
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantasie
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95 Chs

Ch 13 Danger

"Let's get going Gala, maybe you can find a rabbit or something." Gabriel woke up Gala after letting her rest for a few hours. There was only another hour or two of sunlight, he felt they could stay at this cave for the night so all they needed was food. After ensuring Gala was awake and moving, Gabriel took off to scout some food.

After losing an hour of daylight, they still hadn't found any small game for dinner. Gabriel gave up telling Gala to keep searching while he started looking for safe to eat berries. (I knew that herb knowledge would come in handy, it won't take me long to find something edible.) This was the best Gabriel could do for now and he wouldn't let his new companion starve. (Wait! I have that food in my Tiny Dimension!) Feeling like an absolute idiot, Gabriel started to look for Gala to head back for the cave.


It was nearly sundown when Gabriel found Gala diving into bushes hoping for a rabbit. "I'm sorry Gabriel, I couldn't find anything."

"Don't worry about it, I feel pretty stupid, but I remembered I do have some food for us, but let's go back to the cave first." Gabriel was already nervous about having to explain the food, so he had decided to share his secret with his first companion. He just couldn't decide how much he wanted to share.

Entering the cave Gabriel headed into the back corner with Gala. "Gala, I have a secret I need to share with you. There's a reason I can speak Fox and human. I am not an ordinary Raven." Gathering the air currents around himself while raising his wings. "I'm able to learn magic and languages very easily. Languages only have to be heard once and I can begin to speak them immediately. With you I could immediately understand and respond, with humans I've been struggling to respond well. Also..." Gabriel pulled out the bag of Delicious Treats from his Tiny Dimension. "I have magic that allows me to store a limited number of things."

Amazed Gala began sniffing around the bag of food. "That's amazing Gabriel, but what is this? I've never smelled anything this good before." This is where Gabriel hadn't figured out how to explain that he had got this from a magic system in his head. He decided to blame it on Emmie since he figured they'll probably never see her again. "The human Emmie had given this to me the first night I stayed with her. I haven't tried to eat it yet, I just stored it for situations like this. She must've thought I ate it all." Embarrassed he couldn't think of a better excuse, Gabriel began to peck the bag of food trying to open it.

After a few attempts he managed to make a hole big enough to pull out the treats. There seemed to be 5 of them in the bag, so they were a lb a piece. He pulled two of them out before storing the bag back into his Tiny Dimension.

"Here Gala." Putting one in front of her, Gabriel began pecking the dog bone shaped treat. (I'm glad it's not just for Ravens or we would've had a problem.) After breaking it up into bite sized pieces Gabriel managed to eat the whole treat and checking on Gala hers was already gone. They decided to take a rest after having such a rough day, but as they snuggled into the corner a loud howl was heard from outside.

Gabriel got up in a panic and looked toward the outside. Two 2m long grey wolves were running toward the cave with slobber running from their mouth. They looked like they were starving. (They must've smelled those damn treats. I should've known something that smelled that good would attract others. Damnit!) "Gala, get ready, we're about to be attacked!"

Gala got up and ran to the front of the cave alongside Gabriel. "Just try to avoid them as much as you can and I'll use my magic to kill them." (Well, this sucks, but at least we'll have food after we kill them.) Gabriel flew up above the wolves hoping to distract at least one of them while preparing his wind blade. He dove behind the wolf on the right with the intentions to take it out the same way he killed the first wolf that attacked Gala before. He released his wind blade at it's hind legs when he got close enough. *Crack* the wind blade sped through the air scaring the wolf, which turned at the last second. The wind blade didn't sever the leg, it broke just his rear right leg only slowing it down moderately.

(Shit, I'm busted. Now what do I do?) Gabriel flew back up above the wolves, making sure he would be out of reach if they jumped up at him. Meanwhile, Gala has been darting all around the other wolf keeping it occupied while waiting on Gabriel. It's got close to grabbing her a couple of times, but she somehow manages to slip away at the last second everytime. "Gala, get ready!"

Gabriel made a split second decision and fathered another wind blade. Diving towards the wolf attacking Gala, Gabriel released his wind blade at it's legs. *Crack* (Not again! Fuck!) Once again, this wolf also moved at the last second only taking a hit on his front right leg. Luckily, it appeared that left had broken as the wolf cried out and began to limp. Taking the opportunity, Gala pounced on the wolf, tearing into its neck with her teeth. The wolf cried out in pain and soon it became silent.

The other wolf watching it's friend die became infuriated. It rushed to Gala intending to tear her to shreds, but was cut off by another wind blade from Gabriel. "Gala, get it's attention, we'll do the same thing again!" Gala sprung into action running close to the injured side of the wolf to get it's attention. She used her tail as taunt brushing it on the wolf's side as she ran past. The wolf turned around intending to bite her tail only to hear another wind blade being launched before it could turn back. *Thud* Trying to focus as he had done in his very first fight, Gabriel compressed the wind blade as much as he could before releasing it this time, severing the wolf's head at the neck.