
why is everyone dead in this world too?

naeus renaud lived most his life alone trying to survive the muncher apocalypse wishing if he can't find other people ( that dontwant to kill and eat him)stupid cannibals. that at least he could find some weed somewhere with no one alive who knew how to grow it.his only hope was to find an abandoned farm somewhere after searching for a really long time growing weaker from lack of food he finally finds a farm only to find it belongs to cannibals. after losing an arm(stupid cannibals) he manages to escape only to get bit by a zombie turns manages to live one horrible day as a zombie then come across a little girl being chased by cannibals not wanting to eat the little girl you go right past her and eat the cannibals(justice!) then you turn around with a bloody smile and get shot in the head by the little girl you wake up and you look around and you realize your a baby and your mom comes in and she's a giant???? she holds u in the palm of her hand(oh no am I a giant in this world?)

Johnny_Ramey · Fantasy
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9 Chs

hostage situation

naeus unaware of what was happening in the cafeteria showed the others mrs. mathers journal.

what should we do said dodge I mean we can call the cops but I dont think it'll do much good.

Olivia responded saying in the absence of a reliable police presence we are pretty much the only option.

she's right it's not like anybody else is going to do anything I think this is one of those great power,great responsibility type situations tansy chimed in.

nice spidey reference can't exactly argue with that what do u think becca naeus asked ?with a thoughtful expression.

well I think that little shit dimond deserved an ass whupping before he felt up and murdered our sweet old shop teacher now he deserves the electric chair.

naeus said well we better bring the journal and the knife principal reiddu probably wouldn't appreciate us just going on in and murdering him,but I could probably rig something up with a metal chair or something.

anyway let's go talk to reiddu

but first let's upgrade our weapons

tansy hand me your bat I'll reinforce it and put some screws in it.

dodge and oliva give me your hammer and machete and while I fix em up yall look around for anything useful .

it took about two hours for naeus to reinforce their weapons he also repurposed some metal muncher armor and rigged up some nail bombs

and some colored smoke pellets red to mark dangerous areas and blue to mark an area where fresh water or supplies can be found the smoke stains the area where its released.

with there supplies gathered and weapons reinforced they finally made their way to the cafeteria to give principal reiddu mrs mathers journal and kitchen knife,but on the way they saw Matt trying to run blood running down his face a large gash on his forehead causing him stumble and run into open lockers he was yelling and screaming somebody help please anyone I can't see someone needs to help the principal .

he was clutching his shoulder tightly blood seeping between his fingers.

Naeus ran to him grabbing hold of him trying to calm him down saying it's me naeus please slow down and tell me what's happened .

its dimond he got miss reiddus gun he was making her and the female students strip I tried to stop him but he pistol whipped me and I dropped my knife he shot me in the back as I was running away.

don't worry matt I was the one that gave her that gun she didn't even want it this is my fault

I will fix it he tells tansy to try and patch him up

and suits up putting on the makeshift armor

he just made in shop he looks like a knight in very lumpy not shining at all armor in fact it looked a little rusty.

he told the others to let him go alone they were against it but he told them they dont have time to argue .

I have a plan he said talking to dodge

u go outside by the windows to the cafeteria take captain killbot and wait for my signal.

Olivia u watch his back and becca and tansy take matty to the library and start packing our stuff so we can leave quickly if things go wrong.

naeus hugs everyone thinking it might be his last chance he pulls dodge aside telling him that he dosen't know if hell ever have kids in this world,but dodge is like a son to him and how proud he is of him that he dosen't even need to tell him to take care of Olivia and the girls if something happens to him .


elsewhere Josiah was panicked his so called army was getting picked off one by one it started with the people he sent to gather supplies he didn't care about them but one of his men a guy named Brian witnessed one of the gatherers drop to the ground with a loud crack the only thing he found was busted baseball and since then his gatherers as well as his army we're dropping like flies. taken to calling him the home run killer his people we're more scared of him then Josiah most of his army abandoned him raiding his stockpile of supplies. the only ones who stayed were Brian and sherlock .

Josiah realized that they can't stay here anymore because the home run killer would definitely take them out so he gathered what was left of his supplies his weapon a sword cane he took off this poor old man who died when he was forced to gather supplies he decided to use it as a backup weapon and picked out a hockey stick then making his way outside .Brian comes out wearing a familiar red hoodie saying I'm actually worried about my little runt of a brother asking if they could go to his school. yeah there might be supplies there too and it's probably where my step brother went .

all the sudden a loud screech echoes down the street and they see a lone muncher running towards them all the other munchers slowly following behind him. Brian asks why is it running I didn't know they could run stop running he yells at the muncher which responds by screeching even louder the cacophony drawing in more munchers .

if we run away it could get us from behind so we fight said Josiah,you two fight it and I'll step in if it looks like your having trouble.

