

Sofi's POV

I exhaled heavily as if I have held my breath till now. And I mustered up all the courage that I have built these 16 years to say, "I'm ok!" and I gave an awkward smile.

He's looking at me sideways, tilting his head. His looks, questioning me like, 'Are you silly?'

I felt like he was mocking me with his looks. So I asked,"What?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just feel I've seen you somewhere. That's it."

"That's the worst possible pickup line!"

"You think that I'm trying to flirt with you?"

"Wait, What?- What are you saying? I didn't say anything!", I said.

Again he looked at me sideways, as though asking me 'Are you sure?'.

I just shut my mouth. Now I understood that I ran my mouth unnecessarily. I'm doomed forever. I couldn't ask the direction to the classroom, but I can ask those shameless questions to him, directly.

See, I've thought right. I've lost my mind.

He just kept staring at me. So, now it's my time to ask the most important, simple yet hard question to ask. Here I go- "Uhm...Do you...Do you know the-the way to the-the-the c-cl-class...?"

"Phew... I finally asked the question", I thought and made a pump up fist.

The next thing I heard is a small titter from the person standing next to me. Next moment it turned into a boisterous laughter. I'm quite dumbfounded by the laughter.

'What the hell is happening here? Where am I? Who am I?'

"I thought so", he said between his laughter.

"Huh? What did you think?", I asked protruding my head forward a little towards him.

He raised his right (handsome) hand and flicked my forehead, still laughing. "You really are stupid!"

"What??? In what way do I look stupid to you?", I spoke defensively.

"The way you are is totally stupid", he said still without ceasing his laughter.

That's it. He crossed my bottom line. He successfully provoked me. He's asking for a death wish from this mighty God of Death.

"What the hell did you say? I'm stupid?", I said fuming mad.

"Woah, I thought you're deaf. So you heard me clearly. Yes, you are stupid. S-T-U-P-I-D", he said spelling the word deliberately.

And what made me most furious is the way he laughed. He even had tears from his eyes.

Though a part of me, just a little part of me wanted to hear his sweet laugh without any pause throughout my day. It's just mesmerising, just a little. Don't mistake me. He just looks a little good while he's laughing. That's it. Nothing much.

After some moment his laughter started to slow down. He was breathing heavily after laughing that much.

" You are the only person who made me laugh, not to mention I've been laughing for so long", he said trying to suppress his titter.

"Ahem. Now the answer to your question. Just look back", he said.

I looked behind me only to see an empty corridor. "I ain't see nothin", I said with a smug face.

He sighed. "Not behind you. Behind me stupid."

Huh? What might be behind him?

I just moved a little to my left and saw what's behind him.

That looked like a class with some students in it.

"It's just a class. What exactly do you want me to see?", I said showing my one of the most ugliest expression.

He just palmed his forehead and grabbed my face and tilted it upward to see the class board. It looked quite familiar. But, where have I seen it?

Wait. Don't tell me-

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