume never have thought that the guy would be so powerful. Wind would be a good disadvantage for her... Other than that fact, Inasa and Ume got along so fine.


Ume barely comprehend what's going on, they were running, er... flying so fast..... Ume forcefully snap herself and quickly unzipping her jacket to be left with her black sports bra.

Else where, Hizashi in his alias Present Mic, who had just thank Power loader for giving him a water bottle and drinks it, only for him to accidentally spit all of them from his mouth when he saw the girl he had been teaching in language and social conversation. "Ume-chan!?"

"..." Aizawa also wasn't impressed, but he understood the reason of her getting rid of it. Suddenly, five dark pink Ribbons with floral designs came out from her lower back as it starts to sway from being expose with so much wind.

"So, she's the one who you took in, Eraser head" the principal of UA, Nezu said as he raises his paw in acknowledgment. His cute baby size bear body and cute mice like features stands out and hides his frightening personality.

Aizawa nodded. Midnight who had listen to their conversation laughed. "Don't tell me, you had gone soft!" she exclaim teasingly.

"You should see how Aizawa bake her cookies once-!" Hazashi's words were cut off by Aizawa's scarf which was covering his mouth.

"It was almost reaching the inspiration date" Aizawa said grumpily.

Suddenly, Ume disappeared with only dust of sand left from her spot. "Ah! So fast!" other heroes were shock and amazed at her speed.

On the other hand, in Ume's side, a couple of applicants who were passed by Ume were quickly blown away! Some screamed for help while others were too shock to respond. She also passed some people she recognize, but wasn't able to see their reactions. She was almost there, she can see it! Just when she was about to reach the finish line, she felt wind starts gathering in one direction, more to be precise, heading her way.

"I was so surprise on who just flew away! Ume-chan!" His familiar voice took her by surprise!

She turns her head to see Inasa flying next to her. Very close to be exact. But she was too surprise to see him when he suddenly gather more air and flew reaching the finish line first.

Ume quickly tried land but were too fast for her to be able to grip the ground. Thankfully, Inasa helped her by making a gust of wind under her foot and grab her hand to stop her from flying off.

"Thanks" Inasa blushes in embarrassment. "You're welcome" he tried to avoid his gaze from her expose stomach.

After that, Present Mic introduced who won and it was Inasa. Ume wasn't angry about him winning, but she was kinda annoyed at herself for freezing in shock. If she was just on guard the whole time, not underestimating everyone and anyone, she would have won and became first.

Ume sigh at Present Mic's presence. The man keeps talking for the ending speech which Ume had guess, was six paragraphs. She saw Inasa from afar staring at the same boy he had told her. However, instead of admiring the boy like he had did from the very first he lay his eyes on him. His, were raging fire...

Ume silently and quickly went closer to Inasa, unnoticed by the others, as she pat his shoulder. In a start, Inasa accidentally slap her hand off his shoulder much to her surprise...

No... at the back of her mind, she just knew he'd snap. As if he's will of living betrayed him, and left him to die in ashes. How she knew that?... well, she definitely have the same look on her face before she was still a demon...

"So-sorry! I didn't meant to..." Ume shook her head. "You're obviously not in the mood to talk... anyway, we should really need to go now... the speech is about to finish" she said, but Inasa only nodded, still thinking.

"Hey, after this, don't leave yet" Ume said. Inasa gave a confuse look. "Why?"

"..." Ume looks at him hesitating before she sighed and answered. "How will we call each other if I don't have your number?"

"..." it took him awhile to finally realized what she had said. 'Holy-!'




Ume finally saw Aizawa walking towards her. She also saw Hizashi waving far away before you wave him goodbye as well. The two left and arrives at their apartment exhausted. She then went to her room, but before she'd lose her consciousness, a bright and peaceful smile appeared remembering her new and (kinda) first friend.

Old men are not included in her group (not yet)of friends cause obviously, they are not the same of age.