
Without You (A Young K Fanfiction)

Krizza Steins was supposed to enjoy the concert of her favorite band, DAY6, but she was asked to direct the whole event instead! She thought it was really unfortunate, but she could not believe her luck when she personally met the members of the band, especially her ultimate bias, Young K a.k.a. Brian Kang. Then two weeks after, she moved to South Korea for a one-year work contract with one of the prestigious film company in the country. And the odds must have really been in her favor when Young K asked her to meet. What she thought was a simple fan-artist interaction between her and Young K actually grew into a close friendship. Can she hope for something more than a fan-service or friendship? Or should she remain a simple fan, who if had not been favored by luck that night, would have probably been non-existent for her bias?

mka_rissa · Musik und Bands
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49 Chs

Chapter 1 – Hi, Hello


Shocked, I scanned the seats behind me and those along our row. Few seats away, I saw Janina, a former colleague, waving at me with a big smile on her face. I smiled back at her, a bit embarrassed. She stood up and went to me on bouncing feet. I suddenly felt wanting to leave, but I couldn't just walk out of my favorite band's concert.

"Nice to meet you here," she said in a really loud voice. The audience was loud although the concert hadn't started yet and she was trying to match her volume with the rest.

"I never thought you're into KPop Idols," she added.

I wanted to correct her and say 'DAY6 is a band, not idols', but decided to just let it go. Instead, I told her, "I'm not a director tonight. I'm a fan."

October 6, 2018 -- DAY6 'Youth' Part 1 World Tour in Manila

I became a huge fan of them during the 'Shoot Me' era, though I had already been listening to their songs since 2016 when I learned about them through MNet Asian Music Awards. I was a big fan of bands, including Fall Out Boys, The Script, Paramore, CNBlue and FTIsland, but I never went to a concert until DAY6. (I had not even gone to a GOT7 concert or fan meeting at the very least, 'though I was also a huge fan of them.)

After talking about how big a fangirl herself she was too, Janina finally returned to her seat and left me sighing. However, not long after, another girl approached me.

"Direk Krizza?"

I looked up, trying not to be annoyed. I just finally got a break from work, but apparently, I was still a director outside the set.

The girl who approached me was wearing a headset around her neck and holding a phone. One look and I already knew she was a member of the concert's production team.

"Yes?" I asked. I felt my phone vibrate, but ignored it. Probably just our producer reminding me about the script I needed to finish.

"Hi, I'm Tin, a production assistant at SoundCheck. Can I talk to you? Please?" She sounded desperate, but I did not ask why.

I got up and followed her on a corner near the stage. I felt eyes followed me, probably wondering who I was and what I was doing with one of the staff.

"I heard the girl called you earlier," she said referring to Janina. "And I immediately recognized you. I'm actually a fan of yours."

I smiled shyly while my mind was wondering where the talk was heading, but I remained quiet.

"Uhh…" She hesitated. "Can we ask you a favor?"

"Sure, what it is? Just make sure I can do it." I joked, but it was half meant, of course.

Unexpectedly, she held my hand and looked me at the eyes, pleading. "Would you help us?"

"Help with what?" I was still smiling, but it was slowly fading. I usually got nervous when people asked me for favors because I found it hard to decline.

"Let's talk inside." She pulled me to the backstage.

I turned my head to see my seat and noticed some of the audience on the VVIP seats watching us. "But how about the concert?" I asked, but my question was left hanging unanswered.

On the backstage, I noticed a group of production staff huddling among themselves. I did not need anyone to tell me that they had a problem because just the way they frown, scratch their napes and massage their heads told me enough. Plus, there was this tension that only people in any media production knew.

DAY6 was not there yet. I was actually hoping to see them there, but I was aware that it was still too early for them to get out of their waiting room.

"Miss V," the girl dragging me called the lady who kept massaging her nose bridge.

She turned around and I saw how stressed she was.

"Here's Direk Krizza."

The lady frowned and shifted her gaze to me. Her face suddenly lit up. "Krizza!" She ran to me and hugged me tight as if we did not see each other for ten years.

"Miss V," I returned the hug awkwardly.

We had known each other since I was a trainee in EdM Recordings where she previously worked. That was five years ago, but we often run into each other on some occasions, so the bear hug was really unexplainable.

Vilma Chua, commonly known as 'Miss V', finally unlocked herself from me and stared at my face. "You're my savior. Good thing, you're here."

