
Distress Signal

"This is beautiful...!" Ethan couldn't help but sigh at the mesmerizing sight outside the window. He could never imagine something like this before.

Perhaps it would be a good idea for him to gain knowledge about muggles and their technology once he comes back to Earth. Now that he thought about it, Ethan had never really made an effort to educate himself about the ways of muggles.

This was because he was born and raised in a pureblood family. His upbringing had ingrained in him the belief that wizards are undoubtedly superior to muggles. While it did not cause him to develop serious prejudice against them, he did not bother learning more about them either.

Moreover, he always viewed muggle technology in the wizard's perception, so he never saw them as exceptional because he could accomplish what technology does effortlessly with a simple wave of his wand.

"Is this what Grindelwald feared? What he was fighting for?" Ethan couldn't help but think so. Wizards have always been complacent about their magical capability, ignoring that the muggles have already created something that can replicate what their magic can do.

Throughout the centuries, muggles have made meteoric progress as a civilization, but wizards are still in their old, backward ideology. As he was thinking, Ethan shook his head and return his attention to controlling the spacecraft.

According to Red Skull, planet Vormir is within the desolate star system of the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is about 160,000 light years away from Earth. With the normal speed of the spacecraft, he can reach it within a day. But, if he used the jump points within the territory of the Kree Empire, he can lessen that distance in half.

However, the spacecraft only had a fuel that can last him for a few hours. So, he still need to stop at a nearby space station to refuel his ship.

Thinking of this, Ethan pressed several buttons on the controller to access the database containing the map of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Soon, a holographic projection manifested before him.

"Let's see which space station is the nearest to my location..." Ethan manipulated the projection for a while, and after finding the place he was looking for, he immediately speed up the spacecraft.


*Beep!* *Beep!*

While he was driving, Ethan was startled by the alarm that suddenly sounded. Looking at the holographic monitor, he quickly figured out that it was a distress signal. This was generally used when a space pirate is attacking a merchant ship.

"Should I take a quick look?" Ethan mutter. He was curious whether battle in space was different from what he was imagining.

Taking out his wand, Ethan enchanted the spacecraft with a muggle-repelling charm, so non-magical beings would not notice its existence.

This spell's principle was letting anything non-magical ignore or interfere with the information they are receiving.

Due to this, the spell can work in some technology, or at the very least, make the information they detect have errors since their existing database would be incapable of registering it.

As Ethan got close to where the distress signal was coming from, he saw a series of lights flashing in the distance before quickly disappearing in the darkness.

"I originally thought it would be more colorful and explosive. Turns out, I am wrong." Ethan said, turning his head at the holographic radar map.

It was showing a series of red objects of different shapes. Spacecraft are triangular shapes in radars, squares are space debris such as asteroids, while circles are structures like space stations and other important intergalactic places.

In the map, he could see a triangular shape in the middle which represent his location, and several more triangle moving in groups surrounding one triangle in the middle.

"Should I play for a while? Maybe I can obtain currency used in space from them." Ethan mutter as he activates the spacecraft's weapons. Originally, he planned to sell some of his valuables, but it seems, this was a more perfect opportunity to obtain what he needed.

"Okay... controlling the spacecraft while aiming at the same time was harder than I thought." Ethan turned on the autopilot and went to the seat where he could control the ionized weapons, aiming at the spacecraft he thinks are the hostile force.

Because he did not remove the muggle-repelling charm, Ethan was able to get close to the battlefield without attracting much attention.

Narrowing his eyes, Ethan focused his aim on the place where the most sensitive part of the spacecraft was located. Then, he fired in a concentrated place dozens of times, so the energy shield activated far too late.


After destroying one spacecraft, Ethan did not wait for the others to react and aimed the weapon at the other. After taking down another spacecraft, the others immediately notice the anomaly and started aiming where the attack came from, even though they did not see anything in the location.


Ethan was startled, not expecting them to discover him quickly. But, what changed his face the most, was his spacecraft automatically turn on the shield mode, which would reveal their location even more as the energy barrier created around the ship will not be under the muggle-repelling charm.

It was the spacecraft that he enchanted with muggle-repelling charm, so the spell will remain anchored to its physical target. Anything that came out of this physical target will not be concealed by the spell, even if they are touching the surface of the enchanted object.

However, it wasn't entirely the fault of the spacecraft's security system as it didn't know that it was being hidden by muggle-repelling charm, and was unable to provide the best action in this situation.

"Sh*t! It's not flexible as magic!" As he cursed, Ethan quickly waved his hand and turn off the shield mode while he move the spacecraft far from the location the other ships were firing at.

After checking that the spacecraft wasn't heavily damaged Ethan sighed in relief. But, this experience made him understand the pros and cons of magic, as well as the technology.

[Warning: Energy levels are critically low, immediate recharged is required for optimized ship performance!]

Hearing the sudden notification, Ethan looked at the monitor and found that the energy level had shrunk to 24% which would not be enough to reach the nearby space station.

The energy shield consumed energy more than he expected. Looking at the ships in the distance, Ethan took a deep breath. "It seems I would need another ship."

With a wave of his wand, Ethan instilled some of his memories at the controller, so it could drive by itself and allow immediate coordination.


While the Ravagers were going to their mission, they suddenly found themselves under attack by a small fleet of Kree warships. The Ravagers were outnumbered and outgunned, but they were not ones to back down from a fight.

However, Yondu Udonta understood the severity of the situation and immediately activated the distress signal. Then, he looked at the Ravagers and barked out orders to his crew as they scrambled to their battle stations.

"Kraglin, get the weapons systems online! Aleta, I need you on point defense! Charlie, gather our crew and prepare for an opportunity to board their flagship! "

The Ravagers' ship, the Eclector, shook as it was hit by a barrage of laser fire from the Kree warships. Kraglin cursed as he frantically typed commands into the control panel. "These Kree ships are too advanced for our systems to handle! We have to improvise!"

Aleta nodded grimly as she activated the point defense turrets. "I'll keep them off our backs, but we can't keep this up forever!"

As the Ravagers fought to defend themselves, they bantered back and forth, trying to keep their spirits up in the face of overwhelming odds. The moment Kraglin saw an opportunity, he quickly launched dozens of remotely controlled electromagnetic pulse device towards the flagship.

This device flew like projectiles and anchor themselves to different parts of the flagship, as long as they are activated, they could disable and disrupt electronics/electrical infrastructures of the ship.

This EMP device are specifically design to penetrate the protective measures of a spacecraft to their electrical infrastructures, but they can only work when detonated at once which need a lot of experience and mental calculation.

Fortunately, Kraglin was an expert in this field. "Yondu, I done positioned my babies. Once I flip the switch, my cute little EMPs will fry the flagship's defense and security systems. They won't know what hit 'em!"

"Alright! Once an opportunity arise, we will rushed straight for the flagship!" Yondu observed the battlefield, trying to find a loophole where he could take advantage of.

Kree Empire have a strict military hierarchy. As long as they capture the flagship, it will make everything easier. Though this idea are only viable since what they are fighting are just small Kree fleet that have no super-powered individual stationed in them.


Suddenly, two of the Kree ship exploded attracting the attention of both sides. Yondu thought that it was a help that received his distress signal but could not see another presence of the ship.

However, he notice that some of the Kree ships focus their aim on the empty space, which later created a bluish barrier. It was indeed an aid, and Yondu immediately commanded. "This was an opportunity! We need to take out their flagship while some of their ships are distracted!"