
why is everyone dead in this world too?

naeus renaud lived most his life alone trying to survive the muncher apocalypse wishing if he can't find other people ( that dontwant to kill and eat him)stupid cannibals. that at least he could find some weed somewhere with no one alive who knew how to grow it.his only hope was to find an abandoned farm somewhere after searching for a really long time growing weaker from lack of food he finally finds a farm only to find it belongs to cannibals. after losing an arm(stupid cannibals) he manages to escape only to get bit by a zombie turns manages to live one horrible day as a zombie then come across a little girl being chased by cannibals not wanting to eat the little girl you go right past her and eat the cannibals(justice!) then you turn around with a bloody smile and get shot in the head by the little girl you wake up and you look around and you realize your a baby and your mom comes in and she's a giant???? she holds u in the palm of her hand(oh no am I a giant in this world?)

Johnny_Ramey · Fantasie
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9 Chs

hrk sidestory and tansys new start

knotia hathefeuld (hat-tef-yuld)was a foreign exchange student in her country she had nothing her parents didn't care for her at all they constantly neglected her.

if she wanted to eat she had to find and cook her own food and even then her so called parents would often take it for themselves so she had taken to eating squirrels because they wouldn't eat them. when she was old enough to go to school they were glad to get rid of her,and never once did they bother taking her to school or picking her up so to get to school on time she had to leave at 4 am ,and one time she made freinds at school they even tried to come visit her but she was in the forest and heard her dad yelling and she heard crying.

she ran out of the forest as fast as she could when she got there one of her freinds was on the floor unconscious and the others were crying because her dad had backhanded him.

he went to hit one of the others and she got in front of him but that just made him angrier as the last thing she heard was her dad roaring at her.

Then she woke up alone in the snow her whole body hurt with great difficulty she struggled to her feet and stumbled across the snow making her way to her shed she resolved herself to never again make freinds when they tried to talk to her she ignored them.the years passed as she got older things became easier she could climb trees and and get bird eggs she had even figured out how to scavenge edible mushrooms and berry's,and it didn't take as long to get to school so she could leave at 5 instead of 4.

before school she had taken to using the batting cages she liked the repetition of hitting the ball over and over again year and years of climbing trees and hunting for her own food have made her strong.

she hits the ball every time never missing once even so she never joins the baseball team in her country they'd probably stone her for even trying.

eventually her attendance and grades qualified her for the foreign exchange program but there was just one problem she had to get her parents permission.

it had been years since she even talked to them

she wouldn't even know how old she is if it wasn't for her student I'd (she dosen't remember them ever celebrating her birthday)

she never even went into their ramshackle cabin since she was a kid she had stayed in the tool shed.

she didn't want to deal with her father so she waited outside till her mother came out she worked nights as a bar wench at the only tavern in town giving almost all her earnings to her husband .

seeing knotia standing there shaking in the cold

she barks whatta u want ya brat I dont got no time for u.

knotia brings out her permission slip and begs her over and over to sign it.

eventually she yells at her to shut the fuck up I'm not even your real mother she says u know what? you killed your mother when u were born why do you think daddy hates u so much he wanted a boy and all he got was u instead. do you think it was worth it getting a worthless little bitch like u? with this she backhands knotia knocking her back and gets into her beat up car and drives away leaving knotia crying in the snow.

knotia gets up spits out some blood staining the snow and with tears stinging her cheeks painfully she walks into her dad's cabin for the first time in years.

she opened the door and walked in somehow its colder inside then out.

she makes her way through the hallway to the living room where her dad was passed out drunk from the night before. she reaches into his pocket pulling out his wallet she knows her dad would never sign the permission slip so shes gonna forge his signature but just in case she cleaned out her dad's wallet so she can bribe her teacher she got 375 and slipped his wallet back in his pocket but just as she turned to go she stepped on a beer can and tripped knocking over a shelf making a loud crashing noise it was her moms collection of occupation sloth figurines,little sloths dressed as doctors and construction workers and policemen.

her dad woke up screaming

I told u not come into my house u little fucking cunt how dare u come in here and break ur mother's toys he started throwing beer cans at her some of them were half full splashing warm beer on her school clothes.

she wanted to get out but of there but her dad struggled up off the couch his massive body between her and the door.

....part two

tansy opens her eyes

the first thing she remembers is getting shot in the head . It seemed quick but she remembers time going really slow and feeling the pain of of the bullet bursting through her skull and for the longest time there was nothing just this empty void and static noise

and then out of nowhere this blinding yellow light like the sun was in her eyes ,and all off the sudden she was in a vast chamber with gold bars and gems and chests overflowing with coins of all shapes and sizes.

