
Worlds Collide: Apocalypse Tutorial

In the near future, humanity faces a global crisis—an impending apocalypse. But salvation arrives in an unexpected form: a cutting-edge Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VMMORPG) called “Elysium Nexus.” Players worldwide immerse themselves in this game, unaware that it’s more than just entertainment. As they explore the game’s vast landscapes, battle mythical creatures, and uncover ancient secrets, they unwittingly prepare for the real-world apocalypse. The game mechanics mirror the impending cataclysm: mana surges, magical creatures, and mysterious artifacts become commonplace. But what they don’t know is that this game is actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that will hit Earth! The VMMORPG serves as a training ground, teaching players survival skills, teamwork, and resource management. As they level up, they gain abilities that will prove crucial when the world faces its darkest hour. Our protagonist, Alex, stumbles upon this truth. As a skilled gamer, they rise through the ranks, forming alliances and uncovering hidden lore. But when the game’s events start mirroring real-world disasters, Alex realizes the stakes are higher than anyone imagined. They must unravel the game’s mysteries, find a way to get stronger and survive the apocalypse.

firtstTimeAuthor · Urban
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85 Chs

Chapter Seventy-Eight: The Council of the Clans

The wind howled through the high mountains as Alex, Sylara, and Garrick made their way toward the ancient fortress where the Council of the Clans was to be held. The journey had been long, the path treacherous, but the stakes made it worth every peril. This was the moment Alex had been preparing for, the culmination of their efforts to unite the fractured clans of the world. Each step felt heavier as they drew closer, their minds weighed down by the uncertainty of what awaited them within.

At the peak of the mountain, the council's fortress loomed. Massive stone walls, carved from the mountain itself, rose like ancient sentinels guarding the last hope for humanity. Torches lined the pathways leading up to its gates, their flames flickering defiantly against the biting cold.

"This is it," Sylara said quietly, pulling her fur-lined cloak tighter around her. Her eyes scanned the distance, always on guard. "The leaders of the other clans will be there, but don't expect them to be as easy to sway as the Aegis."

Alex gave a slow nod, their eyes fixed on the fortress ahead. "They'll come with their own agendas, their own grudges. But we have no choice. We need them united."

Garrick let out a low chuckle. "You make it sound simple. I've seen those clan leaders fight each other over the slightest insult. Getting them to agree on anything—let alone working together—is like trying to herd dragons."

Alex's jaw tightened. "We don't have the luxury of failure."

As they reached the gates, a pair of guards in heavy armor stepped forward, their eyes scrutinizing Alex and their companions. "State your business."

Alex stepped up, meeting the guard's gaze with a calm resolve. "I'm here for the Council of the Clans. I've been summoned by Aelric of the Aegis."

The guard hesitated, his gaze narrowing. "You're the outsider, then. The one who passed the trials."

Alex nodded. "I am."

After a moment, the guard gave a curt nod and stepped aside. "Enter. But know this: the council chamber is not a place for the faint of heart. Many have tried to sway the clans. Most have failed."

Alex didn't respond, stepping past the guard with Sylara and Garrick close behind. The heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing the interior of the fortress. The walls were lined with ancient banners from clans long since dissolved, the air thick with the weight of history and tension.

As they made their way through the corridors, the sound of raised voices echoed ahead. The leaders were already gathered, and from the sound of it, the meeting wasn't going well.

"They're already at each other's throats," Garrick muttered under his breath. "Good start."

Alex glanced at Sylara, who gave a grim nod. "It's going to take more than words to get through to them."

They reached the council chamber—a massive, circular room with a high ceiling, its walls adorned with symbols of each of the major clans. A large stone table sat at the center, surrounded by a half-dozen figures, each one representing a different clan. Some were dressed in furs, others in armor, and all bore the hard expressions of people who had seen far too much war and loss.

At the head of the table stood Aelric, his sharp gaze cutting through the air as he addressed the other leaders. "The Void grows stronger with each passing day, and yet we bicker among ourselves. This division will be our undoing."

One of the leaders—a tall woman with braided silver hair and the mark of the Ironfang Clan tattooed across her forehead—slammed her fist on the table. "You speak of unity, Aelric, but where was your clan when the Ironfang needed aid? We lost half our lands to the Void, and not a single blade from the Aegis came to our defense."

Aelric's expression darkened. "We've all lost, Verra. But this isn't about past grievances. It's about survival."

Another leader, a stocky man from the Bloodclaw Clan, leaned back in his chair with a sneer. "Easy for you to say, Aelric. Your fortress is hidden away in the mountains. The rest of us are on the front lines, losing people every day while you sit safe behind your walls."

The tension in the room was palpable, each clan leader radiating mistrust and frustration. Alex stepped forward, drawing the attention of the room. All eyes turned to them, the outsider, the one who had come from beyond the clans.

"Enough!" Alex's voice rang out, clear and commanding. "The Void doesn't care about your lands, your clans, or your grudges. It's coming for all of us, and if we keep fighting each other, we'll be handing it the world on a silver platter."

Verra's eyes narrowed. "And who are you to tell us what we should do, outsider? You have no place here."

Alex met her gaze unflinchingly. "I've fought the Void. I've seen what it's capable of, and I know that if we stand divided, we'll fall. The only way forward is together."

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Alex's words settling over the gathered leaders. But it wasn't enough.

"You speak well, but words alone won't convince us," said the Bloodclaw leader, his eyes gleaming with challenge. "If you want us to follow you, prove it. Show us that you're not just another outsider with grand ideas."

Alex stepped forward, their heart steady despite the rising tension. "What do you propose?"

The Bloodclaw leader's grin widened. "A duel. You against me. Prove your worth in battle, and maybe—just maybe—we'll listen."

Sylara stiffened beside Alex. "This is a trap."

Alex held up a hand, silencing her. They knew this was coming. The clans respected strength above all, and if they wanted to lead them, they had to prove it.

"I accept."

The room buzzed with anticipation as the Bloodclaw leader stood, his broad frame towering over Alex. The duel would be more than just a test of skill—it was a test of everything Alex had worked for.

As they prepared for the fight, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. The clans were watching, but so was the Void, and the outcome of this battle would determine far more than just who led the clans.

It could decide the fate of the world.

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