
Chapter 6 Confronted


As I rode in the tricycle, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread from my chest. Was something wrong at home? I asked myself.

When I saw the road leading to our house, I signaled the driver. "Manong, just here, please."

Manong stopped, and I quickly got out of the tricycle. But before I could walk away, he called out.

"Miss, your fare!" My mouth formed an "O." Oh no, I hadn't paid yet!

"I'm sorry, Manong. I have a lot on my mind," I apologized to the driver. Instead of replying, he took my fare and drove off immediately.

"Hmp, who's rude now?" I muttered.

When I arrived home, my mother looked at me in surprise. My sister had a wide, joyous grin on her face.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"A-ah, dear," my mom stammered.

"What is happening here?" I tried to stay calm. Please, let it not be what I think it is.

"Dear, it's your sister's birthday in a few days. I'm sure you'll understand if I explain it properly," she said calmly.

I raised an eyebrow. "I know her birthday is coming up, but what I want to know is why are there so many new things here?"

"Ah... well, dear..." Mom avoided my gaze.

"What is it, Mom?!" I rubbed my temples, trying to hold back my frustration. She keeps buying random stuff for my siblings.

"I used the money your dad set aside for you," she finally admitted. It felt like ice water had been poured all over me.

Her words left me feeling weak. "You're not mad, right, sis?" my sister said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Let go," I said coldly. My vision blurred with anger.

My sister stepped back, startled. I stared intently at my mother, hoping for an apology, but she just avoided my gaze, making me hate her even more.

"You went into my room?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hay, I really thought you'd understand," she said, shaking her head.

"That money was mine! Dad left it for my education! And you just took it to spend on unnecessary things! What about me? Our exams are next week!" My fists were clenched as I fought back tears.

"It's your sister's birthday. Were we supposed to not celebrate? You're such a selfish sister!" Mom yelled back.

I laughed bitterly. "Birthday? Let's count how many times you cared about my birthday... oops, none. Wow, you remembered my sister's birthday but never mine! It would have been okay if you noticed me sometimes, but I never received any attention from you... never. Don't call me selfish because you're the selfish one!"

She looked at me, shocked. "D-daughter," she tried to approach me, tears streaming down her face.

But I wasn't swayed. For years, I had restrained myself from saying this, but I was at my limit.

"You took the money meant for my education without permission? How am I supposed to react to that? It was mine. But you, you're so selfish towards me. That was the only thing I had, and you took it! You went into my room without permission and took the money meant for me. You neglected me for years, and yet you have the audacity to call me selfish? I never used that money for anything, but you spent it all in an instant?" I asked incredulously.

Her face was filled with regret. "Don't ever look at me like that, not now. Now, of all times? I'll show you who's really selfish."

"Dear, I'm sorry... I thought you didn't need my attention, so I focused on your sibling," she said, hugging me tightly.

I snickered in disbelief. "You didn't know? Or did you just ignore it on purpose?"