
Why is Mr. Lu So Two-Faced

Rumors have been circulating about Lu Enterprise's CEO, Lu Qinian, about how he had a pampered little princess at home. Everyone was curious to know what kind of girl could captivate the CEO, who was known to be indifferent to women, to the point where he couldn't see anyone else. Later, during a company's higher management video conference, Lu Qinian appeared in a sharp suit, with a serious and indifferent expression, as he listened attentively to the work reports. Suddenly, a girl's soft voice came through the speakers, "Niannian, I'm hungry..." A girl wearing pajamas appeared in the frame, and her fair arms wrapped around Lu Qinian's neck as she acted cutely. The usually restrained and cold Lu Qinian indulgently caressed the girl's long hair as he spoke with unusual gentleness, "Why aren't you wearing shoes again?" The girl pouted, "My darling husband was supposed to put them on for me..." Lu Qinian chuckled, "Alright, I'll put them on for you." The high-level executives in the video were stunned speechless! 'Sir, why are you so two-faced?!'

Swish · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs

New Transfer Student

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Li Rongrong turned a blind eye and sat down in her seat.

Yu Xiaoyi expressed concern, saying, "Rongrong, you... This must be someone deliberately targeting you. Those comments are meant to manipulate the situation! The truth will come out, don't worry."

Li Rongrong took out her textbook and nodded casually, "Hmm." It would be a lie to say that she didn't care, but if she was so cowardly that she didn't come to school, wouldn't that just satisfy the intentions of those who wanted to harm her?

The others also started to talk about other matters. "I heard that an incredibly handsome guy is going to transfer to our class!"

"Really? How are his grades?" someone asked.

The group chattered away, but Li Rongrong didn't have much of a reaction. With the college entrance exams approaching, she needed to achieve good results and not embarrass Lu Qinian.

"Rongrong!" At that moment, she felt someone pinch her arm. She looked up and saw a boy walking in against the light.

Yu Xiaoyi was utterly shocked. "He's transferring to our class!"

Ji Hang smiled and nodded at Li Rongrong, while the teacher following behind him wore a pleased smile. "Where do you want to sit?"

Ji Hang scanned the room and chose the seat behind Li Rongrong.

"Master Ji, I'll bring your textbook over right away," the teacher said before hurrying off to fetch it.

The rest of the classroom buzzed with whispers as everyone speculated about the boy's identity. How could he make their usually headstrong homeroom teacher bow down like this?

"Rongrong, he's sitting behind us!" Yu Xiaoyi excitedly whispered into Li Rongrong's ear. Li Rongrong helplessly asked, "Are you done with your math exercises?"

"You're annoying! You've ruined my mood for admiring handsome guys!" Yu Xiaoyi gritted her teeth and angrily pulled out her math exercises. When would these torturous math exercises end?

Suddenly, a soft chuckle came from behind. Yu Xiaoyi's eyes lit up, and she quickly closed her book, turning to Ji Hang to strike up a conversation. "Hey handsome, what a coincidence!"

Li Rongrong thought to herself, "Yu Xiaoyi is such a fangirl!"

Yu Xiaoyi smiled playfully and remarked, "I never expected you to be our classmates. You and Rongrong are fated to be together."

"Yes, indeed," Ji Hang replied, his gaze fixed on Li Rongrong.

Yu Xiaoyi continued with a meaningful smile, "Don't tell me you transferred here because of our Rongrong? Huh? Handsome, you can't be that scheming, right?"

Li Rongrong quickly covered her mouth, afraid that Yu Xiaoyi would blurt out nonsense.

"What do you think?" Ji Hang suddenly laughed, his eyes still fixed on Li Rongrong.

"Didn't you mention showing me a video?" Li Rongrong swiftly changed the topic.

Ji Hang leisurely took out his phone. The video was a bit blurry, making it difficult to see the faces on stage. Nevertheless, the screams from the crowd conveyed the intense atmosphere.

"You didn't capture his face?" Li Rongrong expressed a bit of disappointment.

"It's too far away. You'll be able to see it the next time you go to the venue," Ji Hang replied evasively.

Li Rongrong also thought so. She would have the opportunity to see Jin Lang in person!

"This is his autograph. Here you go," Ji Hang handed her an exquisite card.

When Li Rongrong saw the name "Jin Lang" on it, a smile filled her face. Although she didn't make it to the venue, she still had something to cherish. "Thank you so much!" she said, carefully stowing the autograph away in her bag.

Observing Li Rongrong's careful demeanor, Ji Hang also smiled.

Just as Li Rongrong had put away the autograph, she noticed Yu Xiaoyi looking at her. "Rongrong, are you not interested in your uncle?"

For some reason, Li Rongrong recalled that unexpected kiss again and responded naturally, "No, not at all."

Yu Xiaoyi held her phone, hesitatingly saying, "Well... one day, I happened to run into your uncle... so I tried asking him for his contact information, and unexpectedly, he gave it to me! I was really surprised, but you know me, I just like looking at handsome guys, hehe."

Li Rongrong was stunned and did not react for a long time. Could Lu Qinian do something like this? Then she noticed that Yu Xiaoyi's face had turned slightly red. "Later, after I got his contact information, I casually chatted with him. I found out that your uncle isn't as unapproachable as you described him. He's very gentle."

As Yu Xiaoyi spoke, she shyly showed Li Rongrong their chat interface.

Li Rongrong saw a generic profile picture, and the person's username was simply "L". The L said, "What are you doing?"

"Remember to eat on time and don't be picky."

Yu Xiaoyi took her phone back, blushing. "Seeing how gentle he is, I chatted with him for a few more days. Do you think your uncle is only strict with you? I feel like he's gentle."

Looking at the chat history, Li Rongrong furrowed her brow once again. Was this Lu Qinian?