with that sherlock and brian fought the munchers by themselves while Josiah sat down by the roadside and pulled out a nudie magazine and leisurely paged though it.

sherlock got knocked down by one of the munchers little help here he asked his voice cracking with panic he was barely holding it back with his shovel.

you got this Josiah said while turning the page

all the while Brian was fighting the runner and multiple munchers the runner looked different from the others for one it was much stronger and it had strange cracks all over its face and body,it looked like his skin was split open and this weird glowing yellow pus oozed out.

while brian had managed to take out the few regular munchers the runner kept dodging his machete but finally he was able to graze it but the glowing yellow ooze splashed against his hand somehow burning him like acid.

finally Josiah gets up picks up his field hockey stick and brings it down on the muncher weighing down sherlock aiming for its head but hitting its shoulder instead .

yelling I dont know much about sports but fuck you!!!

and the hockey stick breaks .

shit says Josiah as he kicks the muncher off and stops on its head repeatedly saying shit shit shit shit die!!! his loud mouth drawing in more munchers.

brian switched his machete to his other hand cause he couldn't get a good grip after the acid splattered his hand too painful then he dropped down to the ground and ducked under the munchers legs rolling to his feet behind it to the muncher it looked like he disappeared.

brian took advantage of its confusion slicing both its feet off with one strike of his machete and as soon as it hit the ground he brought the machete down on its head ending the fight.

he tried to pull the machete out but because of the acid it was too messed up and the handle just broke off throwing it down he went and offered his good hand to sherlock helping him up.

with so many drawn by the sound of their fight and only two weapons left among them they had no choice left but to run .


naeus stands outside the cafeteria doors getting ready to go inside he stashes his crowbar inside his armor (he built a special compartment to conceal it when he reforged it) he takes a deep breath and throws the door open then seeing the principal and all the female students buck naked his face turns bright red as he glances over at the window and sees dodge give him a thumbs up getting ready to turn on captain killbot.

as dimond sees him he gets up knocking down the naked schoolgirl who was sitting in his lap and grabbing hold of miss reiddu holding the gun to her head he says finally I was wondering when you would show up I'm gonna have fun torturing you now drop all your weapons or I will blow her brains out.

naeus makes a big show of throwing his two guns down and then proceeds to toss down a six knifes and some brass knuckles.

their no more weapons now it's a fair fight naeus says with a smile .

fair fight!!! dimond yells out did u forget I have a gun ?

do you know how to use it?

fuck you! dimond screams at him then points his gun at the Male students who are over in the corner of the cafeteria you all of get over here and take turns hitting him .

seven students line up in front of naeus and take turns punching him until dimond is satisfied .

he walks up to naeus saying not so smug now huh, he points the gun at his head and says time to put u out of ur misery.

with a bloody smile naeus spits out a tooth right at dimonds eye and let's out a loud whistle signaling dodge.

dodge sets off captain killbot right by the window . wiping his face dimond turns the sound panicking and says what the fuck Is that noise itll probably draw in munchers he turns and points his gun At one of the students go take care of it he says but the boys eyes suddenly go wide and he doesn't move.

dimond starts to yell at him wondering why he isn't listening just as naeus crowbar comes down on his arm making him scream out in pain and drop the gun it goes off shooting dimond in the leg.

dimond looks up at naeus towering over him with a crowbar and passes out before the crowbar even comes down on his head.


part two

matty gets his reward and tansy dies first


dimond wakes up tied to a metal chair he is gagged and someone took all his clothes off .

his leg and his head has been bandaged up, but he is surrounded by students the girls he made strip down giving him hateful looks .

he tries to wiggle around to knock the chair over and get away but he sees its bolted to the floor ,it also looks like theres a bunch of wires connected to it.

all the students are quietly watching him no one is speaking so dimond starts screaming at them to let him go calling them losers and bastards and riling them up now they dont have any fruit but someone had passed out some of those tiny potatoes u know the ones about the size of a golf ball,and they all started throwing them at once pelting him with small potatoes shutting him up.

just then principal reiddu walks out of the kitchen her makeshift spear in hand naeus walks beside her,reiddu addresses the students telling them about dimond murdering the poor shop teacher and how they have to police themselves .

she tells them naeus has rigged dimonds chair to electrocute him but first they'll vote because it's the closest thing they can get to a fair trial.

with this tansy speaks up saying show of hands who all thinks this bastard should fry?

over half the students raise there hands and it is decided so naeus flips the switch,dimond starts jerking around screaming and cussing he tries to talk but instead he bites his tounge off the last thing that registers in his mind is the smell of his own burning flesh .

principal looks away from the horrific scene and asks naeus where matty is .

he takes her to the library where tansy being the closest thing to a doctor because of her experience patching up naeus has been taking care of matty ,though her first aid kit is quite a bit bigger now.

she has set matty up in the back office she motions principal reiddu in after asking naeus to let her talk to him alone she walks in and closes the door behind her.


