
Chapter 9

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

The sweat on my skin, the rain falling on my body... Yes, it's something I needed to feel.

This month has been so... Difficult.

After finding out what Ji-A was doing I forced her to make a video call with her parents where she would tell them everything, to use the word angry to describe the state of her parents would be an understatement.

They were so furious that they were already planning to cut off her support, kick her out of the house, stop paying for college, force her to fend for herself, a part of me wanted to let that go.

But... I've known Ji-A for 10 years now, she wasn't perfect, but she was always there for me in one way or another and even though my love for her disappeared as soon as I found out the truth, my affection for who she is like a sister wasn't gone.

I jumped into the conversation and convinced them not without effort that they should at least keep paying for her college, that I would see to it that she never strayed again.

They trusted me and left it as an ultimatum for Ji-A to either stay in college or she could forget that she has parents.

When that was over, I forced her to sink into her studies, day and night, sleeping just enough to keep from passing out, having to make up for all the lost time and catch up.

Still, it wasn't enough, her grades improved and were good, but the university was ready to kick her out.

In a last attempt to save her, I went to beg the university management to give her one more month, just one more month, I knelt before them and begged them, using all the arguments I could. In the end my pleas took effect, and they gave her one more month in which her grades should be not good, not average, but excellent, otherwise she would be kicked out.

That obviously only means more pressure on Ji-A's shoulders and on mine that I was helping her as much as I could during all that, while at the same time dealing with my own studies.

And now I finally have a day of rest, I slept most of the day and now at night I went out to that field where I had kissed Sae-Hyun, in the middle of my training it started to rain, but I didn't stop, I need to evacuate all this stress.

In fact, I haven't talked to Sae-Hyun again... I'm only partially angry with her, Ji-A is an adult, and her decisions are hers, but I can't get it out of my head that if it wasn't for Sae-Hyun none of this would have happened.

It's like the paradox of accusing the alcohol salesman for what happens to the alcoholic, he is an adult and makes his own decisions, but if the salesman stopped selling to him things may have been different.

The worst part is that I was starting to like Sae. Her physique appealed to me from day one, but her personality what little I could get from her was growing on me, she may be very unabashed, playful, and downright kinky, but she's also smart, sincere and that... I like.

But I don't even know if I'm able to let go of what little anger I feel towards her and even if I were able to, would I accomplish anything? Sae-Hyun is not couple material, she herself has admitted it... Still, maybe I should invite her for a coffee, if only to reconnect, to find out if I can clear my anger... To see her again.

I heard footsteps approaching me, the wet grass is bad for discreet footsteps to be made.

I looked back, then I could see the guy. That same guy I had hit when I found out the truth, he looks dirty, with clothes that look like they are barely being washed by the rain and his face is consumed by an expression of hatred, the knife in his hand automatically put me on guard.

"fucking son of a bitch!" shouted the guy his voice trailing off between fury and inebriation.

Having a knife, being drunk, that's not a good combination, I took support on my legs ready to jump in any direction at the same time not taking my eyes off him and his knife.

"You ruined my life, first you steal my bitches, then you get me kicked out of college and to top it off makes my parents disown me" said the guy, his eyes bloodshot.

Obviously, I didn't do any of what he says, maybe I did get Ji-A and Sae-Hyun away from him, but the rest... I really didn't even know he had been kicked out of college... Damn it I didn't even know we were in the same college. Although it's logical if Ji-A was absent to be with him it means he was also absent and the same amount as her maybe even more.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't even know who you are" I said in a diplomatic voice trying not to poison the situation further.

The rain around us intensified to a point where I can't see anything from about five meters away and hearing anything other than the falling drops is difficult.

What a lousy time for this rain to come, the terrain is somewhat isolated, but now with this rain I can forget that about getting help from any witnesses if this guy decides to attack me.

"You don't know who I am?" he said before letting out a laugh "Those fucking bitches haven't even told you who I am, I'm their fucking owner Choi Shi-Hoon!"

Hearing him, talking that way about Sae-Hyun and Ji-A is starting to piss me off, what I want most right now is to fucking punch him to shut his mouth, but the knife in his hand is a danger I can't ignore.

"Well Choi Shi-Hoon why don't we better talk this out in a dry place?" I said trying to at least get us out of here and get us closer to a place where someone else could see us.

"No, no, no, we stay here, you don't leave until I gut you" He raised, the knife and tried to stab me in the chest, but his drunken state added to the wet grass made his movement slow and consequently easy to dodge.

My reflexes from rugby practice were very useful to dodge and my shoes with Cleats that allow me to move better in this terrain.

I tried to get away from him to run away, it is better not to try to face someone with a knife no matter how drunk he is, it is even worse if he is drunk.

"You won't run away!" He shouted and I immediately felt a stabbing pain coming from the back of my shoulder, the sudden pain made me fall to the ground.

I brought my hand to that spot feeling the knife plunged into my shoulder How the fuck did he manage to hit me, drunk in the middle of the rain and me already being several meters away from him? What kind of cruel joke is it that he is lucky in his aim at this moment.

Due to my fall he managed to get close to me as I was getting up, he bestowed a kick to my ribs that made me fall backwards sinking the knife deeper into my shoulder, which made me let out a scream of pain.

The thing feels like hell and the worst thing is that now moving my shoulder makes me suffer so much that by mere instinct I am reluctant to move it.

Before I could get up, he threw himself on top of me and started throwing random punches to my face, they weren't exactly hard, but each one he gave me presses me harder against the ground and makes the knife go deeper with the risks of cutting something important in its path.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you motherfucker, then I'm going to kill those bitches, I'm going to kill them all!" Shouted the guy completely crazed by alcohol and anger.

What kind of sick fuck did those girls go to have sex with? I ignored the pain as best I could and pushed my pelvis forward as he is sitting on it, that movement pushed him off me, again the terrain played in my favor because in addition to getting off of me he slipped on the wet grass and fell to the ground.

I got up as best I could use only one arm, because any movement in which he has a stabbed shoulder makes me suffer what is not written.

He was getting up too, but with difficulty, I moved immediately, and before he finished getting up I stepped on his head with all my strength, sinking it into the wet ground and sinking part of the Cleats into his skull, at the moment I don't care if I hurt him mortally I just know that if I don't slow him down this sick man will kill me.

That done I began to run to the exit of the grounds, my shoulder burning and demanding that I pull out the knife, but I know well that if I pull it out it won't be long before I bleed to death.

I started to move through the streets, feeling more and more tired and my eyelids getting heavier, I start to feel very cold, and I know how bad it all is.

"Help!" I shout with all my might, trying to attract someone's attention, but the rain hasn't descended in strength and my voice was covered by it.

I yelled again as I walk towards a tent I remember seeing, the bad thing is that the damn thing is far from the ground about two kilometers away.

And each step I take feels heavier than the last, I'm starting to shake, and my vision is getting blurry.

"Found you!" I heard and before I turned around, I felt the knife being pulled out of my shoulder, which provoked another scream, I turned around quickly and as I did so I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, a quick glance made me realize that Choi is coming at me from stabbing her a second time.

With what little strength I had left I pushed him back.

The last thing I saw before I hit the ground was Choi falling to the street and a car crashing into him, then all was darkness.