
Wolf Pack: Samsara {Coming soon}

Reborn is the Older brother of Everett Lang, a person who is known for being anxious and nervous. As I start my new life, I struggle with the same issues that Everett has been dealing with while protecting him. *Lgbtg* Coming April 1st “When realization occurs, you should definitely be free from samsara so that your disturbing emotions naturally subside and become original wakefulness. What is the use of a realization that fails to reduce your disturbing emotions?” - Padmasambhava

ParadiseHeights · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

The freshly cooked pancakes and bacon aroma fills the air as Sebastian enters the kitchen. He sees his mother standing by the stove, flipping pancakes, and his little brother, Everett, munching on cereal at the table.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," his mom greets him with a smile, handing him a bowl of cereal.

Sebastian thanks her and takes a seat at the table. As he eats, he can't help but feel a sense of unease. He recalls the strange occurrence from the night before, his glowing eyes, and his trembling hands. He wonders if it was just a side effect of his medication or if something else was happening.

"Is everything okay, Sebastian?" his mom asks, noticing the worried look on his face.

Sebastian takes a deep breath and puts on a smile. "Yeah, everything's fine," he replies, hoping his mother doesn't see through his facade.

Everett looks up from his cereal, his big brown eyes filled with concern. "Are you sure, Seb? You don't look so good," he says, causing Sebastian to feel a pang of guilt.

"I'm sure, buddy," Sebastian reassures him. "Just a little tired, that's all."

As Sebastian finishes his breakfast, he can feel his anxiety rising. He knows that he can't keep this to himself for too long.

"I gotta go to school now," Sebastian says, gathering his backpack and heading toward the door.

"Take care, son," his father says, looking up from the morning paper.

Sebastian waves goodbye and heads out the door, his mind racing about what could happen to him. He makes his way to school, his anxiety growing with each step.

As he arrives at school, he's greeted by his friends, Harlan and Luna. They both notice the worried look on his face and ask if everything is okay.

"Yeah, it's fine," he responds.

Sebastian nods and smiles, feeling grateful for his friends' concern. He assures them that he's feeling better and that it was just a minor health issue.

As they walk to their first class, Sebastian can't help but feel distracted. His mind keeps drifting back to the strange occurrence from the night before. He wonders if he should tell his friends about it, but he's afraid they might think he's crazy.

During class, Sebastian finds it challenging to concentrate. He tries to focus on the lecture, but his mind keeps wandering. He keeps glancing at his hands, hoping they won't start trembling again.

When class ends, Sebastian meets up with Harlan and Luna again. They ask him if he wants to hang out after school, and He accepts.

As the school day ends, the twin's father picks them up; when they arrive at the house, The Twins and Sebastian decide to play hide and seek.

As Sebastian counts to 10, Harlan and Luna sneak out of the house and run into the woods, finding a good hiding spot. Sebastian finishes counting and starts to search the house. He checks every room and closet, but no sign of his friends.

"Where could they be?" Sebastian wonders to himself. He decides to expand his search outside and starts to check the backyard.

As he makes his way outside, he sees footprints leading into the woods. Sebastian follows them, excited as he thinks he's getting closer to finding his friends. The woods are dense, and the leaves crunch under his feet as he walks deeper into the forest.

Sebastian freezes in terror as he comes face to face with the adolescent wolf. Its eyes are locked onto his, and he can sense its hostility. His heart pounds as he remembers the stories of wild animals attacking humans in the woods.

Feeling threatened Sebastian's eyes glow red, he can feel energy surging through him, and his heart races with adrenaline. He's never experienced anything like this before and is unsure what to do. The wolf, sensing his power, crouches in front of him and whimpers.

Sebastian is shocked by his actions and tries to calm himself down. He takes a deep breath and remembers what his doctor told him about controlling his emotions. He slowly lowers his gaze and puts a hand out toward the wolf, trying to show it that he's not a threat.

The wolf slowly approaches his outstretched hand and sniffs it. It then licks his hand and rubs its head against it. As he does, the wolf's eyes flash yellow. It was then Sebastian realized this wolf was Baron.

Sebastian's mind races as he tries to process what's happening. "Baron?" he asks, still unsure if he imagines things. The wolf whines and nods its head as if trying to communicate with him.

Sebastian's heart races as he realizes that Baron but a boy trapped in the body of a wolf. He feels a sense of dread wash over him as he wonders how he can help him.

"Baron, is that you?" Sebastian asks, hoping the wolf will understand him.

The wolf whines again and nuzzles Sebastian's hand. It's clear that Baron is trying to communicate with him, but Sebastian doesn't know how to understand him.

Strange energy surrounds them as they stand there, and Sebastian feels a jolt of electricity run through his body. Suddenly, he hears Baron's voice, clear as day.

He kneels and pets the wolf, feeling a deep connection. He feels a sense of peace and calms over him, something he hasn't felt in a long time. The wolf seems to understand him and nuzzles its head against his chest.

"How, how do you know my name?" Baron's child-like voice echos through his head

"I don't know," he responds

Harlan and Luna finally find Sebastian and are amazed by what they see. They can't believe that a wild wolf tolerates Sebastian and seems to be bonding with him. They approach slowly, trying not to startle the animal, and watch in awe as Sebastian and the wolf interact.

Sebastian realizes that he needs to let the wolf go back to, and slowly backs away, trying not to disturb it. The wolf watches him momentarily and then runs back into the woods, disappearing.

Not before hearing Baron's Voice in his head saying, "Pack"

Sebastian stands there for a moment, trying to process what just happened. He looks up at Harlan and Luna, who stare at him in amazement. Their eyes also glow unknowingly. They all share a moment of silence, Looking at each other with Shock.

Let me know your thoughts; as always, Critisms and Feedback are welcome.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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