
Worlds Collide: Apocalypse Tutorial

In the near future, humanity faces a global crisis—an impending apocalypse. But salvation arrives in an unexpected form: a cutting-edge Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VMMORPG) called “Elysium Nexus.” Players worldwide immerse themselves in this game, unaware that it’s more than just entertainment. As they explore the game’s vast landscapes, battle mythical creatures, and uncover ancient secrets, they unwittingly prepare for the real-world apocalypse. The game mechanics mirror the impending cataclysm: mana surges, magical creatures, and mysterious artifacts become commonplace. But what they don’t know is that this game is actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that will hit Earth! The VMMORPG serves as a training ground, teaching players survival skills, teamwork, and resource management. As they level up, they gain abilities that will prove crucial when the world faces its darkest hour. Our protagonist, Alex, stumbles upon this truth. As a skilled gamer, they rise through the ranks, forming alliances and uncovering hidden lore. But when the game’s events start mirroring real-world disasters, Alex realizes the stakes are higher than anyone imagined. They must unravel the game’s mysteries, find a way to get stronger and survive the apocalypse.

firtstTimeAuthor · Urban
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85 Chs

Chapter Seventy-Two: The Ghosts of Redmoor

The dawn broke over Redmoor, casting long shadows across the jagged terrain as Alex, Sylara, and Garrick made their way to the stone circle where Elder Morgra had promised to begin their education. The Heartstone, now safely stowed in Alex's pack, still seemed to radiate a soft warmth against their back, a reminder of the challenges they had faced—and the even greater ones ahead.

Morgra stood waiting for them, her cloak billowing in the wind. Around her, the other council elders had gathered, each one representing a different faction within Redmoor. The clans were visibly divided even among their leaders—some standing with crossed arms, others exchanging wary glances, their postures stiff with distrust.

"This is your first lesson," Morgra began without preamble, her voice carrying over the quiet murmurs of the other elders. "Unity cannot be forced. It must be earned through understanding. And understanding begins with knowing where the fractures lie."

Alex exchanged a look with Sylara and Garrick. The tension between the clans was palpable, a constant reminder that the trial ahead wasn't simply about diplomacy, but about mending wounds that had been festering for generations.

Morgra gestured toward the surrounding peaks. "The Redmoor clans were not always divided. Long ago, we were one people, united under a single banner. We thrived in the harshness of these lands, our strength drawn from our unity. But that unity shattered with the fall of the First Warlord."

A low murmur rippled through the elders. The mention of the First Warlord seemed to carry weight, as though his name alone held the power to stir long-buried resentments.

"What happened?" Alex asked, stepping forward, their curiosity piqued.

Morgra's gaze flickered toward the towering mountains that surrounded the encampment. "The First Warlord, Valon Stormstrike, was a leader like no other. Under his rule, the Redmoor clans became a force to be reckoned with. But his strength also bred arrogance. He sought to conquer not just the mountains, but the lowlands beyond. The clans followed him blindly into a war they could not win."

Sylara's eyes narrowed. "And that's when the fractures began?"

Morgra nodded gravely. "When Valon fell in battle, the clans lost more than just a leader. They lost their sense of purpose. Each clan blamed the other for the defeat, and what once united us became the very thing that tore us apart."

The other elders stood in stoic silence, but Alex could see the flickers of emotion on their faces—pain, anger, regret. These weren't just the stories of their ancestors. These were the ghosts that still haunted Redmoor, and they were very much alive.

"Each clan has its own version of what happened," Morgra continued, "and each holds a piece of the truth. To pass the Trial of Unity, you must understand the perspectives of each clan, and find a way to weave those pieces together into something whole."

Garrick let out a long breath. "Great. So we've gotta play mediator between a bunch of angry clans who've been at each other's throats for centuries."

Sylara shot him a sharp look, but Morgra simply nodded. "Yes. That is exactly what you must do."

Alex's mind raced as they considered the task before them. Uniting Redmoor wasn't just about convincing a few leaders to sit down and talk. It was about healing deep wounds, reconciling old grudges, and navigating the complex web of power and pride that held the clans apart. And if they failed, the fractured clans would stand no chance against the looming threat of the void.

"So where do we start?" Alex asked, their voice steady despite the weight of the task ahead.

Morgra motioned to the elders. "With them. Each elder here represents one of the major clans. You will spend time with each of them, learning their history, their grievances, and their hopes for the future. Only by understanding their stories can you begin to craft a solution."

The elders stepped forward one by one, their faces grim but resolute. First was Elder Braegor, a towering man with a braided beard and arms like tree trunks. He represented the Clan of Ironclad, known for their warriors and blacksmiths.

"We of the Ironclad have always prided ourselves on our strength," Braegor said, his voice a low rumble. "We fought on the frontlines for Valon, and when he fell, we bore the brunt of the defeat. Our people have never forgiven the other clans for abandoning us in the midst of battle."

Next was Elder Elira, a slight woman with piercing eyes and a cloak woven from the feathers of rare mountain birds. She led the Clan of Skyreach, known for their scouts and archers.

"The Ironclad were not the only ones who lost that day," Elira said, her voice sharp. "Our people fought from the skies, but when the battle turned, it was the Ironclad who refused to retreat, dragging us all into ruin."

Braegor's eyes flashed with anger, but he held his tongue as the next elder stepped forward. It was Elder Veylan, leader of the Clan of Shadowfang, the most secretive of the Redmoor clans, known for their assassins and spies.

"While the others were fighting in the open, we were tasked with gathering intelligence," Veylan said, his voice cold and measured. "But Valon dismissed our warnings. He was blinded by his own ambition, and the other clans followed him into oblivion."

The final elder to step forward was an older woman with weathered skin and eyes that seemed to see into the past. Her name was Elder Nyla, leader of the Clan of Stonewatch, the keepers of Redmoor's history and the protectors of its sacred sites.

"We remember what the others choose to forget," Nyla said softly. "Valon's fall was not just the end of a leader, but the end of an era. Our people were once united not by strength, but by a shared respect for the land and its spirit. That has been lost."

Alex felt the weight of their words settle heavily on their shoulders. Each clan had its own story, its own pain, and its own sense of betrayal. Bringing them together would require more than just words—it would require rebuilding trust, something that had been shattered long ago.

"We'll listen," Alex said, their voice firm. "And we'll find a way to bring you back together."

The elders exchanged skeptical glances, but Morgra nodded. "Then your trial begins. Tomorrow, you will travel to each of the clan's territories and begin learning their stories firsthand."

As the sun dipped below the mountains, casting the land in shadow, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that this trial would be the hardest yet. But they knew one thing for certain—if they didn't find a way to unite Redmoor, all the strength and endurance in the world wouldn't be enough to face what was coming next.

The ghosts of Redmoor's past were still very much alive. And Alex would have to confront them if they had any hope of securing the future.

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