meanwhile Josiah,sherlock, and brian have found a golf cart and are making their way to the school but unbeknownst to them they were being followed a girl on a bike she looked to be no more than fifteen and she had a metal bat strapped to her back this girl was the home run killer she had her reasons but we wont get into that right now.

with a determined look on her face she pedaled as fast as she could, she hadn't expected those lowlifes to run off so quickly she was only able to grab her bat and one bag of baseballs there were hundreds of them back at her rooftop apartment she had spent a lot of time going every sporting goods she could find and adding to her collection but since she was in a hurry she could only grab one bag it had about 25 balls in it but would have to be enough,she was lucky they didn't find something faster than a golf cart even so she could only just barely keep up.

regardless she was determined to make Josiah pay for what he has taken from her she doesn't care if she has to ride for days she has already taken out his so called army so this is nothing.


matty woke up panicked and scared but he calmed down as soon as he saw principal reiddu beautiful face ,I was worried about u he said are u okay?

yes I'm fine naeus saved us but it would have been too late if u hadn't done what u did.

if you hadn't distracted him he could've done much worse than strip us down and its thanks to you that naeus made it before anything else happened.

miss reiddu I'm sure u know how I feel I would have protected u with my life I still might.

well she said I think u deserve a reward if this was the old world I'd definitely get in trouble for this and with that she climbed into bed and kissed him turns out matty had been leaving poems for her every morning since before the end some people would think its creepy but miss reiddu thought they were sweet,and it's not like theres any guys her age around unless you count ravenous flesh eating munchers.

anyway its getting pretty hot and heavy in matty's room when becca bursts in on them causing Alanna to fall out of matty's makeshift hospital bed pulling him down on top of her making him yell out in pain from his shoulder wound.

yall hurry up and get ur shit together we might have to leave one of our lookouts spotted some people on a golf cart coming toward the school.


naeus went out to see what the newcomers wanted he told everyone to keep their distance just in case,when he saw who it was at first he was worried that Josiah wanted revenge for him hitting him over the head with a crowbar and tieing him up with Christmas lights .

but no Josiah looked scared and of course that red hoodie dude was with him so reluctantly naeus went out to talk to them knowing this probably wouldn't end well .

.... the hrk was close by watching a tall guy in beat up makeshift armor come out to talk that trash she was exhausted from riding her bike all the way here and she wondered would she have to kill him too? she wanted this to be over she thought about getting some distance and taking them all out now but she didn't know how many people tall guy had so she didnt risk it and decided to wait for a better chance.


nobody wanted to deal with dimonds body so they just left it there tied to the makeshift electric chair they had completely abandoned the the cafeteria all the students moved to the library in the aftermath of dimonds execution leaving him there alone in the darkness but what's this? his body started to twitch and jerk around his flesh bloating up like he got punched by kenshiros hokoto kenshin his body cracked up all over leaking yellow ooze the chair collapsed under the weight unable to stand dimond crawled along the ground it tried it let out a screech but without its tounge all that came out was pus and blood eating through the linoleum it tried to get back up on two legs but its bones cracked under it's own weight causing it to collapse like a baby giraffe.

it kept crawling along the ground trying to get up every so often slowly making progress burning through the floor along the way leaving its acidic blood behind it like some kind of slug.


naeus didnt want anything to do with Josiah

he definitely didn't want to protect him from some kind of psychotic babe ruth serial killer

(he kinda wants to kill the dude himself) but

couldn't bring himself to abandon him so he reluctantly offered him the use of the principals office but only if they clean the body up themselves everything else is off limits cause obviously I dont trust u.

suddenly they can hear screaming from the school before running towards it naeus yells back this is your last chance dont fuck it up! and then runs as fast as he can towards the school when he gets there it's already too late some off the students have already been turned dimond has become unrecognizable,and there are half eaten students scattered around dimond looks more like a monster than a muncher.

Josiah and sherlock come in behind naeus and see it Josiah loudly saying what the fuck is that? with this dimond turns in their direction and all the munchers eerily turn and look at the same time seems like it has some kinda connection to whoever its turns.not even waiting for them to move naeus turns back and runs the other way Josiah and sherlock right behind him.


Brian went to find his brother no way was he gonna run toward the screaming that shit is stupid he thought to himself.

he got the library and everyone was packing up their stuff getting ready to run I guess.

he went up to the desk and asked a pretty redhead about dimond. she responded oh that asswhole we executed him he killed the shop teacher and made the principal and students strip down at gun point .

becca comes out saying uh tansy hes one of the dudes who tried to rape me.

hearing this brian picks up a gun from one of the kids packing turns back to tansy and pulls the trigger becca dives behind a bookshelf as her freinds lifeless body crumples to the ground.

the next chapter is gonna be a side story for hrk(home run killer)

Johnny_Rameycreators' thoughts