
I'm okay

Sofi's POV

Suddenly I heard him laugh. "What the hell is wrong with you? I could hear you because you're talking aloud and not because I can read your mind! Haha, you dummy. You're really stupid! HAHA".

I became speechless. Did I blurt everything out? Just like that????

And he was still laughing. How stupid of me to embarass myself again and again. And most importantly it seems only in front of him I'm acting this stupid.

I've lost my IQ! I've become a dumba**. And just in front of him. Holy cow.

I've been cursing myself seriously that I totally forgot a being standing beside me.

I turned my head to look at him. And those bright and charming eyes caught my attention. They were looking at my way. It's too deep that I have fallen and drowned into it the moment I saw it. I'm starting to feel breathless.

So I broke the sight and lowered my head. Then I tried to ask him something. But my voice wouldn't come out. I'm speechless, literally.

This stupid brain of mine, wouldn't work at the right time. Right now the most important thing is to ask for the way to my class. How hard could it be?

Yeah, this is what I actually thought. And I experienced the actual difficulties in expressing my question.

"Hey Shine,"

"Yeah", he said as he caught my eyes again.

That's it. I'm finished. This is the end of me. HE is the end of ME.

He caught me trapped in his enchanting eyes time and time again. And I've started drowning in those void eyes. He's just a gorgeous creature that the God had created. He Himself might be jealous of this creature that's standing in front of me. How could I, a mere human being stand before him without the slightest falter?

It's just BULLSH*T!

Yet again I'm mesmerised by those eyes. Just looking at them gives me butterflies. What if I have to look at the creature in whole? Would I even be alive after looking at him?

Thinking all those stupid fantasy thingies yet again I couldn't build words to ask that simple question. I'm stunned by his charming beauty.

It's truly unfair of God to be biased towards this being. UGHHH.... I'm fantasising again!

"Hey, earth to Sofi!", said someone waving the handsome hand in front of me. Just a glance and I could say whose hand is that.

Yeah, I've really brought down to earth from my fantasies. So now I have a big trouble. That is how to ask such a simple question.

I was still in trance while I heard those words, "Hey are you really ok? Want me to bring you to the infirmary? Something's definitely wrong with you! Let me help you!", it said with concern.

I exhaled heavily as if I have hold my breath till now. And I mustered up all the courage that I have built these 16 years to say, "I'm ok!" and I gave an awkward smile.