A loud feminine voice booms loudly through the chamber telling her to come forth.

as she crosses the hall she tries to grab a gem but her hand goes right through it.

she wastes ten minutes trying to grab hold of the gem then all of the sudden she grabs hold of it and it disappears looking around she sees all the gold and gems disappearing turning to smoke.

the smoke swirls around her and dissipates when it clears shes in a different room everything sky blue in color except for a gigantic tree with a throne carved into the bottom I say throne but it is massive no normal sized human would even be able to climb into that monstrosity .

someone was sitting in it towering over her

and suddenly she was scared she tried to look up at her for a minute all she saw was a blinding light then she blinked her eyes and looked up and saw drew Barrymore then her face changed to aquafina and then bella Thorne

her face kept changing constantly between various celebrities some of which tansy didn't even recognize .

finally the being spoke in a loud feminine voice

you have passed my test

most beings give up and spend eons with more wealth then they could ever spend not even being able to touch it only those who refuse to give up may continue on.

now theres a few things we need to touch on first of all my apologies due to unfortunate circumstances a necromancer from a world under my care escaped to your world and his magic was twisted by the tainted mana of your world .

I have decided to give those I deem worthy a second chance .

is there anything you want in your new life

I will grant u one boon if it is within my power

you will also have access to the karma system which is usually reserved for demigods.

now speak what would you ask of me?


six years have passed since tansys death

after that things really went to shit

everyone got separated becca,matt and principal reiddu broke out a back window and escaped with some of the remaining students.

dodge and oliva tried to meet up with naeus but a veritable army of munchers blocked their path in the end they never saw each other again

naeus was stuck with his evil ass stepbrother he never even knew about tansy.

Josiah immediately tried to jump naeus sherlock holding him while Josiah took his weapons and started wailing on him his face swollen and bloody.

all of the sudden he was free sherlock lying dead on the ground the side of his head caved in naeus with no one holding him up he slumped down unconscious.

Josiah looked around in panic he picked up naeus guns and started firing wild a baseball hit one of his hands making him drop one of the guns he whirled around in the direction it came from but she was already gone.

damn it he hollered come out u bastard(still dosen't know shes a girl) you coward fight me face to face.


knotia was out of baseballs all she had left was her bat if she didn't take him out now shed probably never get the chance again she circled around him while he was panicked trying to sneak up on him.

she pulled back her bat aiming for his head

but he turned and caught it with his forearm

he looked at her with narrowed eyes .

you? this whole time I was scared of a girl?

he grabbed her bat and threw it away smiling hideously

he said it's been a while since hes had any fun he started smacking her around and ripping her clothes as he started pulling down his pants naeus got up picked the girls bat and kicked Josiah in the side sending him tumbling

he said

should have known I wouldn't stay down for long you fucking monster he gives the bat to the girl here I dont need this he walks up to Josiah kicks him and says

get up I'm not done with u.

Josiah struggled to his feet dripping with sweat saying what you let all the muncher murder go to your head?you think u dont even need a weapon?

naeus says this is long overdue it just won't be as satisfying if I dont kill u with my bare hands.

Josiah smiles says

this is gonna be fun and runs at naeus trying to tackle him naeus sidesteps him and puts his foot out triping him

I think your right this will be fun he says as Josiah strugles to get back up again he shoves him back down I wanted this to be a fair fight but I can see that's never gonna happen ur too weak I dont know why I was ever afraid of u.

he kneels down and grabs the back of his head griping his matted dirty hair he plants his face in the ground making him eat dirt.

he lifts up his head giving him a chance to spit out dirt and grass with sadness in his eyes as the momentary joy he got from inflicting pain on his evil ass step brother was fleeting at best and actually made him feel guilty for enjoying it.

he says I'm sorry brother I wish things could have been different he grabs both sides of his head and snaps his neck naeus stands and brings his foot down on Josiahs head not wanting him to come back as a muncher

tears running down his bloody face he turns around to talk to the girl but shes gone already

he doesn't know her name but she saved his life and he won't forget it anytime soon.

he picks up his guns and his crowbar

he starts to make his way back to the school but sees a veritable army of munchers between him and the school and a giant blobby thing clearly visible right in the middle of it it turns and it's quite a ways away but naeus can tell it sees him there a loud screech and some of the munchers start running in his direction and naeus being the smart guy that he is runs in the opposite direction he can hear the runners getting closer but knows better than to turn and look.

hes never gonna make it but just when he thought his luck ran out a manhole cover nearby slides open and the girl who saved him pops her head out telling him to hurry with a thick accent before disappearing back down . he runs for it climbing down the ladder and pulling the manhole closed just in time as the runners banging against it are

screeching loudly in anger he looks down at the girl not knowing what's next but glad hes not alone again.


knotia hathefeuld stared up at her dad his big hulking frame blocking her escape she looks around looking for a way out but the only window has a heavy bookshelf in front of it so she turns back as her father takes a heavy step forward she cant think of anything else she picks up her moms broken sloth figurines and start hurling them at her dad at first it dosen't even bother him but one hits him dead in the forehead and shatters raining shards of glass down into his eyes he bellows in rage and try's to rub the glass out of his eyes but he just makes it worse he see anything any more as blood runs down his forehead obscuring his vision even further he yells out knotia name in rage and pain but theres no answer daughter? he says please help me I cant see.

