
Leaving Vormir

Red Skull took a deep breath and said. "Alright. I will tell you all I know about it. But, you must fulfill our original agreement. It must be vowed to the Soul Sto-!"

"Stop, didn't I say it already, I don't trust this so-called Soul Stone, at least not yet." Ethan waved his hand, then said. "You must convince me whether this thing is credible. Otherwise, the only way I'll agree is we make an unbreakable vow."

Although Unbreakable Vow typically required the needed a third party as a witness to bind the two parties in an agreement, Ethan can modify it without the need for any third party, though both of them must give consent to the agreement.

Red Skull had his expression twisted, clearly not liking being interrupted when he was talking. But, he knows better than in this negotiation, he wasn't in a dominant position to make more demand.

Seeing Red Skull fall silent, Ethan let out a smile, knowing that Red Skull understood his situation. "So, how about you begin telling me what is this so-called Soul Stone?"

"If you wish to understand its power, you must first understand it, or their origin..." Red Skull paused for a moment, then continued.

"The Soul Stone is a mighty relic that emerged at the dawn of creation as one of six infinity stones. These stones possess tremendous might, each representing various fundamental forces in existence: Power, Mind, Reality, Space, Time, and the Soul."

"Those who command the Soul Stone hold great dominion over very essence of any being - it wields the power to manipulate life and death itself. Even among its equally powerful counterparts, soul stone holds an exceptional place for it possesses certain wisdom and acts as a bridge that connects all other."

Ethan listen intently, seemingly intrigued as Red Skull started explaining the origin and power of the Soul Stone. However, he was skeptical and asked. "If this thing is really powerful, why don't you take it for yourself? I see that you have high ambitions."

"As much as I want to, from the moment I set foot in this place, I was bound to its curse - to serve as its keeper and shepherd those who seek to wield its might." Red Skull replied in a frigid tone. He paused for a moment and said.

"I cannot fathom how you could acquire it without sacrificing someone dear to your heart. However, I must emphasize that the possession of this object will inevitably result in your ultimate downfall!"

Ethan ignored the warning Red Skull had said as it sounded like an empty statement given by an enraged person that couldn't get what he wanted. "Alright, I understood everything you said, but I can only agree to an unbreakable vow."

He paused for a moment, then said. "If you don't agree, I can only force you, and maybe I can test the power of the stone, even if it was against my will."

"You-!" Red Skull was infuriated and frustrated. He wanted to beat the shit out of this man but was helpless. Gritting his teeth, Red Skull said in a chilling voice. "Fine. I have no choice do I?"

"Of course, you have a choice." Ethan chuckled as he raised his wand and cast a long incantation for a modified unbreakable vow.

"Take note that this spell is quite sensitive, any sign of unwillingness of one party detected by it will render the vow void. So, you better remove your reluctance as I will only cast the spell once."

After giving a stern warning to Red Skull, Ethan began waving his hand causing a thread of white light to connect their arms. Ethan spoke of their contract.

"In exchanged for Johann Schmidt helping me how to get out of Vormir, and the way to return to Earth 'safely,' I, Ethan Frost shall not inflict any harm to him in any way the moment the vow is created. This binding will last until Johann Schimdt left the Planet Vormir. The party to break the vow shall suffer the cruelest consequences, deprived of all their power, and their soul burn in hell for eternity!"

After Ethan finished speaking, he turn his eyes to Red Skull, gesturing him to speak whether he agreed to the vow.

Red Skull didn't mind how long the binding will last since he had no intention to leave with Ethan. Moreover, he doesn't think that Ethan would waste his time guarding the Vormir just to harm him when he left. So, after thinking for a while, Red Skull spoke.

"I, Johann Schimdt agree to the vow."

As soon as Red Skull's voice fell, the white thread of light binding the two tighten before vanishing into thin air, leaving a mark on their skin.

Sensing this, Red Skull felt his soul has been bounded to the agreement. Only then, he felt at ease since the contract seems to be credible.


After their agreement was formed, Red Skull led Ethan to a gleaming metallic spacecraft, the size of two helicopters. It was left here by the people who arrived on this desolate planet in pursuit of the Soul Stone, only to not come back after fighting who will be sacrificed.

Red Skull had originally prepared this for the time he could finally leave this place. Fortunately, he still has several spacecraft hidden in case of an accident or emergency.

As they approached the ship, Ethan marveled at its exquisite design, the combination of soft and angular shapes giving it a streamlined look that fit perfectly with his aesthetic.

"This is quite handsome. Is this created by muggles? They do have a gift in their craft, though they are quite weak!" he exclaimed.

Red Skull narrowed his eyes, not understanding what 'muggles' meant, but he get a feeling that Ethan was referring to inferior humans he know of.

Muggles? A fitting word for inferior beings indeed. Red Skull looked at Ethan, thinking whether this man is not a human for him to speak like that.

"Is this where you control this thing? How will it help me leave this place?" Ethan asked as he climbed aboard.

Red Skull's annoyance was apparent. "Stop asking questions!" he snapped. "The spacecraft will fly you to Earth. I will just set the spacecraft on autopilot, so there is no need for you to control it."

Although he was not familiar with what the 'spacecraft' and 'autopilot' meant, he could still understand that he would just sit back and let the spacecraft move by itself.

"No, I want you to teach me how to control this. I don't want to depend on something I don't understand and control."

"That is not part of our agreement," Red Skull retorted, his patience wearing thin.

"But it is. The agreement is you help me return to Earth 'safely.' Space is an unknown field for me. What if I encounter an accident or danger? Also, you have to tell me all you know about the space."

"You-!" Red Skull gritted his teeth, frustration and anger simmering just below the surface. Although he spend several decades guarding the Soul Stone and guiding the people on how to obtain it, Red Skull still wasn't used to being ordered.

Still, he relented and briefly explained how to control the spacecraft. The faster Ethan leave this place, the faster he would be at peace.

With Ethan's eidetic memory, he quickly understands everything and spends a few hours training himself to control the spacecraft.

"Alright, I think this is enough," Ethan said and looked at Red Skull who was leaving the spacecraft before settling himself into the pilot's seat, preparing to take off.

Accompanied by the rumbling, and high-pitched whine of the engine, the spacecraft slowly lifts off the ground and flew outside the planet with a beautiful curved, producing a sharp whistling sound.