
Chapter 10

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

Voices... I recognize them, Mom... Ji-A... Sae-Hyun, many others are unknown to me. Most of the time I can't even understand what they say, but sometimes I do.

"Do you love him?

"I think so... you, do you have feelings for him?"

I couldn't hear the other person's response before total unconsciousness possessed me again.

It went on like that God knows how long, then one day I was able to open my eyelids.

It's harder than I ever remember it being, I kept closing and opening my eyelids due to the blinding brightness of the whole place, after a few I was finally able to keep my eyelids open.

I looked around me recognizing a hospital room, I tried to get up, but the pain in my belly and shoulder made me stop and let out a groan.

My groan seemed to alert someone beside me "Mi-Noo!" Said an indistinguishable female voice belonging to Ji-A, as I watched her face, I could notice an overflowing happiness in her to the point that she already had some tears building up on her face, she was about to jump on me, but recovered before she did "I'm going to warn the doctors!"

She ran out of the room and shortly after some doctors and nurses came in, for several minutes they did several tests on me to make sure I am fully awake and not keeping any sequelae.

When that was over three people came in, Ji-A, Sae-Hyun, and my mother.

"Everything looks fine, we still need to do more tests, but apparently he doesn't have any sequelae, you can talk, but please don't wear him out too much" said the doctor before walking out and leaving the three of us alone.

"My baby" My mother said before hugging me by the head, still tired and confused, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by how she hugged me having Ji-A and Sae-Hyun present.

"Mo... Mom" I said in a hoarse and dry voice, my vocal cords seeming to have been unused for a while and my throat barely moistened.

Sae-Hyun seemed to notice this and picked up a bottle of water, he took the cap and poured some before passing me the water, which was welcomed by my mouth "You should drink some, just woken up it's dangerous to drink too much."

"Thank you" I said a little better than before "What happened?" I said trying to keep everything brief.

"You were attacked, stabbed and beaten" said my mother her voice almost cracking, I had never seen her like that.

"It was Choi" Said Sae-Hyun "They were able to save you because a man was driving, he hit Choi and when he stopped, he saw you lying bleeding to death on the sidewalk, he quickly called the ambulance and kept your wounds covered as best he could."

I see... Whoever you are stranger, thank you very much "Wh... What happened to Choi?" I hope that bastard suffers for what he did to me.

"The crash broke his spine" This time it was Ji-A who answered, "His parents dropped him from insurance and refused to pay for reconstructive operations, he's alive, but doomed to a wheelchair" Well knowing that makes me happy, fuck that crazy bastard.

I let out a sigh of relief "The law?" That's still a problem, I may have just defended myself, but without witnesses I might get in trouble if he charges me with attempted murder.

"The law is on our side honey" Said my mother "They found out he was drunk when he attacked you. He still did more damage to you where you just stepped on his head. The stab wounds, the blow to the rib and the blows to the face show that he was much more aggressive, plus investigating they found out that he was in a bar before he went after you and according to the Barman, he saw him leave after he saw someone pass outside the bar."

So that's how he found me... He followed me after passing in front of a bar where he was, so busy with all my problems, I didn't even notice him.

"Bottom line, other than Choi's words nothing points to you having done more than just defend yourself, even if it gets to the jury victory is more or less certain on your side" Sae-Hyun said.

Again, I let out a sigh of relief.

"How long have I been here?" my voice begins to sound better.

"A week and a half, you lost a lot of blood and hit your head when you fell" Ji-A replied again "Your mother arrived right away, we took turns taking care of you so she could rest."

"Y-your studies?" That worries me, even a week and a half without studying is not something Ji-A can afford in the current state of her grades.

"It's okay, I helped her in her classes and studied here while taking care of you" Sae-Hyun's answer comforted me a little.

"You found yourself a good friend sweetie" My mother smiled at Sae-Hyun "And I'm happy that Ji-A was here for you."

Knowing Ji-A's mother my mother is aware of everything that happened with my childhood friend, but right now she doesn't seem to have any bad opinion of her, she just shows appreciation.

For several minutes we were catching up and explaining to me how things went while I was in the coma.

Obviously, among the three of us, the one who took care of me the most was my mother, because despite her desire to stay by my side, both Ji-A and Sae-Hyun had to worry about college.

Speaking of the latter, because of the unique conditions of my absence they will not be considered.

At some point my mother decided to leave the room to go ask if she can give me something to eat.

"He's quite a character, He?" I said sarcastically to Sae-Hyun.

"She's very energetic, stern, but also nice" Sae-Hyun sat on the edge of my bed, just as Ji-A did the same on the other side.

"If she's always been like that" I leaned back a little better on the gurney, my mind traveled back to those little moments of consciousness I had in the middle of the coma, the voices who could only be Sae-Hyun and Ji-A... I don't know which one though.

