
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantasie
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95 Chs

Ch. 11 A New Home

After packing up for the last time, Buck, Emmie, Gabriel, and Gala set out for home. Gabriel is comfortably sitting on Emmie's pack again, enjoying the sun while Gala keeps running off into the bushes to play along the way. In four or five hours they'll be back to town and Emmie can complete her first contract at the Alchemist Guild.

Hours pass in a flash and the group had arrived at the outskirts of town. Checking in with guards they entered the town of Rorish. A small village on the northern side of the Kingdom Torvazi. This Kingdom was situated on a large landmass surrounded by oceans. While the Kingdom itself is stable, fighting amongst villages and towns for land appropriation happened regularly with minimal involvement from the Kingdom. As such, even small villages had at least 5m walls maintained by the town halls.

Rorish was a small enough village that the Town Hall only employed 10 guards and crime was nearly non-existent. With only 1 small shop, an Alchemist Guild, a Fighter Corps building, Town Hall, Tavern and a few dozen houses, it was barely considered a Village.

"We part ways here Emmie, here's the rest of the berries. Tell your brother we're square. Good luck." Buck quickly shoved the box of berries into Emmie's arms and took off towards the tavern. As he was walking away he mumbled "I better never cross her brother in the Arena again."

"Thanks Buck! C'mon you two, stay close by and don't do anything without asking. I don't want you to be killed over a trivial matter. People are quick to anger and slow to forgive, always remember that." Emmie headed towards the Alchemist Guild to turn in her contract. The Alchemist guild's building looked like an enormous cauldron, except for the fact it was formed from Clay and compressed into form using earth magic. With large stain glass windows on the front, the building had a very inviting presence.

"Emmie! You're back!" Opening the round wooden door and entering into the building, the receptionist greeted Emmie warmly. "Hey Vincent, yeah, I got all the berries yesterday and just made it into town." Emmie walked up to reception desk #7, taking off her pack to present her contracted items. Two large boxes of Rockberries. "Well done Emmie! Congratulations on completing your first assignment!"

"Thanks Vincent! May I have the reward?"

"Let me fetch it from the drop box, one moment." Vincent walked just behind the long reception desk area and into another room. After five minutes he returned with a small bag. "Oh yes, I'll update your information to reflect you've completed this assignment immediately. Please take more contracts from us in the future!" Vincent handed the bag and gave a slight bow to Emmie.

"Will do Vincent! I'm heading home, you have a great day!" Emmie grabbed her pack and signaled for Gala to follow her from out of the guild. Lazy Gabriel still sat on top of her pack, enjoying the ride. Emmie's home was a small 2 bedroom home. Also made from clay, but a 2 story rectangular building that was less than half as wide as it was tall. It looked strange amongst the other dome like homes this town was known for. Out front of the house was a small porch with a wooden awning and on that porch sat a young man in his mid twenties.

A 2m tall hulk of a man, dressed in brown robes with brown shoulder length hair and dirt brown eyes, Emmie's older brother had been waiting for her to get home ever since she had left on her first assignment. "Emmie!"

"Evan!" Emmie seen her brother was waiting for her and felt embarrassed. He probably hadn't slept since she left as he was against her even going on the assignment at all. He even called in a favor from a man he once defeated in the Arena just to ensure her safety.

"I'm so glad you're home, did everything go alright? Buck keep you safe?"

"Yes big brother, it went very well. In fact, I made two friends while we were foraging. This is Gabriel and Gala." Emmie pointed out Gabriel napping on her pack and Gala hiding behind her boots. "They're not hostile in any way. I even saved the kit after she had been injured."

"Are they tamed creatures?"

"No, but they haven't hurt me or attacked me at all. Gabriel came into our camp starving and exhausted. I gave him water and food, he's been following me since then. He's harmless, he's still learning to fly and was probably abandoned by his mother."

"I don't care if they haven't done it yet, they're still wild animals their nature can change at the flip of a coin. I won't allow you to keep them." Evan was a little angry his sister could be so reckless. (They may be weak and small now, but in a matter of weeks they'll be dangerous creatures. Without a contract, you can't stop them from hurting you or someone else.)

"Please brother! I'll keep them outside in the yard, I'll build a little den for Gala with a birdhouse on top for Gabriel. They won't be a bother brother, I promise!"

"I said no Em, they're dangerous and I don't want to or our neighbors to be hurt." Gabriel had been listening to the conversation and realized if he didn't do something soon, the proverbial gravy train was going to leave the station. He jumped off Emmie's pack and flew down to Gala.

"Gala! Come here!"

Evan's mouth was agape, staring at the little Raven as it hopped towards him with the kit in tow. The Fox took a small bow, sprawling it's legs out in front of itself while looking toward Evan. "I am Gabriel. She is Gala. We stay?"

"Get in the house now! All of you!" Evan rushed the three of them into the house, even picking up Gala and Gabriel before pushing Emmie through the doorway. As the door slammed shut he put down both little creatures on their cushioned bench and gave his sister a cold stare. "Who did you steal them from?"