
World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Alister Wright was one day unexpectedly transmigrated into a world of modern fantasy. A world where people could use superpowers, like in those novels he used to read. But it wasn't a dream come true as one might expect it to be, it was a nightmare. In this new world, dimensional gates descended, and monsters waged war against the human race, To make matters worse, in such a dangerous world, Alister was transmigrated into the body of a nobody with no talents and supernatural powers. Not just a trash, but the trashiest of them all known to the world after breaking the world record of awakening a 0-star talent! Receiving the scorn and mockery of the world, it was a despairing situation for him. Nonetheless, he persevered and didn't give up. But when all hope was lost and there was no salvation in sight, A miracle happened and Alister finally awakened his golden finger. [The World Travel Simulator is online] "Finally!" The World Travel Simulator System, a cheat system that could simulate another real world, creating a temporary replica of everything like a mirror world where Alister could travel to and explore freely. It was like another life, and to top it all off, the greater his achievements in that world, the greater he would be scored by the simulator system. Kill some mobs, it was F- grade. But... Uncovering the mastermind or defeating the strongest, it was a guaranteed S-grade! Depending on his grade, he could inherit the power, talent, knowledge, and experience he had in the simulation. [If the host can get S-grade in the simulation world, it will become permanent and the host can transmigrate into that world by performing a full-dive realistic simulation but with the risk of true death.] "But what if I get another S-grade score in that world during the realistic simulation?" [After obtaining another S-grade simulation score, the host can obtain the ownership of that world and become a World God!] "WTF? ARE YOU SERIOUS?... This... This is... AWESOME!!!!" "Hahahaha" Alister laughed manically. "So what if you're the strongest? What if you can kill me? Heh! I'll keep on simulating. I'll keep on returning back until I defeat you!" "I will fight with you countless times in that simulation, know every future, and come back to kill you and give you the worst possible death... Mark my words... GOD!" A transmigrator, system user, and even a regressor. With those identities of his, Alister vowed to become the strongest! *** Join the discord server: https://discord.gg/BX9ZDY6mdT

ShadowKatake · Fantasie
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390 Chs

Lynn Successfully Become A Zombie Again!

[Noticing that Lynn was waiting for your explanation about your methods of turning her into a zombie, you couldn't help but feel the irony. Most humans in this world don't want to be bitten and become a zombie yet Lynn was eager to become a zombie.]

[Even if you didn't want to become a zombie, you are supportive if Lynn wants to become a zombie. It was due to you being born and used to live life as a human that you didn't want to become a zombie and you want to remain as a human.]

[And from Lynn's perspective, you know it was also due to her already being used to living life as a zombie that she preferred to become a zombie again.]

[So after noticing Lynn's desire to become a zombie again, you explained to her the methods of becoming a zombie without having to be bitten by a zombie. You introduced, "I have three methods to transform a human into a zombie without the need of a zombie infecting you with the zombie virus."]

["The first method is to drink the contaminated tap water. I have already used a microscope in the previous timeline and I have proven that it has the zombie virus, albeit with lesser concentration than a zombie's blood."]

[You added, "Because of the lesser virus concentration in the contaminated tap water, there are higher chances of your body developing resistance to the zombie virus instead. Which is one of the most common reasons why those lucky humans who had drank the tap water became human awakeners instead of zombies."]

["The second method is much more reliable than the first method and it is none other than to drink zombie blood instead of the contaminated tap water. This has higher chances of becoming a zombie but there are still low chances of becoming a human awakener."]

[But after you spoke of the second method, you sighed, "Unfortunately, whether it is the first or second method, I am not certain whether it will work or not since I didn't have any test subjects in the previous timeline."]

["But that leads us to my third method which I am very confident of even if I haven't tested it. It is none other than to drink my blood as I transfer my zombie virus into your body. And with this method, you can even retain some of the power you had in the previous timeline since I had studied the zombie virus in your body before and I have some confidence that I can slightly replicate it to make your zombie virus the same as before."]

[When Lynn heard about the third method, she frowned, "If I am not mistaken, this was the method you had discovered after hearing that the human awakeners used this to create another human awakener. I know that you can make me a zombie with this method, but the side effect of using this method is that your strength will regress."]

[Lynn was worried that you would suffer for her sake. After all, she knew that your current strength was at S-rank Intermediate Stage and if you became weaker, it would be quite the loss since it was difficult to evolve as one reached a higher evolution rank.]

[At least, it was a lot easier to evolve from B-rank to A-rank than A-rank to S-rank. Lynn was well aware of that, and it was the reason why she was repulsed in using that method.]

[In response, you shrugged. "At most, my strength will regress from S-rank Intermediate Stage to S-rank Initial Stage. But I can allow you to retain your peak strength of A-rank Late Stage so it's not a loss."]

[To further assure her, you added, "You should know that after I had killed you before, I have discovered another method of evolution which is to stimulate the zombie virus in one's body to receive a surge of viral energy. That is what allowed me to evolve from the A-rank Peak Stage to the S-rank Initial Stage. Only after eating your flesh and drinking your blood that I reach S-rank Intermediate Stage."]

["In other words, you can just think of it as me returning your power to its rightful owner since I had already achieved my goal of reaching S-rank." When Lynn heard your words, she knew that she couldn't change your mind anymore so she acquiesced.]

[Noticing that Lynn no longer disagreed, you decided to start using the third method. After all, the sooner Lynn became a zombie and regained her peak strength, the sooner you will be more assured of her safety.]

[Using your air superpower, you created a blade of wind to cut your wrist. Blood oozed out from your wound but before it could fall on the ground, you used the wind to levitate it.]

[Without needing your instructions, Lynn opened her mouth and you poured your blood into her mouth. With your control over the zombie virus as well as the viral energy in your body, you had controlled a certain quantity of the zombie virus to be transferred to your blood.]

[You felt that your strength had regressed and after a certain amount of zombie virus was transferred to your blood and into Lynn's body, your strength had regressed from S-rank Intermediate Stage to S-rank Initial Stage.]

[After your zombie virus entered Lynn's body via your blood, you had already grasped some control over your viral energy so you skillfully manipulated it and used it to integrate your zombie virus into Lynn's body. After it was integrated into Lynn's body, you transformed your zombie virus into the zombie virus that Lynn had in the previous timeline, replicating it as much as possible.]

[Because of that, you noticed that after an hour's worth of integrating the virus and replicating it to suit Lynn, not only did Lynn become a zombie, but she had retained the same superpower as what she had before in the previous timeline!]

[Lynn had retained her power and has successfully become an A-rank Late Stage zombie at the expense of your power!]

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