

Contemporary Romance
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Lesen Sie den Roman WILD WIFE AND HER BABIES des Autors Moon_godess, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.After three years of secret marriage, she still showed no signs of pregnancy. Her mother-in-law scolded her for being a chicken that couldn't lay eggs, and her sister-in-law called her a jinx. She tho...


After three years of secret marriage, she still showed no signs of pregnancy. Her mother-in-law scolded her for being a chicken that couldn't lay eggs, and her sister-in-law called her a jinx. She thought her husband would stand by her, but he handed her divorce papers, saying, "Let's get divorced, she's back!" After the divorce, Sheng Junlie accompanied his first love for a prenatal checkup, only to run into his ex-wife with triplets for a child checkup. He went crazy and shouted, "Whose children are they?"

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Cytotec · Geschichte
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1 Chs

The Cold Wife's Domineering Marriage

【Favorite Read! Double strength, double chastity 1V1, delightfully sour, no abuse, jump into the pit welcome!】 Ling Xi, an orphan left behind in her previous life, was picked up and trained to become a top-tier special agent, braving through storms of bullets, living solely for the organization; until she was ultimately betrayed and killed by a so-called good sister. Reborn into another life under the care of fate, doted on by grandparents, cherished by parents, protected by her older brother, she wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life for herself and her beloved family, to be the apple of their eye, but things didn't go as she wished. She was reborn into a powerful and prestigious family, where many things were outside her control; for the sake of her beloved family, to protect her brother's desire for freedom, she chose to ignore the reluctance and pity in their eyes and resolutely embarked on a perilous journey. From then on, a domineering star began to rise! … At home, she was the treasured daughter of heaven, held in the palms of her relatives; yet in a certain company, she was the pride of all her colleagues. It was said that recently, some newbie was too arrogant, causing the old employees to be unable to stand it and come forward to provoke; no worries, though, toys! It was just right for a bit of practice, nothing but fun! After getting trounced, they wanted to try other tactics; okay, then make your choice! Steamed, boiled, fried, grilled, whatever you like, rest assured, I'll definitely leave you with enough breath to pant! Everyone: Don't worry, we're actually all nice people! In the newbie group, there was such a legend! Legend has it there was a cold-faced female manager, nimble and fearless, who dared to beat up even the president; To hell with legends, all that stuff is a load of crap, puffed-up tales! Hand over the evidence if you have any. Ling Xi glared furiously at the magnified handsome face in front of her, smiling as cunningly as a sly old fox, grinding her teeth. Legend... Legend... Who the hell started spreading that nonsense... A certain man, watching the woman he had cornered grinding her teeth, laughed merrily. This time, let's see who dares to covet the woman he had set his sights on! The male lead is initially aloof, later scheming, simply put, a repressed charmer! The female lead is initially aloof, later still aloof, and still "aloof"! 【Incapable introduction, please see the main text for more! Jump into the pit welcome!】

Still Simple · Urban
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98 Chs
Latest Update
Volumen 1


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perfect book for this summer. dear author keep it up


After reading your other story I think I enjoyed this one the most please continue


this story got me hooked. I'm enjoying it already.


very very nice. captivating and interesting.


this is absolutely one of the best stories I've read. Great author keep up the good work


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