"Wait, wait, wait." I brought my hands up. I was really confused. "What's going on? Why am I your savior?"

"We need your skills," she said without a bit least of hesitation. "Matty cannot be here. His wife has been brought to the hospital due to stroke. So we really need a director right now."

I neither know who Matty was nor if I should be happy or angry or what. I was not supposed to be a director for that night. I was supposed to be a fan!

"You know that I direct films and not concerts, right?" I reminded her as she must have forgotten. "And I'm here to enjoy a show, not to work."

"Please, Krizza. We really need your help right now." Miss V pleaded. "We'll refund your payment for the ticket and pay you the same amount for your work pay."

It was a good offer, but I just really wanted to enjoy the show. I looked at them and they all had those puppy eyes. Oh, my God. How could I turn them down?

I sighed. "Okay."

And they all cheered! They were that relieved, but I was miserable.

"But," I silenced them. "I wanted to have a photo with DAY6."

"Is that all?" Miss V asked cheerfully. "You can even go with us later after the concert. We'll have dinner with them."

My eyes went wide. Photo op and dinner with DAY6? That's so much for work pay! I suddenly wanted to thank Janina for calling me out earlier.

I must have obviously looked too shocked that Miss V laughed. I composed myself and tried to act normal despite the wild beating of my heart.

"And you should have the contract ready before the concert ends," I said to scare them a little.

Miss V pouted. "Alright. I owe this to you anyway. Come on, we have to start soon."


The concert was lit! I never enjoyed my work that much until that night. There were even some points that I forgot I was the concert's director. I almost jumped and sang along with the crowd. It was a better experience than filming a movie entry for the Cannes Film Festival. (Just kidding! But jokes are half-meant, right?)

After DAY6 exited the stage, Miss V came to me and dragged me to the backstage, although there was no need, really. The area was full of staff from both the production and DAY6's managing team, but it only took me a heartbeat to find the five stars of the night. They were sweating and smiling and shining brightly, while I was trying my best not to unleash my inner fangirl mode. I tried to remain professional even as we closed the distance between us and the band.

"Manager Kim, this is our director for tonight, Krizza Steins." Miss V approached the guy who apparently was DAY6's manager.

"Oh, hello." Manager Kim greeted with a bow. He offered his hand for a shake and I gladly accepted.

"Nice meeting you, Sir," I said. I congratulated myself for not losing my wits and manners.

"Irumi…uhh…name…familiar." He was struggling with his English, but it was understandable.

I was tongue-tied because of the excitement, but Miss V saved me. "She's the director of The Girl and The War, which was nominated in Busan International Film Festival."

I looked at her, surprised at why she told him that. It was not a secret, but it was just...I did not know how to react to such introductions. I had never gotten used to such.

But I was all "thank you" when Manager Kim looked amazed and asked to take a photo with me. He asked me if I wanted to meet DAY6 and I eagerly said yes. Of course!

He called them and motioned to come. I waited patiently with a big smile on the face. (I probably looked dumb that time.)

Manager Kim introduced me and Miss V to them. We exchanged handshakes and I died shortly after. (Just kidding! But it was close! My heart kept beating fast and my mind was lost.)

"I was supposed to come here as your fan, but I was offered to direct instead. Can you believe that?" Good thing, I was still able to say those words but it was hard, really. It was like meeting the Harry Potter director, David Yates again.

"Oh, you're our fan?" Jae blurted. Amazed.

"I am. I've been listening to all of your songs."

Because of what I said, they all went bowing and thanking me. I did not know what to do, so I just said it was okay. Miss V told us that she would take our picture, so I eagerly posed with the five guys. It was really exhilarating!

"Alright!" Miss V exclaimed. "We have foods served in the hotel. Manager Kim, you can go there first and we will follow after wrapping up."

Young Hyun a.k.a Young K translated what she said to their team and I was like a high school teen just staring at him talk. He was really handsome!

They went first to the hotel after the hi-touch with the lucky fans while we were left in the venue to congratulate ourselves. Miss V also had to leave instructions to the staff members who would not be joining us in the dinner, and then I had to sign the contract for that night as promised. They would send me my refund and work pay soon they said and I just told them, "Okay". I was not worried about it, anyway. A photo and dinner with DAY6 were enough, but of course, I need the money.