where are u knotia ?

knotia being as quiet as possible sees a little sloth dressed as a baseball player that is unbroken she picks it up and carefully makes her way outside avoiding her father as he rages around the cabin.

she doesn't even bother going to her shed nothing there is worth bringing with her so she makes her way to the school and climbs up on top of the roof curls up by a vent that is releasing hot air and falls into the most peaceful dreamless slumber.

the next day she turns in her permission slip

she was right she did have to bribe him but even then she had to beg him to let her join the exchange program her cheeks tinged red with humiliation.

she gets on a plane and finally makes her way to America hoping that somehow life will somehow be better there.

the flight is long and she gets some free honey roasted peanuts from the attendant and shes had nuts before but never honey roasted it's like the best thing shes ever eaten so the whole flight shes chowing down getting weird looks from the passengers who have never seen someone eat so many peanuts she even gets into an argument with the attendant for trying to take all the peanuts from the meal trolly.

eventually the plane lands and a family is waiting for her with her name on a sign.

theres two moms a guy about her age and a little girl theres no dad.

she sees the two moms and her tears start to fall she reaches into her pocket squeezing her moms sloth figurine.

the family sees her crying and rushes over too her one of the moms hold her saying its alright she understands that she misses her parents but they will keep good care of her.

with this knotia starts bawling even harder clinging to the mom.

they finally get her to stop crying and take her home where they sit down to dinner to celebrate her arrival they order pizza never having had it before after one bite the tears fall yet again the little girl her name is Stephenie blurts out

why is she such a crybaby it's just pizza?

the brother his name was cal said steph with a stern tone be polite.

it's okay I'm not sad just overwhelmed I've never seen so much food in my life she wipes away her tears the moms share a look and start offering her breadsticks and mac an cheese and soda it's not long before knotia is surrounded by food.

the moms are sharice a nurse who works at a nearby hospital and del which is short for delilah who works on cars out of their garage while also taking care of the kids .

months pass and knotia has grown to love her new family

they even gave her a room to herself

she never thought she could be this happy but by now I'm sure you've guessed this story dosen't exactly have a happy ending .

just as she started to get used to her new life

all hell breaks lose.

first the sirens then the screams then the munchers show up it happens as she gets off the school bus she sees and old lady leap on one of her fellow students she was covered in blood and was ripping chunks of flesh off of him then he started jerking around his bones cracking then he got up and run onto the bus.

not wasting a minute more she starts running the horrible screams from the bus following behind her she makes it home to find the windows broken in already she picks up a garden knome feeling its weight in her hands and steps through the broken door frame as soon as shes through a muncher runs towards her screeching she aims the pointy head of the knome straight at the munchers head and he runs right into it the pointy head goes right through his sunken eye socket and shatters the muncher dropping down to the ground in a rain of colored glass.

she has no time to catch her breath as she hears banging from upstairs.

she slowly makes her way up the stairs turns the corner and sees cal banging on the door.

cal?her brother growled and turned towards her

cal? she said again her voice breaking understanding dawning on her as cal stumbles toward her she hears del through the door yelling for knotia to get away to run to save herself.

tears already streaming down her cheeks she turns to go downstairs but cal is already on her and they tumble down the stairs together luckily cal hits his head hard on the banister going limp immediately his lifeless eyes staring up at her.

unfortunately she twisted her ankle in the tumble so getting back up the stairs is an incredibly painful experience

she knocks on the bedroom door

del opens it up holding a golf club looking at knotia with fearful eyes.

cal? she asks

we fell down the stairs he didnt make it knotia said

hey eyes staring at ground she looks around her heart dropping whhuwhere is sharice and steph? she stutters.

del collapses in a chair and says I donno sharice was going to get steph from daycare after work but I haven't heard from them and shes not answering her phone.

knotia tries to walk over to the bed so she can put her foot up but the pain is too much and she almost falls but del catches her it was so fast it was like she teleported from her chair to knotias side

I got u she said helping knotia to the bed

del went and got a wooden spatula,some duck tape and some ice making a splint for her ankle.

knotia had tears rolling down her face she said cal was looking up at her and it feels like she killed him.

no baby it wasnt your fault he was already dead del said

then why does it hurt so much she said her words barely understood because of all the sobbing as she gave in and buried her face in dels top heavy chest drying her tears on her sleeveless flannel shirt and holding her tight.


not far from home sharice and steph huddle in a secret room under a certain day care center munchers screeching and prowling around above them a pregnant woman crying softly nearby luckily the room was soundproofed or the crying would have drawn munchers.

sharice looked at her busted phone longingly but it was useless now.

I was originally gonna have naeus be alone in the sewers but knotia kinda took on a life of her own also I feel like the story is coming to me too easily now I like working for it u know writers block and all that but is there a word for the opposite of writers block cause I think that's what I have

ps...thanks to all my readers I hope u enjoy my endeavors as much as I have enjoyed the various anime and light novels that lead me down this path

Johnny_Rameycreators' thoughts