"Is something wrong?" Ji-A asked me she seemed to notice my thoughtful expression.

"Yeah... I... In the middle of the coma, I had some slight moments of consciousness, not very long or clear, but I could hear things, I didn't always understand and some I already forgot... But one stayed with me" The girls seemed to pay more attention as soon as I said that "I think I heard them talking about something... About loving someone."

I seriously think that someone is me... Or maybe I'm rather hoping that someone was me. I don't forget that before Choi's attack I was thinking about having a second date with Sae-Hyun or would it be a third if the rugby training thing counts.

As for Ji-A it's true that I haven't been in love with her for a while now. I still love her as a great friend, even as a sister and it's also true that I find her absurdly attractive... Maybe I'd give it a shot, but I'm not sure if it would work out.

"A yeah... That was a week ago we had that conversation" Sae-Hyun said, she notices embarrassed a slight blush making its way on her cheeks, Ji-A doesn't look any better.

"Yeah... I started all that, I just... I had the doubt" Ji-A said averting her eyes.

"Then, may I know what it was all about?"

Sae-Hyun let out a sigh, she seemed to take courage and looked at me "Ji-A asked me if I'm in love with you... I guess there's no point, my answer was yes" I felt my heartbeat with excitement listening to her "It's complicated, I'm not one hundred percent sure if I am, but... I definitely feel for you what I've never felt for any other guy, it could be just novelty or my interest overflowing and confusing me."

I was about to answer before remembering that the question was asked for both of us, I looked towards Ji-A "Ji-A?" I questioned.

"I don't love you; I mean, I love you, but not in that way... I well, I admitted that while I don't like you on a sentimental level, you do on a more... Carnal level" Ho... Well, that's better, I'm not in the mood for a love triangle, not after being stabbed.

"I see... Well, I admit I reciprocate both of your feelings for me" That seemed to surprise them "But I think any possible thing that can be created here should be worked out more... You know spend some time getting to know each other Sae-Hyun, and rediscovering you Ji-A, you changed over the last year... Just like me"

"So, shall we start over?" asked Sae-Hyun.

"That would be best, so... Hi Ji-A, hi Sae-Hyun, my name is Mi-Noo nice to meet you" I said in a joking way.

"Nice to meet you Mi-Noo" they both replied at the same time, that made us burst out laughing at the silliness of the moment.

Pitifully, the laughter made my belly ache and I let out a small groan which made them alert and almost jump at me "It's okay, it's okay, I just shouldn't laugh for a few days" They both let out a sigh of relief.

My fair mother returned with a tray in hand loaded with more food than I can consume "Did I miss anything?" she questioned.

The three of us just looked at each other and shook our heads with a smile.

POV Sae-Hyun

"Mi-Noo for god's sake it's only 6 months, I can still get around on my own" I said with some exasperation.

The man holds me by one arm as he helps me lie down on the bed, my belly swollen from the presence of our progeny deforming my clothes a bit and then the sheets he put over me.

"For the last time Sae-Hyun let yourself be pampered" He answered me crossing his muscular arms in front of his beefy chest... Stupid sexy husband.

"You're not pampering me; you're pampering our daughter and she's not even born yet" He just smiled at my words.

"I'm cooking today, you make yourself comfortable" It would be a novelty if he hadn't been cooking since he found out about the pregnancy, he left the room, and I could only let out a sigh of exasperation.

I took my phone and immediately started a video call, Ji-A answered almost immediately "What is it?" I asked instantly.

"Girl, and Mi-Noo already increased her cuddles as soon as she found out" That made the girl let out a giggle.

"I told you to get ready to compete for him, he's always had a thing for children."

"Yeah, I think I already noticed" As soon as Mi-Noo found out that I'm pregnant, things changed instantly, quit his job for the whole time of my pregnancy and started treating me like a crystal queen.

"Now I have to hurry up to give that little friend" Ji-A said as a joke.

"Don't despair poor Jung-Woo, have it when you both feel ready, despairing these things brings no good" At the end of the day I am pregnant because we both decided we wanted to have children.

"O, but we've been thinking about it, we have our own house, stable salary, good economy, Jung-Woo thinks it's about time and frankly I consider I'm ready too" Ji-A said.

"If that's the case, I wish them luck, but make it clear to him that you're not fragile like glass, I still regret letting him spoil me the first few months" Ji-A just laughed at my fake misery.

It's been several years since we got out of college, as we had said we decided to get to know each other better before making any moves, by the third year we started dating (Not without Ji-A and Mi-Noo having their night of activity before we started dating) we got married two years ago and taking advantage of the good time we are in we decided to have a son or would it be fairer to say daughter.

When I look back at how I was before I met Mi-Noo... I probably would never have been in this position, with a loving husband, a daughter on the way and broadly speaking being happy.

After all, the three of us changed a lot.