
The Other Side?

"Where am I?"

The moment Ethan regained consciousness, he found himself lying in shallow water with the world around him feeling surreal, almost dreamlike that was painted in reddish hue. Looking around, he found a structure resembling "The Veil" in the distance.

"Is this the other side of "The Veil?" He murmured, in a daze at his situation. He knew that this could be a one-way trip, and might be imprisoned in this place for eternity. Still, he couldn't accept this possibility.

Ethan clenched his fist, but then, he felt something in his palm. Upon lowering his gaze, he saw an orange gem glistening beautifully on his hand.

"What is this...? The energy it radiate feels extremely familiar." He wondered, his eyes fixed on the gem. Then, he turned his head toward "The Veil" not far from him. "If feels exactly like "The Veil."

As if to realize something, Ethan grips the gem and felt the flow of energy within it. The next second, his eyes widened in shock; he could feel it, an immense power that governs the soul, the very essence of one's existence.

"Could it be-!" Ethan immediately recalls the story of the Deathly Hallows. In fact, he had gotten in touch with two of them from his acquaintances.

Albus Dumbledore obtained the Elder Wand after defeating Grindelwald, and Fleamont Potter had the Cloak of Invisibility. As for the last one, Ethan did not bother finding where it was.

However, he understood the first two powers even though he just gotten a hold of them for a while. Elder Wand was an ominous artifact that will slowly erode its user's mind into killing more wizards, be it directly or indirectly.

Apparently, Grindelwald realizes it later, leading to him surrendering from the fight with Dumbledore, and ending the Global Wizarding War. Dumbledore could use it without worry because he had already created a spell that could counter its adverse effect on mind.

The cloak of invisibility on the other hand did not have any redeeming quality, except for maintaining its invisibility function once it was worn. Not to mention, wizards who wore a magical eyepiece or vision-related artifact can see through its invisibility.

In conclusion, the two Deathly Hallows he knows may be a powerful artifact with their own unique capability, Ethan had never think they are connected to "The Veil," since they are not as incomprehensible as it is, and artifact like that are pretty common in the wizarding world.

But now, touching the orange stone, he immediately felt part of its power was connected to these three artifacts with "The Veil" bridging them.


Planet Vormir,

In the top of the cliff, Red Skull dressed in long ripped cloak could be seen sitting on a rough stone when suddenly, a brilliant pillar of light descend from the sky, startling him.

"What's happening?"

As the keeper of the soul stone, he knew what this phenomena was. It was the soul stone recognizing its new holder. But, to obtain the soul stone, one have to sacrifice the soul of those who are dear to them, and he was here to be their guide. Yet, nothing like that had happened.

Despite this, the feeling of a powerful force that was binding him slowly disappearing, told him that the soul stone had indeed recognize its new holder, and his punishment or duty was already over.

Soon, the pillar of light dissipated, and Ethan emerged from the center of the altar, holding the soul stone on his hand. His eyes were confused by finding himself in another new environment.

Ethan took in his surroundings, and when he looked up, he saw the figure of someone. With a thought of his mind, Ethan apparated himself at the top of the cliff, appearing in front of the Red Skull.

"You- what are you?"

Looking at the strange appearance of this person, Ethan was startled, but quickly recovered, it was not really that strange in the wizarding world. However, his question seems to activated the power of the soul stone he was holding.

Brief information about this person's identity flashed before his eyes. "Johann Shmidth, child of Martha Shmidth..."

Hearing this unfamiliar man speaking of his parent, Red Skull looked at the orange stone on the hand of this person and become vigilant.

Ethan narrowed his eyes and looked at the soul stone in surprise. However, he took out his wand and cast a sealing spell on this unknown artifact.

Turning his head at Red Skull, Ethan wanted to gather more information, and asked, his tone was measured and controlled. "Tell me where is this place?"

"This is Planet Vormir." Red Skull narrowed his eyes and replied, his voice was cold and detached.

"Planet? Vormir? Is this the name of the other side of "The Veil?" or not." Ethan murmured under his breath, confused as he had not heard of any place like this.

Although the wizarding world has not sent people to space for exploration like muggles, they are not unfamiliar with the outer space. In fact, a number of stars and constellations known in the muggle world are mostly named and discovered by wizards.

"Though you don't really look human, you're from Earth, right?" Ethan looked at Red Skull slightly and asked calmly. "Do you know how to get out of here?"

"I do know how to get out of here, but... why should I tell you?"

Red Skull sneer, but was confused. This person arrived in this place without knowing how to get out? Was this person the same as himself, teleported in this place by the Tesseract.

"I see, you do know how to get out of here. Then, that's easy." Ethan let out a smile, and waved his wand causing a flash of blue light to enter Red Skull's body.

Turning his head with his face twisted horrendously, Red Skull spoke in a grave, almost feral tone. "What have you done to me?"

He felt some force binding his body similar to how the Soul Stone forced him to become its keeper, but the power and energy it had was strangely different. It was much weaker and less sophisticated, but it was enough to control his body.

"Don't you know it yourself?" Ethan's voice was no longer kind as before. His eyes narrowed down indifferently. "You are now my captive. So, you better answer what I asked you- tell me, how do I get out of this place."

Clenching his teeth, Red Skull was enrage. He had just been released from the curse of the Soul Stone, and now, he was being forced once again.

Killing intent flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Being the only person in the desolate planet with only purpose is to guide people who wish to obtain and wield the power of the Soul Stone, Red Skull's patience and willpower had strengthened lot.

"Why don't you just use that stone in your hand." Red Skull said coldly. He knows lowering his stance will only make his enemy think of him as low and would think every way they could to take advantage of him.

"So, this is a Soul Stone..." Ethan looked at the stone in his hand and mutter, then responded to Red Skull's question. "I sense a fragment of sentience within it, and I do not trust artifacts that have their own sentience just like I don't trust any intelligent life."

In the wizarding world, it is common knowledge that objects that have sentience may be dangerous artifact, and they are to be handled with caution.

"So, If you don't mind, can you answer my question."

Red Skull looked at Ethan deeply, then said. "I can tell you how to get out of here, and the way to return to Earth but you shall not harm me in anyway."

"Alright, deal." Ethan quickly agreed.

Red Skull shook his head, not convince at what he said. "I don't trust verbal agreement. Swear on the power of the stone."

"You trusted this unknown stone? You are a strange one aren't you." Ethan looked at Red Skull, and narrowed his eyes. "But, it seems you know something about this stone. How about you tell me what this thing is first, and I will agree to make an unbreakable vow with you."

Ethan had already tested Legilimency against the Red Skull, but it does not seem to affect him. His mind seems to be structured differently; it was powerful and more solid, making it hard to access his mind. So, verbal information is the only thing he could obtain at the moment.