
Wolfhearted Love

"Seraphine, you may wonder why I chose you." "Emperor, your choice confounds me. There are others far Prettier and more deserving." Beneath the silvery canopy of moonlight, Seraphina and Wildan stood alone in a clearing, the forest's whispers their only audience. The Emperor, his gaze like liquid silver, leaned in closer to Seraphine and whispered, "I dream of you, Seraphine" Seraphine's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. "Emperor," she stammered, "I never imagined someone like you would dream of someone like me." ---------------------- This Story Have Two Character lead, Seraphine (Female Leads), and Wildan (Male Lead) Seraphine, the perennial underdog of the pack, who has been disregarded and overlooked throughout their life. But fate takes a dramatic turn when the formidable Werewolf Emperor, wildan, arrives in search of a mate. Instead of the usual, stronger contenders, she chooses our unassuming hero. Wildan, a Young Prince of the Southern Wolfrein Kingdom Woke up, and in his dream, There are a Woman that could become her fate and to become his soulmates. he always believe, somewhere, the man is exist. Several years later, he force to take a thrown as an Emperor. with several Political intersection that he face including his Married, he has no choice but choose his bride to be The baffling decision sets in motion a series of events that will forever alter their destiny. On the night of the fabled Blue Moon, as wildan marks Seraphina as his chosen one, a surge of unimaginable power awakens within. Our once-meek protagonist undergoes an astonishing transformation, becoming a force to be reckoned with. As their love story unfolds, it weaves through a tapestry of challenges and adversities. Jealous rivals, ancient curses, and a world determined to keep them apart threaten to extinguish their budding romance. ------------------ Author Note: Update Daily at 7.00 PST

MyLawDude · Fantasie
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17 Chs

First Meeting (3)

Wildan's smile grew even larger as he gazed upon the slumbering wolf. He then called for Luna, who appeared, equally amazed by Seraphine's transformation.

"About her," Wildan gestured toward the sleeping wolf, "She will be fine. She's just in a deep sleep due to her transformation."

Luna nodded, still in awe, and asked, "It's the first time I've seen that kind of transformation."

Wildan's expression remained cryptic as he replied, "You'll see more often in the future."

Puzzled, Luna questioned, "What do you mean?"

Wildan waved the matter away, saying, "Forget it. Let's go back."

"About the War in the Border?"

"It's Settled"

"That quickly?"

Wildan chuckled, saying, "Of course, who do you think I am?"

"Yes You're the strongest Man", She giggled

"Lusiana !!!"

Before leaving the room, Wildan called out to Lusiana, and from the shadows emerged a gamma female wolf. Lusiana was a striking figure with a sleek, ebony coat that glistened like obsidian. Her eyes were a deep, intelligent shade of amber, and she exuded an aura of unwavering loyalty.

"Yes, Your Highness," She Kneel down and responded.

Wildan instructed her, "Look after her," as he glanced at Seraphine.

Lusiana nodded in acknowledgment. "Protect her, but you cannot help her until she Really Need it"," Wildan added.

"Yes, Milord," Lusiana confirmed, and they all departed, leaving the slumbering wolf under her vigilant care.


Wildan met Aldina, Seraphine's aunt, who had also been saved by him the previous night. She knelt before him and expressed her gratitude.

"Your Highness," she began, "thank you for saving us."

Wildan, with a kind smile, said, "Please raise your head, it's fine"

"I won't forget your grace."

Aldina, still feeling overwhelmed, nodded in appreciation. Wildan shifted his gaze to the place where Seraphine lay sleeping.

"Yeah, she's sleeping, she get her transformation, she maybe sleeps for a week, until then" Wildan said.

"And She is Luna, My Guard, She is a Beta, She will satisfy your need in the mean time, and one more thing"

Wildan Introduce Luna as she gave a nod. Wildan also handed Aldina pack of money, saying, "Here, take it." The bag contained at least 1,000 gold, a sum far beyond what Aldina's family earned in a month. Her eyes widened, realizing the magnitude of the gift. her family income is only 10 gold Per year, This is too much right. 

"Your Highness, I cannot take this."

"Why, is it not enough?" Wildan tilted his head, When he try to give another bag of gold, aldina say.

"No, I mean, this is way too much. I cannot accept it. We owe you so much," Aldina explained.

Wildan, understanding her hesitation, responded,

"Never mind. You and your Nephew need to buy a dress, and a good one. I will also invite you and your nephew to my birthday party next month." He tossed her an imperial Invitation token.

Aldina accepted the token with trembling hands. The imperial token was a symbol of the highest Invitation and could only be held by someone of significant importance.

"But, but," she stammered.

Wildan interrupted gently, "No 'buts.' See you next month, Lady."

Susi Ironclaw added, "See you."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Aldina said with gratitude.

Wildan and Susi then made their way to their carriage. The carriage was pulled by a magnificent horse, a graceful steed with a sleek ebony coat and fiery eyes, exuding an air of regal strength and elegance. The horse was a testament to Wildan's status and power, reflecting his own character. They departed on their journey, leaving behind a thankful Aldina and the slumbering Seraphine.


In the silent confines of the carriage, Wildan noticed Susi's uncharacteristic silence. He called her name, once, then twice, and finally, she responded.

"Yes, Wildan," Susi said, addressing him by his childhood nickname, which was reserved for moments when they were alone.

Curious about Susi 's thoughts, Wildan inquired, "What were you thinking, Susi?"

Susi  pondered for a moment before asking, "I wonder why you seem so interested in that lady... Seraphine, as if you know her, and it makes you happy."

Wildan thought back to his recurring dreams about the red-haired girl and explained, "You remember the red-haired girl I told you about in my dreams, right?"

Susi's eyes widened as she realized the connection. "The red-haired girl from your dreams? It can't be..."

Wildan had often shared stories about the mysterious red-haired girl in his dreams, and Susi  had initially dismissed them as mere fantasies. But now, seeing Seraphine in person, she realized the truth behind Wildan's tales.

He told her that he recalled the vivid and recurring dreams that had haunted his sleep for years. In those dreams, a red-haired girl would often appear, her presence hauntingly familiar yet elusive. 

Susi  had initially dismissed these stories as the whimsical fancies of a young emperor meet a ghost girl, the kind of stories one might expect from a child's imagination.

Now I think about it, Seraphine's face really look like the picture in his room

'But how could you know her in such a small place like this?'

Susi pouted her mouth in confusion, her cute expression prompting a smile from Wildan and he shook his head.

He turned his gaze to the window. As the wheels of the carriage turned, Wildan couldn't help but feel a sense of vindication. The red-haired girl from his dreams, now known as Seraphine, was not a mere phantom of his imagination; she was real.

And the fact that he had encountered her in such an unexpected place, far from the opulence and grandeur of the imperial palace, only added to the intrigue. It was as though fate had brought them together, weaving a complex tapestry of events that he was still trying to comprehend.

reflecting on the events of the past few days and the serendipitous encounter that had finally brought him face-to-face with Seraphine.

The day He Coronate as a new Emperor