
Worlds Collide: Apocalypse Tutorial

In the near future, humanity faces a global crisis—an impending apocalypse. But salvation arrives in an unexpected form: a cutting-edge Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VMMORPG) called “Elysium Nexus.” Players worldwide immerse themselves in this game, unaware that it’s more than just entertainment. As they explore the game’s vast landscapes, battle mythical creatures, and uncover ancient secrets, they unwittingly prepare for the real-world apocalypse. The game mechanics mirror the impending cataclysm: mana surges, magical creatures, and mysterious artifacts become commonplace. But what they don’t know is that this game is actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that will hit Earth! The VMMORPG serves as a training ground, teaching players survival skills, teamwork, and resource management. As they level up, they gain abilities that will prove crucial when the world faces its darkest hour. Our protagonist, Alex, stumbles upon this truth. As a skilled gamer, they rise through the ranks, forming alliances and uncovering hidden lore. But when the game’s events start mirroring real-world disasters, Alex realizes the stakes are higher than anyone imagined. They must unravel the game’s mysteries, find a way to get stronger and survive the apocalypse.

firtstTimeAuthor · Urban
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85 Chs

[BONUS]Chapter Seventy-Six: Paths of Conviction

The Ironclad stronghold faded into the distance as Alex, Sylara, and Garrick descended the mountainside. The cold mountain air still clung to them, but their minds were set on the task ahead. The trial was no longer about physical endurance; it was about navigating the delicate political landscape of Redmoor's fractured clans.

"Convince the clans to unite," Alex muttered under their breath as they led the group down the rocky path. "Easier said than done."

Garrick, who had been quietly sharpening a new dagger, glanced over. "You've done the impossible before, Alex. But I have to admit, this task seems… colossal, even for you. Some of these clans hate each other."

Sylara nodded, walking at Alex's side, her eyes scanning the horizon. "He's right. The scars between the clans run deep, and each one has its own reasons for holding grudges. Even if we get some of them to listen, others may see us as a threat or a reminder of old wounds."

Alex sighed, wiping the sweat from their brow. "I know. That's what makes this so dangerous. If we fail… Redmoor falls, and the Void consumes everything."

They reached a narrow plateau, and Alex paused, surveying the landscape below. The valleys of Redmoor stretched far and wide, dotted with distant villages and tribal lands, each with its own culture, its own story of pain and resilience.

"There's no going back now," Sylara said quietly, her hand resting on Alex's shoulder. "You've already started something bigger than any of us. We have to keep going, no matter how hard it gets."

Alex nodded, grateful for Sylara's constant support. Her presence had become their anchor, something solid amidst the uncertainty of the journey ahead.

"Our next move is critical," Alex said, more to themselves than anyone else. "We need to decide which clan to approach first."

"The Aegis Clan," Garrick suggested immediately, leaning on a nearby rock. "They've always been about justice and fairness. If anyone's willing to hear us out, it's them."

"Their sense of justice could also mean they're the hardest to convince," Sylara countered. "If they see the Ironclad or any other clan as guilty of betrayal, they won't join us out of principle."

Alex thought for a moment, the weight of the decision pressing down on them. "What about the Stormveil Clan?"

"Too proud," Garrick said with a wave of his hand. "They're warriors through and through, but they follow their own code. They don't bend easily."

"Which leaves the Embermaw," Sylara mused. "They're smaller but fiercely independent. They might see an alliance as a way to survive the coming storm."

Alex sighed. "Every clan has its strengths and weaknesses. But we're not just looking for an ally—we need someone who can influence the others. Someone who can lead the charge toward unity."

Garrick sheathed his dagger and stood up straight. "Then the Aegis it is. They're respected across Redmoor. If we get them to listen, the other clans will take notice."

Sylara glanced at Alex. "He's right. The Aegis Clan's sense of justice might be a double-edged sword, but it's also what could make them a key ally. If we convince them that unity is the right path, they might set the example for the rest."

Alex exhaled, their decision made. "The Aegis Clan it is, then. We head east."


The journey through Redmoor's valleys was grueling, the rocky terrain unforgiving beneath their feet. As they made their way toward Aegis territory, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The weight of their task bore down on them, but so did the eyes of enemies and allies alike, hidden in the shadows of Redmoor's sprawling wilderness.

By the time they reached the borders of Aegis territory, the sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the land. The air was thick with tension, as though the very ground sensed the importance of their arrival.

Two Aegis warriors, their dark armor gleaming in the fading light, emerged from the trees, their weapons at the ready.

"Halt," one of them commanded, raising a hand. "You've crossed into Aegis land. State your business."

Alex stepped forward, their hands raised in a non-threatening gesture. "We're here to speak with your leader, Aelric. It's urgent."

The warrior's eyes narrowed. "And why should we grant you an audience with the clan elder? Outsiders don't simply walk into Aegis territory and demand to see him."

Alex held the warrior's gaze, standing tall. "Because Redmoor is in danger, and if we don't unite, we'll all be destroyed by what's coming. We've already spoken with the Ironclad, and now we're here to bring the Aegis Clan into the fold."

The two warriors exchanged glances, clearly skeptical. But something in Alex's tone, or perhaps the mention of the Ironclad, made them pause.

"I'll take you to him," the warrior said finally, motioning for them to follow. "But don't expect him to be easily swayed."


The Aegis Clan's stronghold stood atop a hill, its towers piercing the night sky. Torches lined the walls, casting flickering light across the stone battlements. The stronghold exuded an air of authority and order, its architecture precise and unyielding, much like the people who lived within its walls.

As they entered the grand hall, Alex immediately felt the weight of the stares upon them. Dozens of Aegis warriors stood along the edges of the room, their expressions hard, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords.

At the far end of the hall sat Aelric, the elder of the Aegis Clan. He was a tall, imposing figure, his long silver hair pulled back into a tight braid. His eyes, sharp and discerning, were fixed on Alex as they approached.

"You've come far," Aelric said, his voice calm but commanding. "To walk into Aegis lands with such boldness. State your purpose."

Alex took a deep breath. "I'm here to unite the clans. The Void is spreading, and if we don't stand together, Redmoor will fall. The Ironclad have begun to see reason, and now we need your clan to join us."

Aelric's expression remained unchanged. "And what makes you believe that the Aegis Clan would follow this path of unity? We have stood strong on our own for centuries. Why should we believe that the other clans—those who have betrayed us before—will stand with us now?"

Alex's heart pounded in their chest. This was the moment that could change everything. "Because this time, we don't have a choice. If we don't unite, the Void will consume us all. I'm not asking you to trust blindly—I'm asking you to lead. Show the other clans that standing together isn't a weakness but a strength."

The hall was silent as Aelric considered Alex's words. The weight of his decision hung in the air like a sword poised to strike.

Finally, Aelric leaned forward, his eyes piercing. "You ask much of us, outsider. But I will not dismiss your words lightly. The Aegis Clan values justice, and if there is truth in what you say, then perhaps… there is a path forward."

Alex exhaled slowly, hope stirring within them. "Then you'll consider joining us?"

Aelric stood, his presence towering over the hall. "I will consider it. But first, you must prove that you are worthy of leading this alliance. There is a trial you must face—one that will show us if you are truly fit to stand at the head of Redmoor's united clans."

Alex straightened, ready for whatever lay ahead. "What trial?"

Aelric's gaze darkened. "The Trial of Judgment. Tomorrow, we will see if you are truly worthy."

This is a chapter from my secret spare stash. For getting 10 collections to the novel, this is a bonus chapter.

Next Bonus chapter on twenty collections!! Increase the collections and , DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, SHARE AND REVIEW THE NOVEL

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