
Why is Mr. Lu So Two-Faced

Rumors have been circulating about Lu Enterprise's CEO, Lu Qinian, about how he had a pampered little princess at home. Everyone was curious to know what kind of girl could captivate the CEO, who was known to be indifferent to women, to the point where he couldn't see anyone else. Later, during a company's higher management video conference, Lu Qinian appeared in a sharp suit, with a serious and indifferent expression, as he listened attentively to the work reports. Suddenly, a girl's soft voice came through the speakers, "Niannian, I'm hungry..." A girl wearing pajamas appeared in the frame, and her fair arms wrapped around Lu Qinian's neck as she acted cutely. The usually restrained and cold Lu Qinian indulgently caressed the girl's long hair as he spoke with unusual gentleness, "Why aren't you wearing shoes again?" The girl pouted, "My darling husband was supposed to put them on for me..." Lu Qinian chuckled, "Alright, I'll put them on for you." The high-level executives in the video were stunned speechless! 'Sir, why are you so two-faced?!'

Swish · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yu Xiaoyi said, "Rongrong, quickly go and check the school forum, something has happened!"

Li Rongrong furrowed her brows and followed the link provided by Yu Xiaoyi, and she was almost infuriated.

The title was, "After the scumbag incident, a female student's promiscuous private life in our school! One woman with multiple men, playing around!"

The photos below were all uncensored, though the men's faces were somewhat blurred, while the female protagonist's face was clear, it was all her!

One photo depicted the scene from Yu Xiaoyi's birthday, where Ji Hang held her in his arms as they emerged from a hotel suite. Her eyes were hazy, leaning against Ji Hang's chest, wearing a short skirt. Below that was a photo taken at the dormitory entrance, showing her with a fever, being carried home by Lu Qinian. Although Lu Qinian's face was somewhat obscured, she recognized him instantly since he had appeared at the award ceremony.

The comments below were filled with various malicious remarks, "How loose can this woman's private life be, openly getting intimate with men? Even in the dormitory, she acts like this, seriously tarnishing the campus atmosphere! It's too f*cking disgusting."

"So, the recipient of a three-year scholarship relies on this?"

"Since when did our school have such filth? Expel her, she must be expelled! How will our school be perceived by society after this?"

"Exactly, we are students, a place for cultivating talents, not a brothel!"

"Li Rongrong, this kind of b*tch has been up to no good not just once or twice. She was involved with that Shi Rui before, and who knows what they've done in private. Whatever she does, I'm not surprised."

"But that shouldn't affect all of us. It's too disgusting."


Due to Li Rongrong's beauty, mysterious background, and outstanding academic performance, everyone in high school knew who she was! Regardless of whether it was jealousy or something else, everyone had reached their limit. Even those who spoke up for her were criticized, and they dared not say anything more.

Li Rongrong's face turned pale. She didn't know who had taken these photos or how they had turned out like this. She held her phone and hastily opened the door.

Mary saw Li Rongrong coming downstairs and asked, "Miss, are you still feeling unwell? Why is your face so pale?"

Li Rongrong glanced around but didn't see Lu Qinian. She asked, "Where is Uncle Lu?"

Mary replied, "He said there was an urgent matter at the company and just left. Before leaving, he instructed us to take good care of you."

"Oh," Li Rongrong murmured with her head lowered and silently went back inside.

The next morning, Butler Bai sent her to school, and Li Rongrong took a deep breath as she walked towards the classroom with determined strides.

Along the way, she could feel the various gaze from the passers-by, and there were even all kinds of whispers.

"Is it her? I used to think she was arrogant, but she's quite good at pretending. How can she still have the audacity to come to school?"

"It's often the case with these people who hide so well. One never knows how promiscuous she can be. It's truly embarrassing. This morning, some hooligans were even asking students how much money she made overnight. Who knows how much money she has? Honestly, I don't understand how these rumors spread so far and wide..."

"I was wondering how she managed to get such high scholarships for three consecutive years. So this is the reason! Was it necessary for her to sell herself like this? She's so young, why would she stoop so low? Judging by her appearance, she doesn't seem to lack money either."

"Well, who knows? Maybe the reason she doesn't lack money is because of this?"

"Oh, forget about her. Regardless, she got the money. Given the status and wealth of that person, even if she was just playing around, it wouldn't affect anything. We're the unlucky ones here, with our reputation tarnished because of her!"

Li Rongrong kept her gaze forward, pretending not to hear them, but her lips were tightly pressed, turning white from the pressure.

"You all seem to have a lot to say, don't you? Do you still want your tongues?" Ji Hang appeared out of nowhere, his voice cold as he swept a disdainful glance over the gossiping crowd. His icy gaze sent shivers down their spines.

The onlookers were intimidated by his presence and knew that speaking ill of others behind their backs was not a good idea. They turned and left. However, some of them couldn't help muttering to themselves, "She dared to do it, so why couldn't people talk about this matter?

In an instant, only the two of them remained. Ji Hang's anger toward the outsiders dissipated immediately. "They're just jealous of your excellence. Don't let it bother you."

"Thank you," Li Rongrong pretended to be nonchalant. "By the way, didn't you say you filmed something? Share the video with me!"

Ji Hang was taken aback. "Are you... not angry at all?"

Li Rongrong smiled. "The innocent have nothing to worry about. What do I care about them? Hurry up and send me the video."

"Okay, I'll show it to you in the classroom," Ji Hang said with a smile.

"Huh?" Li Rongrong asked, puzzled.

"You'll see soon," Ji Hang winked at her.

Li Rongrong went back to the classroom in confusion. When she entered the classroom, the originally lively class suddenly fell silent. Everyone's gazes were especially meaningful...